Diseases of the liver and bile ducts are all that a hepatologist treats, who is a necessary and especially important he alth worker. Usually the patient rarely comes for help to such a specialist individually. This doctor is usually referred by a gastroenterologist or general practitioner.

When you need to contact a hepatologist
The liver is considered a rather special organ, requiring, in essence, the assistance of a narrow-profile professional. Often, a gastroenterologist cannot give an accurate conclusion, because the diagnosis of liver diseases is difficult due to other ailments of the abdominal organs. The hepatologist himself will already ask the patient certain questions about his symptoms, perform an examination and give a direction for the necessary studies. You should make an appointment with a doctor if you experience these symptoms:
- loss of appetite;
- skin itching;
- weight loss;
- permanent intoxication;
- pain in the liver area;
- dark circles under the eyes;
- high body temperature;
- changing the color of urine to brown;
- feces color - light brown;
- bad dream;
- yellowingeyeballs and mucous membranes.
It is also worth considering that if the patient noticed these signs in time and reacted correctly to them, then in most cases a favorable course of the disease is possible.
Some indicators of ailments
Peculiar male symptoms, probably indicative of problems with the liver, are an increase in the abdomen, which begins to look like a "beer barrel", and a decrease in sexual functioning. In women, the mammary glands enlarge. And hence it follows that the hepatologist treats the liver.

Patients with cirrhosis of this organ also suffer from bleeding and swelling of the gums, the occurrence of chronic pain in the abdominal cavity, as well as some absent-mindedness, inability to focus on work or other long-term training due to the endless feeling of general fatigue.
Often, in the initial stages of liver disease, patients simply ignore the above signs. However, if the state of fatigue continues for a week or even more, and your stomach hurts, then you need to urgently make an appointment with a doctor.
How to prepare for a specialist visit
This he alth worker has to carefully understand all the indicators of the patient, get acquainted with his life and work activities. We have to take into account all the ailments suffered by the patient (in particular, the viral form), determine chronic diseases, study the medicines used by the patient (especially those that are used on the advicefriends or relatives). There are certain steps in preparing for a conversation with a doctor.
- Shower required and clean clothes required.
- Bring the results of research and past medical examinations with you.
- Do not eat 5-7 hours before the start of the consultation for examinations of the liver, as well as other organs.
- It is forbidden to take alcohol (even minimally), fatty, fried and s alty foods (this mostly affects the occurrence of liver disorders).
- Need to prepare a medical card.
Hepatologist consultation
At the appointment, the doctor will definitely ask about the presence of symptoms and listen to all the patient's complaints. In addition, the specialist will perform a palpation study to detect superficial liver dysfunction, if any. Also, the hepatologist can prescribe tests and, if necessary, offer the patient to go to the hospital for a special examination. The doctor will also give lifestyle advice and prescribe medications.

Tests and examinations
The hepatologist prescribes examinations depending on the patient's condition. They can be:
- Liver ultrasound;
- encephalography;
- abdominal computed tomography;
- blood analysis and biochemistry;
- urinalysis;
- puncture liver biopsy;
- hemoglobin;
- test for the detection of viruses and their effectiveness.
Specificexaminations prescribed by a hepatologist are esophagoscopy (examination of the esophagus through an auxiliary tube), as well as colonoscopy (examination of the rectum using a colonoscope). All of the above diagnostics will help you find out the he alth status of the whole body and liver.
Today, "advanced" patients already know not to go to the doctor without the results of the main tests.

Liver profile study
To determine liver disease, you need to do this special blood test for biochemistry, which will reveal the level:
- bilirubin (increases with jaundice - a disorder in the outflow of bile);
- aspartate aminotransferase (the leading catalyst produced by liver erythrocytes, whose work is directly connected with inflammatory developments in the organ);
- alanine aminotransferase (a liver enzyme elevated in cirrhosis);
- presence of C-reactive protein (its detection during tissue destruction may confirm cirrhosis itself);
- gamma-glutamyltransferase (a protein produced by the liver and significantly increased in the blood with the systematic and prolonged use of alcohol).
Hepatologist usually prescribes a fasting blood test in the morning. 2 hours before the study, it is forbidden to drink coffee, tea or juice, chew gum and smoke. It is also important to avoid alcohol intake 3 days before the test, exclude heavy physical exertion and overstrain.

