What is mastopathy, causes, symptoms and treatment

What is mastopathy, causes, symptoms and treatment
What is mastopathy, causes, symptoms and treatment

Mastopathy refers to benign tumors of the mammary gland. With this disease, a pathological proliferation of glandular and connective tissue occurs, resulting in the formation of seals and cysts. 65% of women of the reproductive period are ill.

Causes of mastopathy

The cause of this disease is a violation of the metabolism of hormones, usually sexual, in the female body. Also, mastopathy can occur against the background of stress, adnexitis, thyroid diseases. The predisposition to the occurrence of this pathology is inherited.

What is mastopathy: types

what is mastitis
what is mastitis

To fully understand what mastopathy is, it is necessary to understand the types of this pathology. There are two different groups - nodular and diffuse cystic mastopathy. With nodular mastopathy, a node occurs in the mammary gland, and with diffuse mastopathy, an excessive number of small nodes appear. This division makes it possible to determine the tactics of treatment. The nodular form of mastopathy can be the cause of a malignant tumor of the mammary gland and therefore it is necessary to carry out diagnostics in order toto exclude cancer.

The diagnosis of "mastopathy" is made after the diagnosis - mammography, ultrasound and biopsy.

What is mastopathy: symptoms

  • diffuse cystic mastopathy
    diffuse cystic mastopathy

    Pain. Mastopathy, as a rule, is accompanied by pain in the mammary gland. The pain can be aching, dull in nature, manifested in the form of heaviness and discomfort, especially in the premenstrual period. The pain may be local or radiate to the arm or shoulder blade. It can also be constant or intermittent. But there are also women who have mastopathy clinically without any sensations. It has to do with different pain thresholds. Pain occurs due to compression of nerve fibers and swelling of the connective tissue;

  • Seal. Breast self-examination reveals a lump with indistinct contours
  • Increase and pain during palpation of the axillary lymph nodes. Observed in 15% of women with mastopathy;
  • Visual enlargement of the mammary gland. Gland engorgement due to venous congestion and swelling of the connective tissue;
  • Nipple discharge. Allocations can be plentiful or occur only when you press on the mammary gland. They are transparent, whitish, greenish or brown in color. Threatening symptom is spotting. But with any discharge from the nipple, you should immediately contact a mammologist;
  • Knot in the mammary gland. The node has clear contours. Its dimensions may vary.

Cystic breast: treatment

Therapy begins with the elimination of the cause of the formation of mastopathy. Of the general remedies, vitamin therapy is used.

cystic mastopathy treatment
cystic mastopathy treatment

Mastopathy treatment regimen:

  • hormonal drugs;
  • antiestrogens;
  • oral contraceptives to regulate the menstrual cycle;
  • analgesics for pain;
  • homeopathic medicines.

In the proliferative form, a sectoral resection of the gland is performed with a histological examination of the material obtained. If the biopsy shows cancer cells, then it is necessary to amputate the mammary gland, and if benign, then the treatment is exclusively conservative.

When asking what mastopathy is, it should be remembered that this is not a precancerous disease. Only some forms of fibroadenomatosis are accompanied by a pronounced proliferation of atypical cells, which may be the cause of the oncoprocess in the mammary gland.
