Marginal fracture: main causes and treatments

Marginal fracture: main causes and treatments
Marginal fracture: main causes and treatments

In total morbidity, injuries are in third place. Moreover, they are twice as rare in women as in men. But only up to 10% of patients require hospitalization. One of the most common injuries is broken bones and joints. The term "fracture" refers to a violation of the integrity of the bone. This can happen against the background of an internal pathological process or under external force.

Most often people break limbs, because they are on the periphery of the body, so they are the most vulnerable. There is also such a thing as a marginal fracture, that is, the separation of a small and flat fragment from the bone.

General Description

Fracture of the phalanges of the fingers, both on the hands and feet, has a favorable prognosis for recovery and further work capacity. And the marginal fracture most often occurs on them.

The clinical picture with such a fracture is quite mild, there is no shock. There is swelling and soreness in the place where the injury occurred, deformation of the nail plate may be present.

Danger can carryopen fracture, as there is a high risk of infection. In such cases, in addition to standard therapy, antibiotic therapy is used. It is very rare to have to resort to surgery.

The most severe clinical manifestations in trauma of the coccyx of the pelvic bones, sacrum.

fall from a bicycle
fall from a bicycle

Shaping mechanism

A marginal fracture is a deviation of a thin fragment. Such injuries do not pose any danger to human life.

You can get such an injury in the process of sports. For example, when running, a strong load goes to the big toes, so they are most often injured.

When falling on the buttocks, a fracture can also occur. This happens against the background of compression of the pelvic bones, and the injury itself is considered direct, that is, all the force from the blow goes to a specific area of the bone.

Main classification

Identify marginal fractures due to appearance:

  • Pathological. Such fractures are the result of a pathology that leads to brittle bones.
  • Injuries. Appear with a strong bruise, blow or fall on specific parts of the body.

There are also closed and open fractures. With an open fracture, a wound is formed through which broken or detached bones are visible. With a closed fracture, the skin is not damaged.

finger fracture
finger fracture

Causes of occurrence

In addition to injuries, some diseases can cause fractures, in particular:

  • osteomyelitis;
  • hyperparathyroidism;
  • tuberculosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • oncological diseases.

If a person has a chronic disease that periodically worsens, then he is at risk of a fracture. Very rarely, but still, the cause of its occurrence is a genetic predisposition, that is, a fragile musculoskeletal system from birth.

But still, a marginal fracture of the phalanx of the finger most often occurs against the background of sports, falls and bumps.

fragile bone structure
fragile bone structure


There is a certain classification that allows you to distinguish a fracture from a bruise, according to which there are relative and absolute signs of a broken finger. The first category includes the following symptoms:

  • appearance of puffiness;
  • hemorrhages in the impact area, nail plate;
  • pain.

Absolute symptoms make it more likely that a marginal fracture has occurred:

  • Abnormal position of the phalanx of the finger.
  • Crackling sound when pressed against bone.
  • Unnatural movements.

The degree of severity of signs of a fracture of the finger depends entirely on the location. It is much more difficult to notice a fracture on the little finger, the second or fourth toes, on the big toe, as a rule, changes in the bones are clearly visible.

leg immobilization
leg immobilization


Like any other appointment with a doctor, it begins with an anamnesis, the surgeon clarifies whether there was an injury, whyThe patient suspects that he has a fracture. After this, the patient is examined and the alleged fracture site is palpated. The most effective technique for determining a fracture is still radiography. The picture also allows you to assess the degree of its severity.

marginal fracture
marginal fracture

Treatment measures

Despite the good prognosis for a marginal fracture, such injuries are still quite painful. Therefore, painkillers are given as first aid to the patient.

The next stage of treatment is immobilization of the affected part of the body so that the bones grow together as quickly as possible. At this point, the doctor is required to perform the entire procedure as correctly as possible, since the quality of the plaster application determines how the bones will grow together in the future. If this does not happen correctly, then surgical intervention will already be required. Instead of a cast, an elastic bandage may be used if the injury is minor and requires movement of the leg. However, when wearing an elastic bandage, you should follow all the recommendations of a doctor, as its long-term use is not recommended.

In case of minor injury, the patient is recommended to do ice compresses. They reduce pain and reduce swelling. In the early hours, you can only apply ice for 15 minutes every hour.

Why does my big toe hurt when I break it? Pain can occur against the background of accumulation of blood in the extremities. In such cases, it is recommended to raise the leg to a hill to ensure the outflow of fluid. Can be placed under the limbcushion or pillow.

If there were no deviations in the treatment process, then after one to a month and a half the person is fully restored and can lead a normal life.

ice compress
ice compress


After removing the cast or elastic bandage, it is not recommended to overstrain the injured limb for another two months. That is, you should protect yourself from active and sudden movements, refuse to play sports. If there was a fracture on the leg, then try to stand and walk less. The diet should be supplemented with sufficient calcium and protein foods.

It is recommended to take a course of therapeutic massage, do gymnastics and go to physiotherapy. However, all additional rehabilitation measures must be agreed with the attending physician.

hand massage
hand massage


To prevent a fracture, you should be careful and, if possible, avoid falling, hitting. Calcium-rich foods should be present in the diet. It is better to give up the food that provokes the leaching of calcium from the bones, in particular, drinking less coffee, alcohol and carbonated drinks.

If, after all, it was not possible to avoid injury, then before determining the fracture, you can drink painkillers and urgently go to a medical facility.
