Safe dose of alcohol: consumption rates, effects on the body, possible consequences

Safe dose of alcohol: consumption rates, effects on the body, possible consequences
Safe dose of alcohol: consumption rates, effects on the body, possible consequences

Heavy drinking is a real problem in almost every country. Alcohol is a liquid that contains alcohol. An alcoholic drink will never do any good, especially if consumed in large quantities. Such a liquid calms and depresses the central nervous system. It can be beer, wine or other spirits. Few people think that alcoholism is a disease that causes addiction, and then a person takes alcohol-containing products systematically. They say that the allowable rate turned out to be a myth. Is there a safe amount of alcohol per day for women and men or not? Let's try to figure it out.

Safe amount of alcohol per day
Safe amount of alcohol per day

Symptoms of Alcoholism

Symptoms can be: psychological, neurological and somatic disorders, a person moves less, the working capacity of the mind decreases, and the individual begins to degrade, that is, he ceases to think sensibly. His house is as dirty as he is. Alcoholworks as a stimulant, thanks to which tension is relieved, and a person relaxes. Few people thought about the effect alcohol has on the human body. Do not look for a safe dose of alcohol per day, because any will be fatal.

A safe dose of alcohol turned out to be a myth
A safe dose of alcohol turned out to be a myth

What happens to the body?

If a person consumes alcohol in large doses, then his psyche is oppressed and his will is weakened, and interest in his life and in the fate of his loved ones disappears. An alcoholic woman has 2.5 times more gynecological diseases than a he althy woman. If you drink alcohol for a long time, then the brain cells die, and the person becomes, to put it mildly, stupid. It also affects the nervous, digestive and circulatory systems.

Safe amount of alcohol per week
Safe amount of alcohol per week

Heart and blood vessels

The leading place in human mortality is occupied by diseases of the cardiovascular system, because when drinking alcohol, the heart muscle is affected, and because of this, a person becomes seriously ill or dies. In an individual who drinks frequently, the rhythm of breathing goes astray, and he begins to inhale more often.

Safe dose of alcohol myth
Safe dose of alcohol myth

Gastrointestinal problems

Alcohol also affects the gastrointestinal tract. Such people develop gastritis, peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. The work of the salivary glands is disrupted, and other pathologies develop.

There is no safe amount of alcohol
There is no safe amount of alcohol

Liver damage

Very bad alcohol affects the liver,after all, it is the main "chemical laboratory" of the human body, which performs an antitoxic function. When alcohol is taken, the functions of the liver go astray, and this can lead to cirrhosis of the organ. People who drink alcohol for a long time can have children who are seriously ill, weak, or mentally retarded. Perhaps no alcoholic will ever admit that he is at the mercy of this substance. He inspires himself and the people around him that he does not depend on alcoholic beverages, which he can quit at any moment. They come up with a lot of excuses, but do not admit that they are alcoholics.

Delirium tremens

The most severe form of alcoholism is delirium tremens, that is, a person experiences hallucinations, clouding of consciousness. At the same time, such a person has trembling, high blood pressure, fever and a very fast pulse. Most addicted people require medical attention during detox (that is, the period when a person does not drink alcohol). This time lasts from two to seven days.

Safe amount of alcohol for women
Safe amount of alcohol for women

Changes in appearance

Constant drinking leads to early aging or disability. Alcoholics live 15-20 years less than the average person. Such people deceive themselves, loved ones and play with fate. They are not interested in non-drinking company, so they choose the same people to hang out with.

Kidneys and adrenal glands

Alcoholic drinks have a negative effect on the kidneys: alcohol abuse disrupts their excretory function. There is a failure in the urinary system and,respectively, in the work of its organs. Alcohol has a very bad effect on the renal epithelium, which disrupts the functioning of these organs.

WHO safe doses of alcohol
WHO safe doses of alcohol

Mental problems

When drinking large amounts of alcohol, psychological abnormalities are detected - these are hallucinations, body parts go numb, muscle cramps occur and sometimes weakness of the limbs. If you abstain from alcohol, then everything will pass.


Alcohol consumption also affects the human immune system, disrupting the production of lymphocytes, and inhibits hematopoiesis. Alcohol abuse does not lead to anything good, it leaves an imprint on the work of the entire human body.

Sexual impotence

Due to the frequent use of alcohol, sexual function decreases. It is better for a man to drink vodka than to make love with his companion. Chronic use of alcohol leads to muscle wasting or skin diseases.

Women's Alcoholism

Alcoholism has a very bad effect on the female body. According to statistics, in the 19th century it was rare to find a woman who was addicted to alcohol, but already in the 20th century they entered the total number of alcoholics. Women's alcoholism is more difficult to cure than men's, if a pregnant woman consumes a large amount of alcohol, it will harm her child, he may be born handicapped. There are exceptions when he althy children are born to alcoholic women, but this is not an indicator. After all, he althy children can be born to alcoholics only when they do not drink alcohol 2-3year.

Also, scientists have proven that 93% of children of alcoholics in adulthood also become addicted to alcohol. Children of alcoholics find it harder to learn than children of non-drinking parents, because no one deals with them and their mental abilities are not the same as those of the rest. The child becomes aggressive, does not obey his parents and does everything to spite them, he can abandon his studies, he is afraid to go home so as not to see his father or mother drunk. Children of such parents try to behave in the same way as parents behave, because adults are an example for them, a model. It can be concluded that there is no safe amount of alcohol for women.