What a hepatologist treats
Knowing the patient's symptoms, the specialist establishes a diagnosis and prescribes further therapy. The doctor deals with the treatment of diseases such as:
- cholangitis;
- enteroviral hepatitis;
- cirrhosis;
- jaundice;
- Gilbert's syndrome;
- gallstone disease;
- hemochromatosis;
- infectious mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr disease);
- hepatitis C and B (chronic and acute);
- leptospirosis (Weil-Vasiliev disease);
- fatty hepatosis;
- toxoplasmosis (carried by rodents).
Most Popular Liver Diseases
A little earlier we talked about what a hepatologist treats, and now you can find out what kind of main liver ailments people most often get.
The liver in the human body performs the function of a determining laboratory, an organ of hematopoiesis and digestion. Directly its performance is combined with other organs and the entire system of the human body. The manifestations of her defeat are also countless, diverse and atypical. Often, these indicators of the disease are hidden under others, and the patient has a delay in resorting to the services of a medical worker.

What kind of diseases most affect the liver? Experts identify 3 ailments:
- cirrhosis;
- hepatitis;
- cholecystitis.
Cirrhosis of the liver
It is considered the most severe and serious disease - any hepatologist can say this. Moscow isexactly the city where various measures are taken to treat this disease.
Usually cirrhosis is formed as a result of prolonged use of alcoholic beverages, when the body can no longer cope with the excretion of poisons. However, not fully cured hepatitis can also lead to cirrhosis. Instead of he althy hepatic erythrocytes, which are constantly being restored, the so-called connective matter is formed. It cannot, due to its structure, perform those appointments that are assigned to the liver. In this regard, the body begins to give significant failures.
You can protect yourself from such a disease if you follow the minimum hygiene conditions and also do not drink dirty liquid. Hepatitis is an inflammatory ailment: a virus enters the body, which induces the disease. Another disease can be formed due to alcohol intake. Any surgeon-hepatologist can tell about this with confidence. Misuse of certain medications can also provoke hepatitis (there is a strong poisoning of the body).
This ailment usually appears as a result of inflammation of the gallbladder. Also, there is a metabolic disorder in the body, the bile ducts become clogged, and inflammation increases due to bile retention.
What is the price of a consultation in Russia
A visit to a hepatologist in the capital will cost approximately 2,500-3,000 rubles on average. Subsequent therapy and its cost must already be agreed with the specialist at the reception. It is also worth considering that hepatologists are considered doctors.a rare profession, and that is why they determine the prices for treatment on their own. And both a pediatric hepatologist and an adult today will cost the average person quite a lot.

Hepatologist advice
- To prevent hepatitis C and B, do not drink tap water, unwashed fruits and vegetables.
- Don't forget to always wash your hands before eating and after going to the toilet.
- You can not have sex without a condom with a partner suffering from hepatitis of any group, and also resort to anal sex. Or when a woman has critical days.
- Should wear protective glasses (for example, a surgeon, dentist or medical laboratory assistant) before starting work, because infected blood, penetrating into the mucous membrane of the eyeball, instantly exposes the hepatitis virus.
- If the patient has cirrhosis of the liver, then he needs to control the regularity of the stool, which should be twice a day.
- Another hepatologist, whose reviews are left by patients, may recommend monitoring the volume of fluid drunk and excreted. If less is consumed and more comes out, then an urgent need to see a doctor.
The general prevention of ailments of the liver, as well as the biliary tract, is a diet with a reduced content of fatty, spicy, fried, and little or no alcohol consumption (an exception may be red wine - 1 glass every 7 days).