Progress gives knowledge, and it, as they say, is power. Of course, knowing all the information about yourself and your he alth is a necessary condition for a comfortable life. At the same time, doctors often encounter a situation where a person has no idea what his blood type and Rh are. We will take a closer look at why it is important for everyone, and future parents in particular, to know.
How the Rh factor appeared: history and definition

A person is born unique in almost everything. Everyone has hair, skin, eyes, but with their own characteristic trait, which was inherited genetically. It seems that the situation is not surprising, and people are not afraid of the word mutation when it comes to such things. However, as surveys show, not all people of conscious age are aware of such an important indicator as the blood Rh factor. Yes, everyone has blood, but many years ago a discovery was made, thanks to which medicine rose to a new level. It turned out that human blood is divided intocertain groups on certain grounds.
In fact, the generally accepted "birthday" for blood types is 1900, when Karl Landsteiner discovered 3 blood types in people and was awarded the Nobel Prize for this. However, the first transfusion attempts were made 350-400 years before this momentous day. Scientists tried to transfuse blood first from animals, then they did experiments on the animals themselves, and only then experiments were carried out on humans.
There are four types of human blood, in Russia they are designated by number in the form of Roman or Arabic numerals, in Europe the designation is accepted, where 0 (I), A (II), B (III), AB (IV). However, they can be distinguished from each other by the symbol (+) or (-). That is, one person can have the first blood group with the sign (+), and the second one with the sign (-). Why are people of the same blood group divided according to some pros and cons?
The fact is that with the development of immunology in 1940, the same Landsteiner and his colleague Weiner discovered the protein antigen, which was found on the surface of erythrocytes. Moreover, scientists have found that the protein in the blood of some people was not detected.
The Rh factor is an indicator of the presence of protein on red blood cells in human blood. If there is protein, then Rh is positive (+), if there is no protein, then negative (-). A person in ordinary life does not experience any influence or inconvenience due to the presence or absence of this indicator. Almost none.
Why is this factor important to people

Even if you are rarea guest with doctors and have never seen a sick leave in your eyes, this does not mean that such information should bypass you. At first glance, of course, one might think that this is not significant. Some antigen somewhere in the blood. Yes, we have a lot of things inside, but I can’t remember everything.
That's right, the human body is rich in its complex structure, however, despite the external hardness, people are very fragile. In particular, in the face of emergencies, disasters and other negative factors, not to mention simple diseases. It is not uncommon for a person, due to such circumstances, to lose a lot of blood and, in order to continue his life, he needs to replenish the supply. Instantly, it cannot appear in the body in the missing amount, so doctors use the transfusion procedure.
Since we found out that the Rh factor of the blood and its group are different for people, therefore, in order not to cause the so-called Rh conflict in the form of a blood transfusion shock, a donor is selected who can help the patient without risk to his he alth.
Despite the complexity and level of responsibility, this procedure is quite regular and happens every minute around the world. Most often, close people act as donors, for example, the blood type and Rh factor of parents and children are suitable in most cases, due to consanguinity.
Role in the life of a pregnant woman

Continuing the theme of family ties, it is important to sort out this issue for future parents. Children inherit from their parents not only appearance and character, but also the Rh factor. If two parents have Rf (-), respectively, the child will not have an antigen protein in the blood for one hundred percent. In general, if the mother has a positive Rh factor, then, despite the Rh and blood type of the father, she will not have any special problems with bearing a child, since the pregnant woman and her fetus will be of the same Rh.
But if the mother is Rh negative and the father is positive, then there is a risk of Rh conflict. This is the name of the process when a child with Rf (+) develops in the mother's body with Rf (-), in this case, the pregnant woman's body perceives the fetus as a foreign body and turns on a protective reaction that provokes the production of special antibodies. They seek to penetrate the placenta and destroy the baby's red blood cells.
There are several options for the development of subsequent events, from a he althy birth to a miscarriage at any time. To keep the fetus, despite the Rh factor during pregnancy, you and your partner should be tested in advance. So you can consult with specialists, learn about modern methods of conducting such pregnancies. In this case, an additional control over the antibodies of the expectant mother will be carried out, and, if necessary, drugs will be administered to control them.
Deciphering blood by groups and Rh factor