But it is still believed that alcohol can be both a poison and a medicine.

Are there safe amounts of alcohol?

The allowable dose of alcohol for a he althy man is 30 ml of pure ethyl alcohol.

According to the World He alth Organization, 10 grams of pure ethanol corresponds to:

  • 30 ml of vodka, cognac, whiskey or other alcohol 40% of turnover;
  • 75 ml of fortified sweet wine, vermouth or other spirits 17-20% revs;
  • 100 ml red or white wine or champagne 11-13% of turnover;
  • 250 ml of beer 5% of turnover, but this is provided that a person does not drink alcohol two days a week.

Also, scientists have proven that you can drink alcohol no more than 5 times a week, in the amounts indicated above. But for women, the dose of alcohol is less than for men. For women, the norm is 20 ml of pure ethyl alcohol per day. Averagea woman weighs less than a man, so her body can process alcohol less than a man's. During breastfeeding and during pregnancy, alcohol is contraindicated for women. You can not drink a large amount of alcohol in one day, it is better a little, but over time. Addiction occurs over a period of one to three years of use. A lethal dose is 4-12 grams of ethyl alcohol per 1 kg of body weight. For men who weigh about 80 kg, this will be 1-3 liters of vodka or other strong drink. It can be concluded that the daily dose of alcohol depends on gender, weight and frequency of drinking. If you follow the WHO information on safe doses of alcohol for men and women, then you should not exceed the above norms.

Alcohol can be good

When you have a heart attack, hepatic or renal colic, and there are no medicines at hand, you can use vodka or wine. 1 tablespoon of wine or vodka will help relieve spasm and improve the condition before the ambulance arrives. Also, 1-2 tablespoons of cognac will help raise blood pressure. Dry red wine, which contains natural components of grapes, has a very good effect on the human body, it has an antioxidant effect. This drink prevents the development of cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Natural wine improves digestion and prevents cholesterol from being deposited on the walls of blood vessels. Useful alcohol can only be in small doses, because in large doses it is addictive and addictive.

Howdrink alcohol?

There are 4 types of alcohol norms:

  1. The safe norm is when a man drinks no more than 210 ml of pure alcohol per week, and a woman no more than 135 ml of pure alcohol per week. But with all this, the amount of alcohol should not exceed the norms, that is, for men 30 ml of ethyl alcohol and for women 20 ml of ethyl alcohol per day.
  2. A dangerous dose is when a person does not adhere to the norm and exceeds it. He alth officials recommend that people drink alcohol less often because alcohol addiction and serious illnesses await them in the future. It can be cirrhosis of the liver, heart failure, stomach ulcers or other serious pathologies.
  3. Harmful drinking is when a person drinks continuously for several days in a row and at the same time feels a huge desire to hangover. During this period, the drinker does not control the amount of alcohol consumed, and he gets drunk to such a state that he cannot control himself. This is not quite an addiction, but such frequent use of alcohol adversely affects the body.
  4. Alcoholism is a form when a person consumes alcohol continuously, despite the state of his he alth. After intoxication, a person often has aggression, he begins to behave inappropriately. And at the same time, the dose of alcohol consumed per day is growing many times and exceeds the norm.

Very often, students or people who have unorganized leisure time are exposed to alcohol. Alcoholism is a social evil that corrodessociety.

Domestic drunkenness is when a person abuses alcohol, but still without signs of addiction.

Alcohol is consumed by every second person. After all, it is more common than other drugs. About 20% of alcohol consumed enters the stomach, and 80% enters the small intestine. The rate of assimilation of the drink depends on its strength, the more pure alcohol in the drink, the faster it is absorbed in the body. Also, if the stomach is full, then alcohol is absorbed longer. More than 10% of alcohol is excreted through the kidneys and lungs, through urine and breath. Therefore, breathalyzers determine whether a person has been drinking. The rest of the alcohol is excreted by the liver, so it is heavier than all human organs. When alcohol is excreted through the liver, liver cells can be damaged, causing inflammation or scarring. Alcohol can damage the intestines, causing intestinal bacteria to enter the liver and become inflamed. Intoxication occurs only when the amount of alcohol consumed exceeds the amount that the body can excrete. People who drink alcohol often and in large quantities develop problems with coordination of movements, with body balance, they lose their common sense.

Is it possible to reduce the effect of alcohol?

Before drinking alcohol, you need to drink 1 or 2 liters of water in advance, because alcohol removes fluid from the body. Another way is to eat more, because when the stomach is full, a person gets drunk more slowly and there will be more time for the body to eliminate alcohol. Do not before drinking or while drinkingdrinks to eat fatty foods, as this can harm the body. Also, you can not drink alcohol with carbonated drinks, because this way a person will get drunk faster. If a person wants not to get drunk, but simply to support the company, one must drink one alcoholic drink in 1 hour and in no case interfere with the compositions of different degrees. Alcohol is the same drug as, say, sweet food, and most importantly, do not forget that you need to know when to stop.
