Ellagic acid is a fairly rare substance. It is part of some types of fruits, berries and nuts. This compound is able to rejuvenate the body, it also has anti-cancer properties. Where is this substance found? And is it really helpful? We will consider these issues in the article.
What is this
In terms of chemistry, ellagic acid is a phenolic compound. It acts as an antioxidant. So in medicine they call substances that slow down the oxidation reactions in the body. This prevents the accumulation of harmful substances (free radicals).

For which system is ellagic acid important? This compound protects the cells of the body from the effects of carcinogens. In addition, the antioxidant is necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system, heart and blood vessels.
Consider the beneficial properties of ellagic acid. As already mentioned, this substance is able to prevent cancer. It also slows down the spreadcancerous tumors. How does it happen?
Normal body cells live for about 120 days. Then they die. In their place, new young cells are formed. This process is called apoptosis. This life cycle is typical for he althy cells.
However, cancer cells do not undergo apoptosis and do not die. Ellagic acid allows you to start the process of their death. At the same time, it acts selectively only on the tumor, without affecting he althy tissue areas.
Medical studies have proven the following anticarcinogenic effect of this antioxidant:
- For two days, this substance stops the growth of tumor cells.
- The acid causes the natural death of cancer cells (apoptosis) within 3 days. This effect has been noted in cancers of the breast, prostate, skin, and gastrointestinal tract.
- The antioxidant prevents the destruction of the p53 gene, which protects cells from cancer.
- Ellagic acid fights oncogenic types of human papillomavirus (HPV).
In addition, this substance has the following therapeutic effects:
- anti-inflammatory;
- antibacterial and antiviral;
- hypotensive;
- vasodilating;
- hepatoprotective.
Acid prevents aging of skin cells. It blocks the formation of enzymes that destroy collagen fibers. This prevents wrinkles. Ellagic acid also protects the epidermis from ultraviolet radiation. It is part of cosmetic products for prevention.skin aging, sunscreen and whitening creams.
Where is contained
This useful substance is found in only some berries, fruits and nuts. Ellagic acid is found in the following foods:
- raspberries;
- blackberry;
- cloudberry;
- strawberries;
- cranberries;
- grenades;
- guave;
- walnuts;
- pecans;
- liver fungus.
Let's look at these types of food in more detail.
Berries and fruits
The highest amount of this acid is found in raspberries and blackberries. It reaches a concentration of about 300 mg per 100 g of product. The fruits of these plants are drupes. Berries are made up of tiny seeds. It is in them that 90% of this useful substance is located. Therefore, for the prevention of cancer, you need to eat fresh fruits. If you eat 150 g of raspberries or blackberries a day, then this will serve as a good tool for the prevention of cancer and papillomatosis.

This acid is also found in cloudberries. This northern berry belongs to the same plant genus as the raspberry. The content of the substance in its fruits ranges from 50 to 300 mg per 100 g. It depends on the maturity and growing conditions of the berry.
This beneficial compound is found in much smaller amounts in strawberries and cranberries. The use of these berries is indicated for urinary tract infections, as well as for the prevention of cancer of the prostate, intestines and mammary glands.
Pomegranate contains a relatively small amount of this substance- about 35 - 75 mg per 100 g. For the prevention of cancer, doctors recommend drinking pomegranate juice. 1 liter of this drink contains a large amount (about 1500-2000 mg) of punicalagin. In the body, this compound is converted into ellagic acid.

Phenolic antioxidants are also found in guava. Their number is approximately the same in white and red fruits. However, this exotic fruit is rarely seen on sale.
Walnuts contain about the same amount of acid as strawberries. In addition, they contain he althy omega-3 fats. This enhances the rejuvenating effect and strengthens blood vessels. 8 fruits contain about 800 mg of the antioxidant.

Pecans belong to the same genus of plants as walnuts. However, the content of acid in them is much less - from 20 to 80 mg per 1 g.
Liver mushroom
This product is quite rare. Liver fungus (or common liverwort) is a growth on the bark of oaks and chestnuts. It is used in vegetarian cuisine as a meat substitute.

Liver mushroom is rich not only in antioxidants, but also in vitamin C. It has hepatoprotective and anti-carcinogenic properties.
Ellagic acid in products is quite rare and in small doses. To achieve a tangible therapeutic effect, you need to eat about a basket of raspberries or blackberries. Therefore these daysthe pharmaceutical industry produces drugs and dietary supplements with this substance. The following supplements are based on acid:
- "Maxiliv".
- "Ellagothon".
- "Pomegranate extract" (tablets).
Indications for the use of these drugs are the following diseases and conditions:
- malignant tumors of the prostate, cervix, breast, skin, gastrointestinal tract;
- arterial hypertension;
- fibrotic changes in the lungs and liver;
- side effects of chemotherapy;
- excessive skin pigmentation due to UV exposure.
It is important to remember that these drugs should not be used as monotherapy for cancerous tumors. Bioadditives can only be used as an addition to the main treatment.
Patients note the rejuvenating effect of acid-based dietary supplements. After the course of treatment, their former vigor and activity returned to them, people began to get sick less often. This is due to the powerful antioxidant effect of the substance.
Positive feedback is also left by patients with liver disease. Bioadditives helped them stop the development of fibrotic changes and improve their well-being.
Reviews from cancer patients can be found a little. This tool is used in the complex therapy of cancer relatively recently. However, patients who have undergone chemotherapy believe that acid supplements helped them recover faster after taking cytostatics. Nausea, dizziness and weakness disappeared in patients.
Can be foundpositive feedback on the use of dried pomegranate septa in breast cancer. After the course of treatment, the number of tumor cells decreased in patients and the indicators of tumor markers returned to normal. However, in these cases, pomegranate partitions were used in conjunction with traditional medicines, other herbal remedies for cancer, and adherence to a special diet. Only such an integrated approach provides a tangible therapeutic effect.