Why does a child's mouth smell bad?

Why does a child's mouth smell bad?
Why does a child's mouth smell bad?

Halitosis is the definition that doctors traditionally apply to the phenomenon of bad breath in a child. The effect is observed not only among adolescents, whose body undergoes cardinal age-related changes. Often, parents notice that a bad breath appears in a child at 3 years old. The causes of trouble can be very different. It is not always the fault of the presence of any disease. Why is the issue flagged? What should adults do if the child is a year old and has bad breath? We will tell about this in our publication.

Change in the composition of saliva

Why does a child's mouth smell bad?
Why does a child's mouth smell bad?

As noted by the famous doctor Komarovsky, the child has bad breath due to a violation of the natural composition of saliva. As a result of such processes, the reproduction of a whole mass of pathogenic bacteria is noted. Microorganisms clog local tissues with their own waste products. In particular, the oral cavity is enveloped in sulfur components. It is this element that causes the appearance of a fetidfragrance.

When saliva is separated in normal quantities, and the composition of the secret is not subjected to pathological changes, the bacteria are literally paralyzed. It becomes difficult for microorganisms to multiply in large numbers. If failures are observed, not only the child's oral cavity suffers, but also the sinuses, bronchi, and larynx.

To ensure the normalization of the composition of saliva, Dr. Komarovsky recommends periodically giving the baby to drink warm water with a small amount of dissolved citric acid. A good alternative is mineral water without gas, diluted with lemon juice. Thanks to the creation of an acidic environment in the oral cavity, the taste buds will come into tone. The response to irritation will be the active production of saliva. Sometimes it is enough for a baby to show a sliced \u200b\u200blemon. If the child has previously tasted sour fruit, saliva will begin to separate reflexively.

Nose diseases

1 year old has bad breath
1 year old has bad breath

Pathologies of the nasopharynx are a fairly common cause. The child has bad breath as a result of damage to the maxillary sinuses. There may be an accumulation of an abundance of purulent masses, which cause the appearance of a fetid odor. A similar nuisance is noted in the case of the development of angina, when the tissues of the tonsils and larynx become inflamed. When the sinuses are blocked, the baby has to breathe through the mouth. Purulent secretions accumulate in significant quantities, as a favorable environment for the reproduction of microbes appears.

Badsmell from the mouth of a child may be due to the growth of adenoids. Parents should notice in time the difficulties that the baby has when breathing through the nose. The habit of absorbing air through the mouth is one of the signs of the growth of pathological tissues in the sinuses. The specifics of the elimination of adenoids is determined by the attending physician. In the mild stages of the development of the disease, they resort to instillation of the nose with moisturizing and anti-inflammatory compounds, the use of vitamins and minerals. Advanced adenoids are usually removed surgically in a medical facility.

Inhibition of the liver

Why does a child have bad breath? If there is an aroma reminiscent of ammonia, the trouble indicates a violation of the liver. Malfunctions in the work of the body cause a deterioration in the metabolism in the child's body. The result is an excess of proteins that the baby absorbs with food. Insufficient breakdown of these elements causes an unpleasant ammonia odor.

Gum and teeth diseases

child has bad breath
child has bad breath

The presence of dental ailments is a fairly common explanation for why a child has bad breath. If the baby does not eat foods with a strong aroma, such as garlic, fish, onions, but parents observe a bad smell from the oral cavity, then it's time to make an appointment with a dentist. Otherwise, the likelihood of developing caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, pulpitis, and other unpleasantconsequences.

Usually, after high-quality treatment of dental diseases, an unpleasant odor disappears without a trace. To avoid the return of the problem, it is useful to rinse the mouth with decoctions of medicinal plants, as well as compounds that strengthen tooth enamel.


baby has bad breath
baby has bad breath

Often a child has bad breath due to the development of stomatitis. The progress of the disease is accompanied not only by the formation of a repulsive aroma, but also by the appearance of sores, inflammation and redness on the mucous membranes. It will not be difficult for parents to recognize stomatitis in their own child. The kid will complain of discomfort in the oral cavity, will become naughty, may refuse to eat. Whitish papules will appear on the lips, tongue, inner walls of the cheeks.

If a one-year-old child has bad breath, and the phenomenon is accompanied by the formation of ulcers, the cause is most likely the development of herpes or candidiasis. Older kids are more prone to aphthous and allergic stomatitis. Treatment should be trusted exclusively to a doctor who will determine the specific type of ailment and prescribe the appropriate medications. When a child has bad breath due to stomatitis, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic drugs, antifungal drugs are usually prescribed.

