What is a stroke and its consequences

What is a stroke and its consequences
What is a stroke and its consequences

A stroke is a type of circulatory disorder in the brain and spinal cord. As a result of this disorder, insufficient amounts of oxygen and nutrients are delivered to nerve cells, which leads to the development of pathology. As a rule, nerve cells die after a stroke, and it is not possible to restore them.

stroke and its consequences
stroke and its consequences

Stroke and its consequences manifest themselves in different ways. Sometimes there may be no visible clinical manifestations, while in other cases the symptoms are very pronounced. Distinguish spinal stroke and cerebral.

According to the nature of circulatory disorders, a stroke itself is distinguished, the cause of which is a rupture of a blood vessel due to too high blood pressure. The second scenario is a heart attack, which is most often caused by blockage of a blood vessel, such as cholesterol plaques or a detached microthrombus.

How can a stroke and its consequences for a person appear outwardly?

spinal stroke
spinal stroke

When one of the parts of the brain is damaged, the human body ceases to obey it. The nature of the manifestations of a stroke will depend onplaces of localization of the violation.

As a rule, the main sign of a stroke is a loss of motor activity, manifested by paralysis of the limbs or paresis. Paralysis is complete immobilization, while paresis is partial.

Very often, a stroke and its consequences can be manifested by impaired speech, while the ability to hear in patients remains. But there are also more difficult cases, when a person cannot understand at all what others are talking about, he seems to find himself in another country or another reality.

With complex lesions of the centers of the brain responsible for speech, when a person cannot pronounce even individual sounds, he can forget how to write and read. This makes him completely helpless and puts him on the level of an unintelligent child.

When the visual centers are affected, a person either stops seeing at all, or he develops visual amnesia. That is, he can see but not recognize familiar faces or familiar surroundings.

Other consequences of a stroke include:

  • impaired sense of touch;
  • decrease in pain threshold;
  • lack of temperature sensitivity: the person stops feeling cold or warm;
  • disorientation;
  • discoordination;
  • memory disorder.
how long do people live after a stroke
how long do people live after a stroke

In turn, spinal stroke and its consequences are manifested mainly by the loss of motor activity of those parts of the body and the disruption of the work of those organs and systems for which the department was previously responsiblespine in which the hemorrhage occurred. No psychomotor dysfunctions are observed in this type of stroke.

The question of how long people live after a stroke is far from unambiguous. Everything will depend on the correct treatment and patient care. In addition, the person himself plays an important role in recovery, only his faith and efforts can put him on his feet and return him to a normal and fulfilling life.
