Pelvicalyceal system: structure, functions, norm and deviations, symptoms of diseases

Pelvicalyceal system: structure, functions, norm and deviations, symptoms of diseases
Pelvicalyceal system: structure, functions, norm and deviations, symptoms of diseases

Those who have ever done an ultrasound, could pay attention to the line in the doctor's report: PLS parameters. The pelvicalyceal system is the functional part of the kidney. This system has a complex structure and in a he althy state it works incessantly. But problems with the pyelocaliceal system of the kidneys can lead to serious diseases.

Structure of the PCS of the kidneys

Kidney incision
Kidney incision

The tissues that make up the PCS are the cortical layer and the medulla. And the structure of the PCS consists of a calyx and a pelvis, which are connected by a special rather narrow neck.

In each of the two kidneys there are 6-12 small cups, which are connected by 2-3 and merge into larger cups. The result is 4 large cups that open in the pelvis, which is a funnel-shaped cavity.

The inside of the pelvis is made of tissue that has the ability to resist the damaging effects of urine. And peristalsis and urine outputprovide smooth muscle tissue located under the mucosa. Thus, the fluid in the pelvis does not accumulate and passes further into the ureter.

The entire urinary fluid path

Urinary fluid is formed in the glomerulus after filtering the blood plasma. From there, urine enters the structure of the tubules, which lead it to the pyramids. Then it enters first into the cups, and then into the pelvis of the pelvicalyceal system.

Functions performed by CLS

In the human body, the kidneys perform a number of very important functions, which include the excretory function. And it is in the pyelocaliceal system that the urinary fluid first accumulates and then is excreted. The presence of CHLS pathologies leads to disruption of the work of not only the kidneys, but the whole organism as a whole.

Normal PCS sizes in adults

Organ blood supply
Organ blood supply

The size of the pyelocaliceal system of the kidney in an adult should not exceed 10 mm. This rate is the same for both men and women. But it is worth noting that these parameters may be different during a woman's pregnancy. The pyelocaliceal system in the first trimester of pregnancy can reach 18 mm, and by the end of pregnancy - 27 mm. But sometimes an increase in PCS indicates the development of pathologies.

The pyelocaliceal system is normal in children

It is logical that in children the pelvises are smaller. In a completely he althy child, the size of the PCS is 4-5 mm, in rare cases - up to 8 mm, in newborn babies - within 7-10 mm.

Follow the development of the urinary tractstructure is possible as early as the 17th week of the term. So, within 17-32 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the pelvis should be about 4 mm, and at 33-38 weeks - 7 mm.

Factors influencing the size of the PCS

Kidney structure
Kidney structure

The size of the pelvis does not always increase due to pathologies. But still, it is worth keeping the condition of the expectant mother under control and regularly undergoing diagnostics. But the following factors can also influence the size of the PCS:

  • Neoplasm in the urinary system.
  • Kidney stone formation.
  • Pathologies in the structure. For example, various kinks and twists.

Possible pathological processes

Any inflammatory process can lead to problems in the excretion of urine and to various serious diseases. But also these diseases can be congenital:

  • Expansion of the pelvicalyceal system of the kidneys.
  • Doubling the FPV.
  • Sealing of the pelvicalyceal system.

Doubling the kidney system

Organ location
Organ location

Another name for this pathology is incomplete duplication of the kidney. This ailment is not considered a disease, since in most cases a person has no complaints, and very often he does not even know about his pathology. Although in the presence of this anomaly, the kidney becomes more vulnerable to inflammatory processes.

Doubling of the kidney can begin even in the process of intrauterine formation of the child. Only one of the systems can double, and the number of cups, and the renal pelvis, and ureters. May besuch that the additional pelvis has more than one ureter, which later merge together and form a single channel that flows into the bladder.

Problems begin when fluid stagnation occurs, that is, urine does not completely exit the pelvis. This can soon lead to the appearance of diseases. But also fluid stagnation creates good conditions for the life and reproduction of various microorganisms, which increases the possibility of an inflammatory process.

This anomaly can be recognized by the following features:

  • Pain in the kidney area.
  • Edema.
  • Difficulty urinating.
  • Pressure spikes.
  • Weakness.

There is no treatment for such an anomaly, but when inflammation begins, the doctor prescribes appropriate therapy and drugs.

The pyelocaliceal system is expanded - what is it?

Kidneys "ache"
Kidneys "ache"

Expanded PCS can be either a congenital anomaly or acquired due to certain reasons. Common causes include strictures, which are characterized by narrowing or severe blockage of the ureter that occurs during pregnancy. As a result, urine passes through the ureter with difficulty, or it ends blindly.

If the expanded pyelocaliceal system was formed due to other pathologies, then the doctor is more likely to diagnose hydronephrosis.

Compacted PCS

The compaction of the pyelocaliceal system occurs due to various inflammatory processes. One of the most frequent such processes is pyelonephritis. In this case, the pelvicalyceal system is compacted due to the constant process of tissue damage and changes in the structure of the PCS, which leads to the appearance of numerous symptoms and adverse effects.