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

Failures in the work of the digestive tract can be noted as another reason. Bad breath in a 4 year old childoften as a result of the appearance of prerequisites for the development of gastritis. In some cases, dysbacteriosis occurs. To cause the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity in a baby, reproduction in the body of helminths is capable. These troubles are usually accompanied by heartburn, discomfort in the abdominal cavity, frequent belching, bouts of nausea and vomiting, and other symptoms of a similar nature.

If a child has a malfunction in the digestive system, which is complemented by a repulsive smell from the mouth, parents should not delay visiting a doctor. Self-medication is not allowed here. The kid must pass a standard set of tests, undergo an ultrasound scan of the pancreas and liver. In special cases, your doctor may order a gastric endoscopy.

Quality oral care

the child smells bad from the mouth Komarovsky
the child smells bad from the mouth Komarovsky

If a child aged 3 years or older has bad breath, parents should supervise their child's regular brushing. Children do not like to perform a rather unpleasant procedure. That is why, over time, the formation of caries and the occurrence of problems with the condition of the gums are noted. Parents should make sure that their child brushes their teeth and rinses their mouth every time after eating, especially if sweet desserts were served.

The bulk of pathogenic bacteria that cause bad breath in a child lives on the mucous membranes of the cheeks and on the tongue. Evidence of a significant multiplication of microorganisms is the appearance of a characteristic yellowish coating. If the baby's age allows, dentists recommend using a brush that has a corrugated back surface to care for the oral cavity.

In order to brush the child's teeth, parents should choose a toothpaste with an intense flavor. In this case, it is important to abandon the use of rinse aids that contain alcohol components. Since these substances dry out the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

It is useful to change the toothbrush used by the child about once every 2-3 months. Over time, the surfaces of a hygiene product become a breeding ground for bacteria on their own, which can cause an unpleasant odor. It is useful to use dental floss during oral care.

Drinking plenty of water

child smells bad
child smells bad

If a 4-year-old child smells bad from the mouth, parents should use a proven formula: the more the baby drinks fluids, the better. Children should drink clean still water. Sugary drinks should be completely eliminated from the diet. Sugar not only creates fertile ground for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, but also destroys fragile tooth enamel. In case of bad breath, the child should drink several glasses of good quality water throughout the day.

Using chewing gum

Normally, parents don't allow kids to chew gum. The decision looks quite understandable if the product contains an abundance of sugar. Usageunsweetened product, according to doctors, is a good way to moisturize the oral cavity. During chewing, the work of the salivary glands is activated. The latter produce an abundance of secretion, which does not allow bacteria to multiply on the mucous membranes. Accordingly, chewing sugar-free gum will help eliminate bad breath in a child.

Absorption of mouth cleansing oils

In order to combat bad breath from the mouth, older children can be offered the following remedy. Several times a day, you should use a dessert spoon of sunflower, olive, rapeseed or linseed oil. The substance must be rinsed in the mouth for 5-10 minutes, and then spit. The procedure will help remove pathogens from the surface of the cheeks, gums, teeth and tongue.

Eating berries and fruits

bad breath in a child 4 years old reasons
bad breath in a child 4 years old reasons

A good addition to the above methods of dealing with bad breath in children is eating fresh foods rich in liquid and acids. We are talking about apples, carrots, cucumbers, celery. They act like a toothbrush, removing bits of rotting food from your mouth that get stuck between your teeth.

Eating berries will help fix the problem. Cranberries are perfect. It is useful from time to time to drink tea prepared on the basis of dried rose hips. You can bet on strawberry infusion. It is enough to brew a few tablespoons of such berries in boiled water. The child should be offered a healing composition according toquarter cup 2-3 times a day.

Infusion of oak bark

Infusion of oak bark allows you to get rid of the bad smell from the mouth of a child when the trouble is provoked by stomatitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. Preparing the remedy is not difficult. You should take a tablespoon of the crushed product and pour a glass of boiled water. The composition should be allowed to cool to room temperature. Rinse the child's mouth with the product for 10 minutes daily.

Chewing fresh greens

Chewing parsley or mint leaves is a safe method for combating bad breath in children, according to dentists. These plants are rich in chlorophyll, which breaks down sulfur compounds, which are the source of a fetid odor. After the procedure, the child should rinse his mouth with clean water.

In conclusion

As you can see, bad breath in children is not always a sign of the development of pathologies. Usually there is absolutely nothing to treat here. The main thing is to correct the diet, brush your teeth regularly, and timely eliminate inflammatory processes that affect the nasopharynx. It is important to provide the baby with plenty of fluids, periodically see the doctor to check the condition of the adenoids.
