Acclimatization after the sea: symptoms, treatment

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Acclimatization after the sea: symptoms, treatment
Acclimatization after the sea: symptoms, treatment

Video: Acclimatization after the sea: symptoms, treatment

Video: Acclimatization after the sea: symptoms, treatment
Video: ASHS Larch Cladding guide 2025, January

Probably, there is no such person who would not wait for summer and vacation. After all, these two concepts are inseparable! For most of the population, holidays are always associated with the sea. However, often a pleasant journey ends with sad consequences, one of which is acclimatization after the sea.

What is acclimatization?

Acclimatization is the process of adapting an organism to a new environment, in particular, to new weather conditions. A person who changes one climatic zone for another has to rebuild both mentally and physically: get used to the new temperature, air, time difference (if any).

acclimatization after the sea
acclimatization after the sea

Children endure acclimatization the most. This is because their immunity is not quite stable, the body is still weak and subject to various influences. The consequences of climate change can occur in people of retirement age, as well as in those who suffer from chronic diseases.

Acclimatization: symptoms, treatment

In order to quickly overcome the acclimatization period,you need to know what symptoms it manifests itself. So:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Headache, dizziness.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Diarrhea or, conversely, constipation.
  • Cough.
  • Disturbed sleep.
  • Weakness and fatigue.

Often such symptoms of adaptation are confused with infectious diseases or viruses and, naturally, drug treatment is started. However, such therapy is not always correct, moreover, it can aggravate the process of adaptation to the climate.

acclimatization after the sea symptoms
acclimatization after the sea symptoms

To avoid the consequences of acclimatization, a month before the planned trip, you need to come to grips with your body. A proper lifestyle, a he althy diet, a complex of vitamins and minerals will help you get used to new environmental conditions less painfully.

Acclimatization after the sea, the symptoms of which can be very different (more often these are symptoms of SARS), will be easier if the vacation is planned correctly and the next day you do not have to go to work. Always leave time to recover.

Types of acclimatization

Depending on where the rest is planned, the acclimatization period can be conditionally divided into getting used to the hot, northern or mountain climate.

One of the most common types of adaptation is adaptation to the maritime climate and acclimatization after the sea. The first sign of adaptation to hot countries is a violation of water-s alt metabolism. In connection with the increase in temperature, a person consumes a lot of liquid and,accordingly, less food. The body looks tired and exhausted. In parallel, thermoregulation is also disturbed. People constantly sweat, feel dizzy. There are headaches, rapid breathing, dryness and redness of the skin.

Does not pass without a trace getting used to the cold, northern climate. Low air temperatures, changing light patterns and lack of sun can cause:

  • Drowsiness and fatigue.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Hypercooling.
  • Insomnia, stress, depression.

Acclimatization in the mountains is quite difficult. The minimum amount of oxygen and high pressure are sometimes very hard on he alth, especially in people with diseases of the heart and upper respiratory tract. Shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, tinnitus are just a few of the symptoms that mountain tamers experience.

acclimatization in a child after the sea
acclimatization in a child after the sea

Therefore, the basic rule of any traveler is to prepare the body for the environment in which acclimatization will take place. How is adaptation to new climatic conditions going? It also depends on the person's lifestyle and diet.

How to make adaptation easier?

For any trip, you always need to prepare in advance. Preparation includes not only booking hotels, packing suitcases, planning an itinerary, but also hardening the body.

How is acclimatization going?
How is acclimatization going?
  1. No matter what country and with what climate a person is going to visit, in anyIn this case, the adaptation process is influenced by a he althy lifestyle and proper nutrition.
  2. To improve the body, rest in a country with other weather conditions should last at least eight to twelve days. With children - up to twenty days.
  3. To avoid discomfort from the change of time zones, you should also correct your daily and sleep patterns at home.
  4. It is best to plan your trip so that your arrival falls in the evening. So after a long and tiring journey, the body will rest during the night's sleep and will be less stressed.
  5. In the first days of rest, you do not need to take long walks and excursions. It is better to go out into the sun after 16 pm.
  6. If it's a mountainous climate, don't rush to get up. Daily distances should be limited to 600 meters.
  7. In the Nordic countries, the main thing is not to overcool. In addition to warm clothes, it is worth taking windproof jackets with you. In the early days, outdoor activity should be kept to a minimum.
  8. On any trip, do not forget about vitamins. They will increase the body's defenses.

Acclimatization after the sea

It would seem, what could be better than a vacation at sea? Nothing! However, for some, such a vacation is always associated with acclimatization, especially if the trip takes place together with children. Children, having unstable immunity, are much more difficult to adapt to environmental conditions - kindergarten, school. What to say about the sea!

acclimatization symptoms treatment
acclimatization symptoms treatment

That's why they don't just tolerate the sea, butgetting used to the home climate after the holidays. This adaptation is called reacclimatization and may be accompanied by the same symptoms as acclimatization.

To alleviate the condition of yourself and the child, having arrived home after the sea, you need to:

  • Sleep more, give the body a rest.
  • It is better to go to work, as well as to kindergarten (school) after a few days.
  • In the first days after the holidays, physical and mental stress should be avoided.
  • Stay on a daily routine and eat right (light soups and salads).
  • Avoid stressful situations and negative emotions.
  • If there is a cold after the sea, it is important not to stuff the body with antibiotics. After a few days, the symptoms will disappear, and taking medication can only aggravate the situation. Vitamins and herbal teas help fight colds.

When a child's acclimatization after the sea does not pass for more than three or four days, you should consult a doctor. It is possible that a child's body, as well as an adult, could have caught some exotic virus or a bacillus.

Relax wisely

For almost everyone, summer is the time of vacation and the sea. The sun, sand, blue waves - what they dream about all year round. So that the long-awaited trip does not turn into torture, the body needs to be prepared for rest in other climatic zones.

Acclimatization after the sea is normal. SARS symptoms are not yet a reason to "sound the alarm." Proper daily routine, he althy sleep and nutrition will help overcome the adaptation period.