Helminths (worms) in the human body is a problem that almost everyone has encountered. The main reason for the appearance of such parasites is unwashed hands. Some species are not particularly dangerous and are quite easy to treat. But there are also worms that are fatal to the patient.
Parasitic worms
Helminths are parasitic worms that live at the expense of the human or animal body and cause serious diseases. They affect vital organs - lungs, liver, heart. Can penetrate the ears, eyes and even the brain!
The most terrible are tapeworms in the human body, which, having no digestive system of their own, support their existence at the expense of the host, sucking out blood and all useful substances from it.

Children are the most susceptible to helminth infection. This is because they do not properly follow the rules of hygiene. And the main route of infection, as you know, is dirty hands andhousehold items.
The first symptoms indicating the development of helminths may appear as early as three to four days after infection, and sometimes after a year and a half (filariae). The most common worms in the human body are pinworms, which infect the large and caecum. The second "most popular" are roundworms. They cause serious illness and inflammation.
If there is a suspicion of worms, you should immediately consult a doctor for qualified help. Treatment is generally fast and effective.
Types of worms in the human body
Helminthiasis - infection with worms - can be caused by one of 150 types of parasites (in total, scientists have studied 12 thousand types of worms!).

The most common ones:
- Pinworms. Small grey-white worms that live and multiply in the gastrointestinal tract. The main harm that this species causes is the detrimental effect on the intestinal microflora. As a result, such phenomena as enterobiasis, inflammation of the genitourinary system, nervous disorders, mental and physical growth retardation take place. The route of entry of worms is unwashed hands, dirty food, pets.
- Ascarids. A worm in the human body that can reach up to 40 cm in length. This type of worm is able to migrate from the intestines to the lungs, while injuring tissues and causing hemorrhages in them. The symptoms of helminthiasis caused by this species are often confused with upper respiratory infections. Roundworms disrupt the intestinal microflora, suckuseful material. They can cause allergic reactions, sometimes even asthma and suffocation. Parasites get to people through unwashed food and hands.
- Vlasoglav. A worm in the human body, which ranks third in its prevalence. They get through food. They cause a disease - trichuriasis, which is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, lack of appetite, diarrhea, anemia. Often the symptoms of the disease are confused with appendicitis.
- Wide ribbon. One of the most dangerous species, which reaches 10 meters (and sometimes more!) In length. The route of infection is freshwater fish. The worm lives completely at the expense of the owner, "sucking all the juice out of it." It affects absolutely any organ. Symptoms - nausea, vomiting, headache, sometimes hallucinations (when the worm gets to the brain). Similar species - pork tapeworm and bovine tapeworm - are the largest worms in the human body.
- Hookworms. They enter through the skin along with contaminated soil. The lungs and intestines are affected. They feed on the host's blood. Symptoms of infection resemble those of respiratory diseases. There are also pains in the abdomen and disorders of the esophagus.
- Trichinella. Infection occurs through meat food (especially meat of wild animals is dangerous). Worms affect muscle tissue - face, limbs, respiratory organs, heart. Symptoms - a very high temperature (two weeks after infection), intestinal disorders, abdominal pain, itching, skin rashes. With a huge number of larvae, death is possible.
- Liver fluke. Enters the body along with the infectedfish. It affects the intestines and gallbladder. Symptoms - pain and cramps in the abdomen, fever, "aches" in the body and joints, nausea, allergic reactions. The chronic form of such helminthiasis can cause hepatitis. The worst complication is cirrhosis of the liver and cancer. Even if the liver fluke is cured, the "traces" of the parasite remain in the form of inflammation on the liver.
- Echinococcus. Representative of tapeworms. Reaches a length of 4-5 meters. Parasites on cats, more often on dogs and wolves. Getting to a person, the worms first affect the intestines, and then, together with the blood, spread throughout the body. Most often they settle in the lungs and liver. Outwardly, the lesions resemble cysts that grow and are mistaken for malignant tumors. The complications caused by the worm are the rupture of cysts and the sharp intoxication of the body with its contents.
Often people underestimate the whole danger of infection with worms. Therefore, they do not take timely action. It should be remembered that some worm parasites in the human body are fatal.
Causes of worms
There are two main causes of helminth infection - unwashed hands and improperly processed food. All types of worms enter the body through:
- Contaminated soil.
- Plumbing (drinking water).
- Vegetables, fruits, berries.
- Raw meat and fish, eggs, milk.
- Carriers can be pets - cats and dogs, as well as flies that lay eggs of parasites.
The best prevention of helminthiasis is compliance with the rules of personalhygiene.
Signs of worms in the human body
The following symptoms may indicate that a person has become infected with one or another type of worm:
- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain, abdominal cramps.
- Lack of appetite, weight loss.
- Increased body temperature, sometimes reaching 39-40 degrees.
- Rashes and redness on the skin.
- For certain types of worms - a dry, prolonged cough, liver disease (depending on which organ is affected by worms). Worms living in the human body are capable of causing a variety of organ reactions to the "invasion".
- The appearance of circles under the eyes.
- Bad breath.
- Itching around the anus, especially at night.
- Teeth grinding in sleep, snoring, restless sleep.
- Lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes, which is accompanied by an accumulation of pus.
- Edema.
- Fatigue, general weakness, irritability.

