Gynecological ultrasound is commonly understood as a special method for diagnosing a woman's reproductive system, which is carried out using special ultrasound equipment. The purpose of this study is primarily to identify possible gynecological diseases in the early stages of development, to monitor the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus itself. Gynecological ultrasound of adolescents allows you to quickly identify possible congenital anomalies in the formation of the urinary organs.

Reason for the popularity of this method
Among all the extraordinary variety of screening diagnostic methods at the moment, gynecological ultrasound occupies a leading position. This kind of popularity and demand at the same time due to several reasons. So, first of all, gynecological ultrasound is one of the most affordable diagnostic methods from a financial point of view, which allows you to give a greatthe amount of information about the current state of the female reproductive system. Moreover, this procedure is completely painless and excludes the possible penetration of dangerous infections into the body. On the other hand, this method does not require additional serious preparation from the patient and is possible without restrictions for conducting (unlike, for example, MRI).

Disease Diagnosis
Thanks to the use of this research method, a specialist (gynecologist) can study the position of the uterus, appendages in as much detail as possible, determine the size of the ovaries, and detect neoplasms. In addition, often gynecological ultrasound is also prescribed for invasive interventions during the gestation of crumbs in the womb, including for its surgical interruption. It is important to note that gynecological ultrasound is prescribed, depending on the disease, in different phases of the menstrual cycle. For example, in the first phase, uterine fibroids are better seen, in the second half of the cycle, as a rule, endometriosis is determined. For preventive purposes, an ultrasound examination is most often prescribed by a specialist around the fifth day after the start of menstruation.
Gynecological ultrasound. Species

At the moment, experts distinguish between two types of ultrasound in such a field as gynecology: transvaginal and transabdominal. Let's consider each of them in more detail. So, in the first case, gynecologists use a special sensor, which is placed directly in the patient's vagina. This typeis the most informative during pregnancy, as well as in the diagnosis of serious diseases at the initial stage. Transabdominal ultrasound is more often performed in the second and third trimesters of bearing crumbs in the womb. In this case, the study is carried out through the wall of the abdomen. It is important to note that a prerequisite is the full bladder of the future woman in labor, due to which an “acoustic window” is formed, using which the doctor examines the reproductive organs. Depending on the objectives of the study, the gynecologist himself determines one or another method.