The eardrum is a thin elastic membrane that separates the middle ear from the external auditory canal. Its purpose is to transmit sound vibrations from the environment to the inner ear and protect it from foreign objects. In adults, it has the shape of an oval with a maximum diameter of one centimeter, while in children it is almost round.
Perforation or rupture of the eardrum
The thin membrane separating the outer and middle ear is sometimes injured. Injuries can manifest as hemorrhages in the membrane, rupture of blood vessels, and most often cracks and holes are formed.

This condition leads to hearing loss. In addition, damage to the eardrum contributes to infection of the middle ear. Membrane damage does not require treatment, healing occurs on its own after a few weeks, except in very difficult cases, when they resort to its restoration by medical or surgical means.
Causes of damage
There are several reasons leading to a violation of the integrity of the membrane:
- Inflammatory process in the middle ear - there is a release of fluid, often containing pus and not having an outflow due to blockage of the Eustachian tube. It exerts pressure and gradually damages the eardrum.
- Exposure to pressure - sudden changes in atmospheric pressure when immersed in a body of water or rising from it, taking off and landing an airplane, sneezing with pinched nostrils, hitting the ear with the palm of your hand.
- Air concussions - a sharp and loud sound can lead not only to damage to the eardrum, but in some cases to inflammation of the middle ear.
- When burned by hot liquid or caustic substances. In this case, not only the membrane is affected, but also the mucous membrane of the middle ear.
- Head injuries - household, during fights, in road accidents - lead to rupture of the eardrum.
- Foreign body injuries - when picking in the ear with a match, hairpin, when kids push beads, pebbles and other objects into the ear.
Damage classification
For proper treatment, all eardrum injuries are classified by:
- of the affected area - a part of the damaged surface is allocated from the entire area of the membrane (1/3, 3/4, 1/2, etc.);
- gap shape - dotted, round, slit-like, with jagged edges;
- degrees of rupture - complete avulsion, rupture along the entire height, punctate perforation of the tympanic membrane.
All of the above features the doctor takes into account whenprescribing a course of therapy and to prevent the consequences of trauma.
Injury to the eardrum is accompanied by certain symptoms. This is:
- Painful sensations. They occur immediately after the appearance of a defect in the membrane. When it breaks, unpleasant sensations of “draft” appear during inhalation and exhalation. The pain doesn't last long.
- Discharge from the ear - bloody, purulent or clear - occurs with a serious injury.
- Hearing impaired.
- Tinnitus.
- Dizziness.
- Nausea and vomiting.

The severity of signs of perforation of the tympanic membrane depends on the degree of damage. If you experience these symptoms as a result of an ear injury, you should consult a doctor for timely treatment and hearing preservation.
To diagnose damage to the membrane in the ear, an integrated approach is used, for this it is carried out:
- Interrogation of the victim - it turns out under what conditions the injury occurred, the patient's complaints are listened to.
- External examination - helps to detect damage to other parts of the body and skin tissues.
- Examination of the ear using a mirror and reflector or with an otoscope. The doctor evaluates the area of damage and the nature of the violation of the integrity of the eardrum. In addition, the doctor examines the nasal passages and oral cavity to assess the integrity and patency of the Eustachian tube.
- A general blood test is ordered to detect inflammation.
- An x-ray of the bones of the skull is being performed.
- Bin difficult situations, head tomography is prescribed.

After identifying the causes and conducting research, treatment of the eardrum is prescribed.
Treatment methods
In case of minor damage to the eardrum, no treatment is required, it heals on its own in a few weeks. Slit-shaped ruptures, which make up no more than a quarter of the surface of the entire membrane, heal most quickly. The patient is advised to remain calm and not to perform any procedures in the ear canal. In other cases, two methods of treatment are used for rupture of the membrane: medical and surgical.
Medication method
It is used when a small rupture of the eardrum has occurred. The doctor gently cleans the auricle from blood clots and foreign objects with a cotton swab. Then he treats the edges of the damage with alcohol to prevent inflammation. A clean wound is sealed with a paper patch. A few days later it is replaced with a new one. For complete healing, you will have to do up to four such procedures. Sometimes the edges of the wound are cauterized with silver nitrate or chromic acid. Antibiotics are indicated to prevent the development of the inflammatory process.
Surgical treatment
If the tympanic membrane bursts, and the damaged area occupies a significant area, or if the rupture was not healed with medical treatment, then they resort to surgical intervention and do myringoplasty. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. A small piece of skin is takenear of the victim, with the help of a flexible endoscope is superimposed on the hole in the membrane and sewn with self-absorbable threads. The ear canal is closed with a swab moistened with an antibacterial agent. After surgery on the eardrum, the patient may experience pain and discomfort. For successful healing, the patient is advised not to make sharp retractions with the nose and not blow your nose to prevent a change in pressure on the membrane. If these rules are not followed, the patch is displaced. After surgery, the prognosis in most cases is favorable. The exception is cases when treatment was started late, and the infection managed to get into deep tissues.
Pneumatic massage
In case of ear disease, complex treatment is used with the use of medical, surgical and folk remedies, as well as physiotherapy procedures. Pneumomassage of the tympanic membrane is used to stimulate its vibrations, which increase muscle tone. To perform the procedure, special electrical or mechanical devices are used, during which the air flow with different intensity affects the muscle that moves the membrane. At home, air is blown using the palm of your hand. Treatment helps discharge secretions, eliminate inflammation and strengthen the eardrum. The procedure is recommended in the initial stages of inflammatory processes in the middle ear and in the Eustachian tube, during remission after acute processes and in the postoperative period. With barotrauma or purulent discharge from the ear, the membrane is not massaged. To perform pneumomassage, nono special skills required. The apparatus sets the amplitude, oscillation frequency, duration of the procedure. A soft tube connected to the device is inserted into the auricle, and the device is turned on. Each ear is massaged in turn for 1-3 minutes, usually 10 sessions are performed. After the pneumomassage of the tympanic membrane, the following positive changes are noted:
- strengthens the muscle associated with the membrane;
- increases the elasticity of the membrane;
- scars disappear and adhesions dissolve;
- prevent hearing loss;
- improves the outflow of serous fluid.