There are three stages of changes in the structure of CHLS during the inflammatory process:

  • Alteration. This stage begins when microorganisms enter an organism that cannot resist them, that is, when the epithelium begins to die due to the appearance of various defects on it.
  • Exudation. At this stage, leukocytes and immunocomplexes begin to move into the affected area, which is trying to fight the adverse effects of microorganisms. Due to this process, blood flow to the inflamed area increases, and the walls of the PCS swell.
  • Proliferation. At this stage, the walls of the CHLS are even more compacted due to the fact that the epithelial tissue begins to rapidly divide and grows even more, separating the affected area from the he althy one.

The cause of pyelonephritis is the ingestion of pathogenic bacteria. Weakened immunity, hypothermia and hypovitaminosis can also lead to the development of the disease. Symptoms of acute pyelonephritis are pronounced pain, fever, weakness. But in the case of a chronic illness, the signs are more blurred.


kidney pain
kidney pain

The cause of this disease is a violation in the excretion of urine and stagnation of fluid in the kidneys. Fluid obstructions include:

  • Renalstone.
  • Oncological neoplasm.
  • Change in tissue structure due to inflammation.
  • Mechanical trauma to the renal system.

Due to the stagnation of urine in the pelvis, the pressure in the PCS increases. But at first, the increased pressure is compensated by the fact that the kidneys consist of several muscle layers and the muscles are stretched. But after some time, the pelvis becomes such that they can no longer return to their normal state. An anomaly in the early stages is called calicoectasia and is not yet considered hydronephrosis.

If the development of the pathology continues, then the kidney parenchyma begins to suffer, and this, in turn, is the cause of changes in the structure of the PCS. Due to the incessant pressure, the tissues of the kidneys become thinner and less supplied with blood. As a result, inflamed tissues cannot function properly, which can lead to kidney failure.

Early stage hydronephrosis can be identified by the following signs:

  • Pain in the lumbar region.
  • Hematuria.
  • Increase in pressure.
  • Edema.

And the causes of hydronephrosis include:

  • ChLS pathologies.
  • Mechanical damage to the kidney.
  • Kidney stones.

Lower tone

This pathology is called hypotension of the pelvis of the right kidney. In this case, urine is excreted as usual and without any difficulties. In more cases, this pathology is congenital and occurs in the fetus during a woman's pregnancy, if she has hadhormonal failure or with regular nervous tension. The further development of hypotension is favorably affected by dysfunction of the nervous system and mechanical damage to the urinary canals.

Neoplasms in the form of stones

Calculation can form in both kidneys from the body's accumulated nutrients. Some types of stones do not affect the functioning of the urinary system in any way, as they grow slowly, but some of them cannot be disposed of in the company of urine and clog the pelvis. Ignoring treatment of the disease can lead to rupture of the damaged kidney.

Malignant tumor

type of kidney
type of kidney

In rather rare cases, a patient may be diagnosed with an oncological tumor or cyst of the renal pelvis. In this case, an increase in the size of the epithelium, which is the outer shell of the organ, is observed. In the medical field, this disease is called adenocarcinoma. For a long time, the neoplasm manifests itself as inflammation. And bright signs appear only when the neoplasm grows inside the pelvis of the kidney.

ChLS neoplasms represent up to 7% of renal system cancers. At the same time, it is worth paying attention that most often tumors occur in that part of the population that is about 70 years old.

The main reasons that favorably affect the development of the tumor include:

  • Endemic Balkan nephropathy.
  • Prolonged use of drugs containing phenacetin.
  • Contact with aniline dyes and hitinto the body of exhaust gases.
  • Regular contact with substances containing oil, solvents.
  • Chronic pathologies of the urinary system.

Diagnosis and treatment

In most cases, the pathology associated with PCS is diagnosed with an ultrasound examination of the kidneys. The ultrasound procedure will allow the doctor to see the location of the kidneys, the size of the organ. The doctor will be able to identify the compaction of the outer walls, as well as the presence of sand or stones. In addition, the patient must undergo a urinalysis, and, if necessary, other additional tests prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment is selected exclusively by the attending physician, depending on the diagnosis. In the presence of stones and pyelonephritis, conservative measures are prescribed, in case of tissue damage and congenital anomalies - symptomatic treatment, and in case of especially severe diseases - hemodialysis or surgical intervention.

Disease prevention

Diseases associated with PCS can occur in both adults and children. Therefore, even in the presence of excellent he alth, it will not hurt to carry out prophylaxis, which will not only prevent illness, but also keep the PCS in good condition.

First of all, you should regularly conduct ultrasound and take tests. And in order to keep the urinary system normal, you need to empty the bladder in a timely manner and prevent fluid stagnation. Experts also advise people who sit most of the day to do warm-ups. In addition, you can try herbal medicine, but before that you need a mandatory consultation with your doctor. Also good for he althsleep, exercise, proper nutrition and lack of stress.

It is worth remembering that most stones contain sodium ions. Knowing this, you can take a number of preventive measures that are aimed at minimizing the risk of kidney stones. The most important thing that can help reduce sodium levels in the body is to avoid s alt. And take drugs that remove s alt from the body. Some doctors recommend using diuretic teas and decoctions as a preventive measure. But before taking any drug, you need to consult a specialist!