Most often, some symptoms are either absent or are perceived as some other disease. Therefore, the visit to the doctor is delayed. Accordingly, the risk of complications increases.
Diagnosis of worms
There are several types of diagnostics that determine helminths in the human body. All of them are based on the symptoms of the patient, which helps to determine the ways of infection with parasites.
- Micro- and macroanalysis of feces. Used when detecting all types of worms.
- Blood testing for larvae.
- Ultrasound diagnostics.
- X-ray.
- Biopsy of muscle tissue.
- Endoscopic examinations, which involve the use of special devices - endoscopes. One of these types is fibrogastroduodenoscopy. This is an examination of the esophagus using a special probe.
If common pinworms are suspected, stool tests will suffice. More complex types of helminths require more complex diagnostics.
Treatment of helminthiases
If worms appear in the human body, treatment should be started immediately to avoid complications. To do this, first of all, you should contact a specialist who will diagnose and determine the tactics of therapy.
Treatment for worms includes:
- Taking drugs with a broad or narrow spectrum of action. The medicine is used once or according to the scheme. Such drugs include the drugs Piperazine, Pirantel, Mebendazole, Albendazole, Levamisole, Medamin and others.
- Intake of probiotics, since all types of worms mainly disrupt the intestinal microflora.
- Use of antiallergic drugs.
- Dieting. Limitation of sugary foods.
- Strict hygiene (food processing, disinfection of bed and underwear, household items).
- Control of helminths after a certain time. It is a mandatory measure to determine the remains of larvae.

Whenworms are found in the human body, preventive measures must be taken by all family members. Prevention involves a single dose of medication.
Folk methods
Folk treatments for helminths are effective and efficient if you know how to apply them correctly.
Helminthiasis is not only a disease that causes discomfort to a person, it is a disease that can cause the most complex he alth problems. Therefore, the treatment of the disease should begin immediately.
Folk recipes:
- The method of prevention of worms known to everyone since childhood is garlic and onions. These two vegetables create an aggressive environment in the intestines, which helminths really do not like.
- Decoctions of herbs (chamomile, fennel).
- Adding medicated oils to food (bergamot, tea tree, lavender).
- Onion tincture. Cut one onion into several pieces and pour water until morning. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning. The course of treatment is a week.
- Horseradish with garlic (one to one) pour half a glass of alcohol. Leave for ten days, strain and drink one tablespoon three times a day before meals.
- Garlic with milk. Eat the largest amount of garlic and drink everything with milk. Two hours later, either take an enema or take a laxative.
- Carrot juice. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Eat pumpkin seeds, walnuts, pomegranate, mint.
Worms prevention
Like any disease, helminthiasis is best prevented. The best prevention for worms is clean hands and clean food.

Also follows:
- Refuse untreated drinking water, milk. Such products must be processed at high temperatures (boiling).
- Follow the rules of heat treatment of food.
- Refuse to eat meat "with blood", as well as raw minced meat.
- Vegetables and fruits should be boiled before eating.
- Refuse to purchase products in spontaneous markets.
- If there are pets, they should be examined by a veterinarian.
- In spring and autumn, regardless of whether there are worms in the body, it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis with medicines.
- People at risk (employees of kindergartens, schools, zoos, veterinary clinics) should be periodically tested for helminths.
Complications of helminthiases
Worms living in the human body not only cause discomfort to their owner, but can also cause serious complications:
- Moving through the human body, parasites damage organs and tissues, disrupt their normal functioning. Thus, various inflammations can occur, including cancer.
- There is a sharp intoxication of the body with the decay products of helminths. As a result, frequent allergies, asthma, suffocation occur.
- Ascaris worm causes the most complex diseases of the upper respiratory tract (pneumonia, bronchitis).
- Parasites attack the human genitourinary system, causing cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis and other diseases.
- A dangerous phenomenon thatoccurs as a result of infection with worms, - peritonitis - inflammation of the abdominal cavity.
- Frequent internal bleeding, anemia, complete exhaustion of the body.
If we talk about all the complications that can occur as a result of infection with helminths, then a person clearly underestimates "these little animals"! Never ignore the symptoms of infection!
How to recognize worms in young children?
Diagnosing helminths in children is sometimes more difficult than in adults. Few people know that worms can infect a child's body up to a year. Therefore, they do not pay due attention to the symptoms.

If a child has the following signs of illness, you should contact a specialist. Perhaps the baby suffers from helminthiasis.
- Appetite decreased sharply, weight loss observed.
- Increased interest in sweets. All sorts of "sweets" are liked not only by people, but also by parasites.
- Child suffers from morning sickness, sometimes vomiting.
- Stomach hurts all the time for no apparent reason.
- The baby grinds his teeth in his sleep, snores.
- Prolonged dry cough.
This is about the main symptoms. Worms in the human body, especially a small one, can cause a variety of reactions, which parents often confuse with other diseases. Be that as it may, the child should be shown to a therapist in any case.
The main type of diagnosis of helminths in children is the study of feces. A variety of anthelmintic drugs allowschoose a medicine for treatment for every "taste" and age. But the best prevention is clean hands, household disinfection, and proper food handling.
Worms during pregnancy
Helminths, though dangerous "creatures", but very quickly amenable to treatment. Unfortunately, this does not apply to pregnant women. Infection with worms during pregnancy can cause severe complications in the development of the fetus, during childbirth, as well as many other troubles.
Almost all drugs that are used to treat worms are contraindicated in pregnant women, as they can harm the baby. Therefore, it is forbidden to self-medicate. The only right way out is to visit a doctor and get qualified help.

An effective remedy for pregnant women in the fight against worms are folk methods - carrot juice in the morning, garlic and onions, pumpkin seeds. You should also eat more fiber foods and probiotic yogurt.
Worms in the human body are a serious problem that should not be ignored. Some types of parasites can grow up to 20 meters, exhausting and draining all the strength of people, bringing the latter to death.
Timely diagnosis of worms allows you to treat quickly and efficiently. And the best prevention is personal hygiene.