In addition, as a result of the procedure, blood circulation is activated and metabolic processes are improved.
Eardrum failure in children
Young children are not able to foresee the consequences of complications and damage the eardrum can:
- small objects placed in the ear canal;
- with a cotton swab when trying to clean their ears.
In addition, a defect in the ear membrane occurs when:
- colds accompanied by otitis media;
- airplane takeoffs and landings while traveling with parents;
- heavy sound effects;
- burns;
- exposure to chemicals;
- head injuries.
Any type of tympanic membrane disorder causes symptoms in a child immediately. He immediately grabs his ears and bursts into loud weeping. Exceptsharp pain, hearing impairment, lethargy, chills, vomiting, fever and general malaise. In this case, the child should be shown to the doctor as soon as possible in order to avoid serious consequences.
Treatment of eardrum injury in children
After conducting research and making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a course of therapy, which includes:
- Drug treatment. It includes antibiotics, vitamin complexes, ointments, drops, and sometimes folk remedies.
- Physiotherapy is carried out using electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, UHF, laser, massage.
- Phytotherapy. They use vitamin teas and decoctions to strengthen the body, make warm compresses.
- Diet therapy. Proper nutrition strengthens the child's immunity and helps to quickly recover from illness.

The doctor selects the necessary course of treatment individually for each child. A baby whose eardrum has burst most often needs treatment with medications with mandatory physiotherapy. In this case, the symptoms of damage quickly disappear, and the membrane is restored more efficiently. Sometimes, with large damage to the membrane, you have to resort to surgical intervention.
Treatment with folk remedies
Folk remedies for violation of the eardrum are used only on the advice of a doctor. They cannot replace conventional medicine and are used as adjuvant therapy. For faster healing, it is recommended to use more products in whichcontains vitamins and minerals:
- vegetables and fruits;
- greens;
- tincture of hawthorn and wild rose;
- Citrus and sweet grapes should be preferred.
Propolis tincture, plantain juice, pine needles are used to moisten turundas.
Possible complications after a rupture of the membrane in the ear include the following:
- Hearing loss - depends on the size and location of the damage. Most often it is a temporary phenomenon. Hearing is restored with the healing of the perforation. However, extensive damage may result in partial hearing loss.
- Otitis media - through an open hole, if the rules for surface treatment with antiseptic agents are not followed, the infection enters the middle ear. The inflammatory process that has begun affects the quality of hearing.
- Middle ear cyst - it can form from dead cells of the epithelium of the ear canal. Such a formation can damage the middle ear bone.

Any abnormalities after a perforated eardrum should seek medical attention.
If the integrity of the septum in the ear is broken and pain occurs, it is not recommended:
- remove foreign bodies, blood clots and pus by ourselves;
- wash with water;
- warm up in a bath, sauna, heating pad or compress.
It is advisable for patients to refuse to travel by air, jumping fromskydiving, diving, listening to loud music with headphones.
Preventive measures to prevent rupture of the eardrum are as follows:
- timely treat colds;
- do not get cold;
- visit a doctor at the first sign of otitis media;
- do not use sharp objects to clean the ears;
- protect your ears from harsh sounds;
- do not plan to fly with ear disease;
- do not listen to loud music, especially with headphones;
- during takeoff and landing of air transport, suck on a lollipop or open your mouth.

If you have pain in the ear, you need to visit an otorhinolaryngologist. With a defect in the eardrum, you can not self-medicate, this can lead to irreversible consequences. Use folk remedies only on the recommendation of a doctor. It should be remembered that timely and correctly performed therapy restores the ear membrane and preserves hearing.