In recent years, cases of autoimmune pathologies have become more frequent. One such disease is rheumatoid arthritis. A blood test for ACCP helps to identify this disease in the early stages with high accuracy. This allows you to start treatment in a timely manner, achieve stable remission and avoid serious complications. The full name of this diagnostic method is the analysis for antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide.
What is analysis
What does a blood test show for ACCP? With rheumatoid arthritis, there is a serious failure in the work of the body's defenses. The immune system mistakenly identifies the cells of the articular membranes as foreign proteins. Increased production of antibodies against own he althy tissues begins.
As a result, the shell of the joint gradually becomes inflamed. As the pathology progresses, cartilage is destroyed and bone tissue is deformed. The disease is accompanied by severe arthralgia. The patient is concerned about acute pain in the affected joint. In advanced cases of pathologydisability sets in.

Cyclic citrullinated peptide is normally present in a he althy human body. However, it does not participate in metabolism and is quickly removed through the kidneys. In a patient with rheumatoid arthritis, the content of this protein in the body is increased. As a result, the immune system recognizes the peptide as foreign. It produces antibodies against the protein, their amount can be determined using a blood test for ACCP.
Rheumatoid factor test
In arthritis of autoimmune origin, doctors prescribe another test. This is a blood test for rheumatoid factor (RF). However, this diagnostic method is less accurate. RF at the onset of the disease is found only in half of the cases. With the help of this study, it is not always possible to identify the early stages of pathology. In addition, rheumatoid factor can be positive not only in autoimmune diseases. Such a result is possible with tuberculosis, tumors, liver pathologies.
Benefits of an antibody test
A blood test for ACCP in 80% of cases reveals the disease at an early stage, and the accuracy of its results is 98%. The formation of antibodies to the peptide is the main marker of autoimmune pathology. Rheumatoid arthritis can sometimes be detected using this diagnostic method even before the onset of clinical symptoms.

Indications for prescription
This examination is quite expensive. It is carried out using a complex enzyme immunoassayanalysis. Therefore, the doctor prescribes such a diagnostic method only if:
- persistent joint pain syndrome lasting at least 2 months;
- feeling of stiffness in the joints in the morning;
- signs of bone inflammation;
- genetic predisposition to autoimmune pathologies;
- cysts in bone tissue on x-ray;
- abnormalities in a biochemical blood test.

This study allows you to start treatment in a timely manner and avoid immobility and deformity of the joints.
Preparing for analysis
Diagnosis is carried out by taking biomaterial from a vein. After 1-3 days, the patient receives a form with a transcript of the blood test for ACCP. In order for the test results to be reliable, you must adhere to the following rules for preparing for the examination:
- The analysis is taken strictly on an empty stomach. The last meal is allowed no later than 8-12 hours before blood sampling. On the day of the examination, you can only drink water.
- About 3 days before the diagnostic test, you should stop eating spicy, fatty and fried foods, as well as alcoholic beverages.
- Stop taking dietary supplements a few days before donating blood.
- It is important to avoid physical exertion for 12 hours before the test. Also, during this period, physiotherapy should not be done.

Transcript of results
It is important for every patientunderstand the interpretation and norm of a blood test for ACCP. If a small amount of antibodies is found in the results of the study, then this does not always indicate pathology. Such immunoglobulins may be present in a he althy person, but very few of them are formed. The amount of antibodies is measured in units per 1 liter of blood (U/ml).

If a person's antibody levels are between 3 and 5 U/ml, the result is considered negative. This is the norm for a blood test for ACCP. This result indicates the absence of pathology.
Indicators of more than 5 U / ml, but less than 17 U / ml indicate abnormalities in the immune system. Such a result is called weakly positive. This does not always mean rheumatoid arthritis. Antibodies can be elevated in systemic lupus erythematosus, Crohn's disease, and other autoimmune disorders. In this case, rheumatologists prescribe additional studies to clarify the diagnosis.
If the antibody levels exceed 17 U/ml, the patient is diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. This is a positive test result. However, one should take into account the small probability of distortion of indicators. A false positive result of the analysis can be observed with an increase in the level of bilirubin, hypergammaglobulinemia, the presence of a large amount of fat in the blood (lipemia). The intake of vitamin B7 (biotin) can also distort the indicators. If all of these factors are absent, then most likely the person has rheumatoid arthritis.
It often happens that research onrheumatoid factor showed a positive result, and a blood test for ACCP did not reveal the disease. In this case, experts trust the test results for antibodies to a specific peptide as a more accurate diagnostic test.
What should I do if my antibody test is positive? In this case, it is urgent to contact a rheumatologist and undergo a course of treatment. Modern methods of therapy will help achieve stable and long-term remission, as well as prevent severe complications.