Pancreatitis is a serious chronic disease characterized by inflammation of the pancreas. Its treatment should be complex, necessarily including a special diet. Many foods and dishes have to be excluded from your diet. This is done in order not to provoke an exacerbation and not cause the development of complications. Dietary restrictions are perceived by some patients quite hard. Especially often, doctors are asked whether it is possible to eat sweets with pancreatitis. Some people cannot live without sweets and the ban on these products is taken hard. But in fact, sweets are not completely excluded from the diet, some of its types can be consumed, but only during remission and following certain rules.
Diet for pancreatitis
Inflammation of the pancreas negatively affects the work of the whole organism. Improper production of enzymes and hormones by a diseased organ leads toindigestion, intoxication of the body. In order not to provoke the release of toxins into the blood and deterioration of he alth, it is very important to follow a certain diet with pancreatitis. The use of certain foods leads to an exacerbation of pain, as it provokes the pancreas to work more actively. The consequences of this may be an exacerbation of the inflammatory process, which can lead to necrosis of the walls or to their rupture. Therefore, a diet for pancreatitis is a necessary condition for the well-being of the patient and the prevention of complications.

Can I have sweets with pancreatitis
The most difficult thing is to experience food restrictions for those with a sweet tooth. With pancreatitis, sweets are prohibited. After all, for the processing of glucose, insulin is needed, which is produced precisely by the pancreas. This increases the load on the diseased organ and can lead to the development of diabetes. For a he althy person, eating sweets does not cause any problems. But in the inflammatory process, it is better not to give an additional load on the diseased organ.
But the peculiarities of eating sweets in pancreatitis depend on the severity of the course of the disease, its phase and the individual characteristics of the patient. In the acute form, you will have to give up any sweets, even a small amount of them leads to the activation of the pancreas and an increase in the inflammatory process. And one of the goals of treatment is to reduce the load on the organ. During remission, you can gradually include sweet foods in the diet, but not all: from many everyone's favoritesweets for any form of pancreatitis will have to be abandoned.

Sweets for different forms of the disease
Acute pancreatitis requires a strict diet. No food is allowed, only water can be drunk. Naturally, all sweets are also banned, even regular sugar. Gradually, as the inflammatory process subsides, the patient's diet expands, but sweets cannot be eaten for a long time. If such a need arises, glucose is administered intravenously. Their products first introduce easily digestible proteins into the diet.
Gradually, after about a month, you can start eating various mousses, jellies and other sweets made from fruits. You can also use sweeteners or fructose to add to compote or tea. Patients with pancreatitis are recommended sucralose, sorbitol, acesulfame. The increase in the amount of sweets should be gradual. A large amount of carbohydrates negatively affects metabolic processes and digestion.

Rules for eating sweets
When eating sweet foods, even with chronic pancreatitis, certain rules must be followed.
- It is best to use meals prepared by yourself, as they will not contain chemical additives, a lot of fats and preservatives.
- Even with a mild form of pancreatitis without complications in the form of diabetes, preference should be given to foods with fructose, since it is absorbed more easily than glucose, and does notrequires a lot of insulin.
- When buying sweets, you must carefully study their composition and refuse products with a lot of flavors and other chemical additives.
- All food should be of high quality and fresh, it should not be allowed to be stored for a long time.
- It is necessary to completely abandon prohibited foods, they should not be contained in dishes, even in minimal quantities.
- All sweets should be low-fat, easily digestible. It is necessary to give preference to soft dishes: mousses, jelly, soufflé, jelly.
- The number of sweet foods should be limited, it is undesirable to consume more than 30 mg of glucose per day.

