Burst blood vessels in the eye: photo, causes and treatment

Burst blood vessels in the eye: photo, causes and treatment
Burst blood vessels in the eye: photo, causes and treatment

The unexpectedly reddened white of the eyeball is the result of a burst vessel in the eye. Such a phenomenon in medicine is called subconjunctival hemorrhage. However, an unattractive appearance is not the worst thing in such a situation. A burst vessel may be the result of a serious illness.

Domestic reasons

One of the reasons may be mechanical damage or injury. Protein redness occurs after surgery.

Often the vessels burst after physical overexertion. In men, this is often associated with heavy lifting, and in women it can occur during childbirth.

Computer work, reading or writing in poor lighting can cause hemorrhage, as well as visiting a sauna or bath.

Keratitis is a disease characterized by the following symptoms:

  • photophobia;
  • clouding of the cornea;
  • redness of the eyeballs;
  • excessive tearing.

Burst blood vessels in the eye with such a pathology are not uncommon.

Keratitis can be the result of a fungal or viral disease, occur when a foreign object gets into the eye, or appear after a thermal burn.

After taking a number of medications, capillaries may become thinner, and hemorrhage occurs. Very often, the problem appears against the background of the presence of glaucoma.

computer problems
computer problems

Causes other than infection and injury

The problem of hemorrhage in the eyeball is often found in weather-dependent people. This is due to a sharp change in blood pressure, weak vessels burst, and bruising occurs in the sclera.

Avitaminosis. With a lack of vitamin P in the body, ascorbic acid, the capillaries become vulnerable and can burst. This problem is quite simple to eliminate by changing the diet and regular use of vitamins. If a vessel burst in the eye - what to drip? What remedies will help eliminate this problem quickly and without harm to he alth?

Serious problems

If a vessel burst in the eye, what should I do? Drops, of course, will help eliminate this problem, but you should still find out the reasons for its occurrence. If a hemorrhage appears in a hypertensive patient, then this is an occasion to urgently consult a doctor. Hemorrhage may indicate that a hypertensive crisis has begun and a stroke or heart attack is not ruled out in the near future. A hypertensive crisis can occur on the background of stress or drinking alcoholic beverages, even if a person does not have problems with blood pressure.

Conjunctivitis is a disease in whichthe thin film of the eye is affected. Pathology occurs against the background of viral infections, beriberi or allergies. The disease is characterized by redness, burning and itching, hemorrhage.

Malignant and benign neoplasms in the eyes can cause capillary rupture.

Busted blood vessels in the eye may indicate a head injury. Associated symptoms include nausea, fatigue, migraine and insomnia.

broken blood vessels in the eye
broken blood vessels in the eye

Another reason

Diabetes mellitus is a fairly common disease that often leads to microangiopathy. An increased level of glucose in the blood negatively affects the strength and elasticity of capillaries and blood vessels, over time they become thinner, there is a difficulty in blood flow, and as a result, a rupture. Against this background, there may be problems with visual acuity.

If no diseases are found in the body, there are no injuries and infections, then bursting blood vessels in the eye may indicate that there was a strong overstrain of the organs of vision, and in this case you should not worry too much. Prolonged eye strain can lead to dysregulation of vascular tone, which fills with blood and bursts.

What not to do

If a vessel burst in the eye, what should I do? First of all, you should understand what not to do. In no case should you use vasoconstrictor drops, they do not help and can even be harmful. Do not apply tea bags, as the older generation advises, they do not relieve inflammation. Can't rub or scratcheyes.

Do I need treatment?

If the eye is red, the vessel burst, then this is not always a reason for treatment. When visual acuity decreases due to hemorrhage, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

what to do
what to do

In cases where the eye turns red after a long work at the computer, you should just rest. After a physical overexertion, you can use moisturizing eye drops to reduce redness and speed up the recovery process.

If the hemorrhage is associated with the abuse of alcoholic beverages, lack of sleep, constant fatigue or vitamin deficiency, then you will have to change your lifestyle, daily routine, switch to proper nutrition. Often, if the redness appears due to a harmless cause, prolonged sleep helps.

Causes and treatment

Have a blood vessel burst in the eye, and special exercises do not help? It's time to start medical treatment.

Vizin drops
Vizin drops

Common medicines (eye drops):


Drops act very quickly and practically do not enter the bloodstream, have a decongestant effect that lasts for 8 hours.

The medicine can be used even with conjunctivitis and allergic reactions. The drops are suitable even for contact lens wearers.

The drug can be used several times a day until redness and inflammation are completely eliminated, but not longer than 4 days in a row.

Noapply drops with increased intraocular pressure.

Immediately after instillation, there may be a burning sensation and temporary blurred vision, profuse tearing


Drops belong to the middle price segment, but quite successfully cope with the elimination of redness after hemorrhage. Quickly normalize blood circulation, stimulate metabolic processes and stabilize intraocular pressure.