Here we present a table to describe the blood, their compatibility, as well as the expected inheritance patterns that future children may have.
Mother's blood type | Paternal blood type | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
1 | 1 – 100% | 1 and 2 - 50/50% | 1 and 3 - 50/50% | 2 and 3 - 50/50% |
2 | 1 and 2 - 50/50% | 1 and 2 - 50/50% | Any group |
2 – 50% 3 and 4 - 25/25% |
3 | 1 and 3 - 50/50% | Any group | 1 and 3 - 50/50% |
3 – 50% 2 and 4 - 25/25% |
4 | 2 and 3 - 50/50% |
2 – 50% 3 and 4 - 25/25% |
3 – 50% 2 and 4 - 25/25% |
4 – 50% 2 and 3 - 25/25% |
Table of Rh factor of parents and expected inheritance patterns of future children.
Father (Rf) | Mother (Rf) | Child (Rf) | Probability of Rh-conflict |
+ | + | + 75% chance - 25% chance | No |
+ | - |
+ with 50% probability - with a probability of 50% |
50% |
- | + |
+ with50% probability - with a probability of 50% |
No |
- | - | - | No |
Donation and blood transfusion
We have analyzed the situations and reasons why it is important to know not only the blood type, but also its “factor”. It's great if relatives or just suitable donors are not only nearby to provide such assistance, but are also ready for it mentally and physically.

The blood transfusion procedure is simple, but has a lot of features. For example, before you donate blood, you will have it sampled to check the quality. Agree, no one wants to have the blood of a person with any infection poured into his body. Now such risks are reduced to zero, and thus the needy patient receives not only a chance for recovery, and often for life, but also confidence in the safety of the procedure. Thanks to the analysis of the group and the Rh factor of the person, help will be provided faster.
To be or not to be?
If you are thinking about whether to become a donor, then the answer is definitely yes. Of course, if you are eligible for he alth reasons (height, weight, chronic and viral diseases, etc.), then being a donor is useful not only for saving someone's life, but also for your own he alth. The body experiences a shortage of blood volume and a stimulating effect occurs, which has a beneficial effect on the whole, there can be no harm to the blood and the Rh factor of a person. Not to mention that no one is immune fromtrouble. You helped today, and they will help you if you need it tomorrow. In addition, at the blood transfusion station, you will be given free tests to determine your general he alth, and for one you can determine the Rh factor in the blood if you have not done this before. You can do both useful and pleasant.
Interesting facts

- World Blood Donor Day is a holiday that has been approved since 2005, when people around the world participate in the voluntary blood donation program.
- If mom has Rf (-) and dad has Rf (+), then the first pregnancy will pass with less risk to the fetus, since the pregnant woman's body will first encounter a conflict of the Rh factor.
- There are actually more blood systems than type and Rh, they are just the most popular and important. Scientists are still finding new systems.
- In the body of a he althy adult, the heart pumps about 12 liters of blood a day.
- Scientists from Japan have revealed the dependence of blood type and human character. Some companies consider this indicator as a reflection of the personal qualities of the future employee.
- During the Second World War, there was a need to create blood banks - places where donor material is collected to help the wounded. The idea belonged to the physician Charles Drew, who died just from blood loss.
- Human plasma, which can also be donated, is 90% water.
Helpful tips

The most useful vitamin for blood -vitamin K. Its deficiency is difficult to face, since it is present in all green vegetables and fruits. So, you will improve its clotting.
An active lifestyle is the key to he alth. Sounds like a cliché, but trust me, it's true. The blood condition of those who live in rhythm is better than that of those who live on the couch.
Bad habits worsen the quality of the blood of both positive and negative Rh factor. By the way, there are also restrictions in the rules of donation.
There is a blood type diet. If your he alth and nutritionist allow you, you can try the effectiveness of such a diet for yourself. And lose unnecessary pounds and improve your he alth.
The main thing is to love and accept yourself the way nature created you. Unique and inimitable. In the modern world, it is not difficult to solve the difficulties that have arisen, such as those that we described above, it is important not to forget about yourself, your well-being and ensure a he althy future for your children. If you do not know your blood type and Rh factor, we recommend that you find out as soon as possible not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones. Forewarned is forearmed.