What can be sweet with pancreatitis
The list of such products is small, but they can diversify the patient's diet. Doctors recommend starting to consume sweets gradually, not earlier than a month after the onset of an exacerbation. They introduce one new product at a time, carefully monitoring their well-being. If the patient's condition worsens, this dish is not recommended. In any case, all sweets should be no more than 50 g per day, it is advisable to eat them in the morning. The attending physician may advise what sweets are possible with pancreatitis. The following products are generally recommended:
- sugar can be eaten no more than 10-20 mg per day, adding it to ready-made foods;
- in the absence of intolerance, you can honey, no more than 2 teaspoons a day;
- mousse, jelly or non-acid fruit soufflé;
- non-sour jam;
- marmalade without sugar;
- marshmallow, marshmallow;
- soufflé, fudge, boiled sugar candies;
- cottage cheese and berry casseroles, soufflé;
- fruit mousses, candied fruits;
- dry biscuits, lean homemade pastries, such as dryers, croutons, meringues;
- dried fruits, baked non-acid fruits.

Forbidden foods
There are also dishes that absolutely can not be eaten with pancreatic pancreatitis. Sweet in this case can cause an exacerbation, as it contains a large amount of sugar and fat, which creates a burden on the diseased organ. The following foods are generally prohibited:
- ice cream, as it contains a lot of fat and has a low temperature, which is very harmful for pancreatic pathologies;
- chocolate, cocoa and all dishes from it;
- condensed milk;
- cakes, pastries and all sweet pastries;
- candy, especially chocolate and lollipops;
- waffles due to the large amount of chemical additives;
- halva, Turkish delight and other oriental sweets;
- from fruits grapes, raisins, figs, dates, oranges are prohibited;
- Sweets with alcohol are also prohibited for pancreatitis.

Features of the use of some products
Most often, patients are interested in whether sweet tea is possible with pancreatitis. After all, this is the most favorite drink of most people. Doctors recommend giving up tea only for the duration of an exacerbation. In remission, it can be used, but it is importantfollow certain rules. It is drunk only weak, it should be large-leaved, of high quality, without aromatic additives. It is best not to drink sweet tea with pancreatitis, but sometimes you can add a little sweetener to it.
Sometimes patients are advised to replace sugar with honey. If there is no diabetes and individual intolerance, this product is very useful. Honey boosts immunity, helps fight inflammation, and improves digestion. It contains easily digestible simple carbohydrates that do not give a big load on the pancreas. But you can use honey only during a stable remission and in small quantities.
Sometimes patients ask the doctor a question: is it possible to sweet pepper with pancreatitis. After all, this vegetable is very useful. But despite this name, it has little glucose, it is mainly valued for the presence of ascorbic acid. Naturally, during an exacerbation, pepper is prohibited. During a stable remission, it can be gradually included in the diet, but not fresh, but stewed or boiled.

Eating fruits
When doctors talk about eating sweets for pancreatitis, most often they say that fruits should be preferred. After all, fructose is better absorbed than regular sugar or glucose. It is best to eat seasonal local fruits. These are non-acid green apples, apricots, peaches. It is undesirable to use grapes, figs, pears, apricots. Sour berries are also forbidden, especially cranberries. They are not even used for cooking.desserts. Jam, marmalade, mousses and soufflé are allowed. It is useful to cook compotes and jelly. Baked or dried fruits are also allowed.
How to cook right
It is best to cook sweets for pancreatic pancreatitis at home on your own. In this case, you can control the amount of sugar and the composition of the product. There are several simple recipes for delicious and safe dishes for this disease.
- Non-acid apples are used to make marshmallows. They are baked in the oven, then rubbed in mashed potatoes with sugar. For 4 large apples, you need 250 g. Then agar-agar pre-soaked and boiled with sugar is added. The mass is whipped with protein until light and left to dry.
- To make marmalade, you need to chop apples and boil with sugar. For 2.5 kg of fruit you need a kilogram of sugar. Spread the mass on a baking sheet and dry in the oven over low heat with the door ajar for several hours.
- You can make berry mousse. To do this, non-acidic berries are whipped with sugar, gelatin is added, and whipped cream is optional. Pour into molds and leave to set in the refrigerator.