The drug is used several times a day (1-2 drops). The duration of treatment is determined depending on the disease. If we are talking about cataracts, then the course can be delayed for several months. If the reason is domestic, then a few days will be enough.

The composition of the drug includes taurine, therefore, if there is an individual intolerance to the component, this drug cannot be used


"Emoxipin" strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, stimulates the circulation of fluid inside the eye. In the course of treatment, rapid resorption of small hemorrhages is observed. The drug is recommended for diabetes and eye burns, glaucoma. Also, drops can be used as a prophylactic, there are no contraindications for treatment when wearing contact lenses, but they must be removed when instilled.

Drops are used at least 2 times a day, with severe discomfort after instillation, the drug is canceled. It is not recommended to simultaneously be treated with "Emoxipin" and other similar drugs


Drops allow you to quickly restore the tear film of the cornea. The use of the drug in the acute phase after a burn is not allowed. Not applicable in the treatment of children under 8 years of age.

Average duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks, 1-2 drops are instilled into each eye daily, 4-8 times a day

Isotin This is a biologically active preparation based on Ayurvedic herbs. Its focus is to strengthen and restore the walls of blood vessels, improve blood supply and prevent various ophthalmic diseases. The composition of the drops: one-seeded butea, punarvana, akhirantes, mint. The drug is well tolerated, without side effects. The only condition for admission is the absence of allergic reactions to the components of Aysotin

Infectious diseases

What to do if a vessel in the eye bursts? Antibacterial agents are sometimes required for treatment, as standard drugs are not always effective.

"Floxal". Antimicrobial ophthalmic drops with broad antibacterial action. Used in the treatment of infectious conjunctivitis, keratitis, barley and a number of other diseases. In case of intolerance to ofloxacin (active ingredient), the drug is not recommended. The standard treatment regimen involves instillation 4 times a day, no longer than 2 weeks in a row. Can be used to treat children.

Tobrex. It is an antibacterial agent, used in the treatment of blepharitis,conjunctivitis, keratitis and hemorrhage against the background of infection of the eye. Drops are instilled 2 times a day (in the evening and in the morning). Allergies and side effects from the use of the drug are very rare. The active ingredient is tobramycin.

Oftakviks. Recommended in the treatment of bacterial infections of the eye and after operations, including laser. The average duration of the course of treatment is 5 days.

What to do if a vessel in the eye bursts? The reasons for this phenomenon may be different. The following drugs are effective in infectious diseases: Levomycitin, Albucid and Sulfacyl sodium.

Features of therapy in childhood

It's no secret that the mother of every fifth newborn is faced with the problem of vascular rupture in the eye. And if stimulation was carried out during childbirth, then this phenomenon is also observed in 40% of children. There is only one reason - the newborn has very fragile capillaries, and the pressure increases too much in the process of birth.

If a vessel in the eye of the baby has burst, drops are not required. Even if this happens at an older age (for example, after a lot of crying), you can do without medication. You just need to wait until the redness passes, everything heals faster in children.


Self Help

If the vessel in the eye has burst (it does not look very attractive in the photo), you can make a cold compress. Ordinary water is used, in which it is required to moisten gauze and apply to the eyes. Cold water contributes to vasoconstriction and prevents new hemorrhage from appearing.

Brewed linden or chamomile works well, especially if the redness is due to conjunctivitis.

Sophora. A drug based on this natural remedy can be purchased at a pharmacy and consumed 4-5 times a day, a teaspoonful. It will be possible to independently prepare a decoction of chicory. It is taken orally 3 times a day, you can also make compresses on the eyes.

eye drops
eye drops

Changing lifestyle

If vessels in the eye burst on a regular basis, then you should analyze your lifestyle. If this phenomenon occurs against the background of physical overload, it is necessary to rest and try to stop training altogether for some time.

If the work is connected with the computer and there is no way to refuse it, then be sure to take a break every half an hour, take a walk at least around the office, that is, rest. Do exercises for the eyes.

The appearance of redness is directly related to fun parties? We will have to reconsider our attitude to alcohol and smoking.

In the winter season, protect your eyes from strong winds, and protect your eyes from dust and sun in the summer with goggles. You can wash your face with cool water several times throughout the day so that your eyeballs do not dry out.

we take care of our eyes
we take care of our eyes

Prevention measures

Strengthen the capillaries and blood vessels of both the eyes and the whole body, you can do a contrast shower. For the eyes, you can do contrast baths.

For the procedure, you need to prepare two baths, with warm and cool water, where requiredimmerse the face in turn. Under water, it is recommended to move left and right with closed eyes, not forgetting about circular and diagonal movements. The same can be repeated with open eyes. Start and end the procedure with a cool bath.

Use vitamins periodically, which will not only avoid the appearance of burst blood vessels, but also prevent colds.

Burst blood vessels in the eye are a signal that there is an internal or external problem in the body. Therefore, its timely solution will prevent the occurrence of diseases in the future and maintain he alth.