Dysphoria - what is it? Dysphoria: symptoms, causes

Dysphoria - what is it? Dysphoria: symptoms, causes
Dysphoria - what is it? Dysphoria: symptoms, causes

All people are imperfect, sometimes someone feels a sense of anger towards the world and society, is in a state of increased irritability or is exposed to other components of a bad mood. But, unfortunately, few people know that these are the first signs of one unpleasant disease.


Dysphoria is a state of low mood, which is accompanied by a particular viciousness and irritability. The name of the disease has Greek roots. Indeed, in translation, the word "dysphoria" is "torment, suffering." This is how patients describe their condition when they see a doctor.

dysphoria is
dysphoria is

People with dysphoria are usually not mentally or physically retarded. But they often have bouts of activity, restlessness, as well as outbursts of anger and aggressive state.

Often, dysphoria is the main component of a depressive syndrome (depression). In addition, it often goes along with other mental illnesses. For example, in some cases of epilepsy, before or after a seizure, you canobserve manifestations of dysphoria.


To our great regret, at the moment, scientists have not identified a disease that would unambiguously accompany dysphoria. The reasons for its occurrence can be very diverse. Doctors distinguish the following list of ailments in which dysphoria is observed:

  • oligophrenia;
  • brain atrophy;
  • senile dementia;
  • epilepsy;
  • psychopathy (both excitable and other types);
  • brain diseases associated with vascular insufficiency;
  • past strokes;
  • organic brain disease.

Apart from everything, dysphoria is an ailment that manifests itself not only in mental illness and during periods of hormonal changes, but also in stress and depression.


what is gender dysphoria
what is gender dysphoria

The world has adopted a division into two degrees of the disease: mild and severe. And the first is often not taken seriously. In a mild degree, all the symptoms are not very pronounced, and they do not particularly interfere with the life of the patient. Most often they are simply considered a feature of character. These include: causticity, grouchiness, cynicism, etc. These symptoms can affect both all areas of a person’s life, and in some cases manifest themselves in relation to any individual things.

With a pronounced degree, everything is more difficult. Her symptoms are accompanied by hopelessness, fear, anxiety. Outbursts of anger can reach the highest level, accompanied by physical violence. If the patient at this degreediseases are diagnosed with dysphoria, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • Frequent motor excitation.
  • Restlessness.
  • Periodic stupor.
  • Dumbing of consciousness.
  • Distraction.

Separate groups of dysphoria

dysphoria treatment
dysphoria treatment

Based on this disease, the following divisions have been identified that relate to various disorders in the genital area:

  • Postcoital dysphoria is a period of bad mood after intercourse. This condition can last from a couple of minutes to several hours. The first mention of this phenomenon is registered in Ancient Rome. The writer Petronius said that all living beings are sad after sexual intercourse. Postcoital dysphoria is usually characteristic of men. This is due to changes in hormonal balance and physical fatigue. In women, this type of dysphoria is more often psychological in nature - dissatisfaction with oneself or a partner, concern about various problems, etc.
  • Premenstrual dysphoria. As a rule, it is caused by a change in the hormonal background and is observed only in women. This diagnosis can be made only if there are more than five signs from the list below:

    • Change in appetite.
    • Depression or anxiety.
    • Deterioration of sleep.
    • Frequent mood swings.
    • Headache.
    • Fatigue.
    • Irritable.
    • General oppression.
    • Depression.

Gender dysphoria: what is it?

dysphoria symptoms
dysphoria symptoms

Among mental illnesses in the field of sexual self-awareness, another terrible deviation stands out. If a person suffers from the fact that he feels in the body of the wrong sex, then he can be diagnosed with "gender dysphoria". What it is and what are the reasons for its appearance, is still not exactly known. These include various hormonal disorders, hermaphroditism, impaired intrauterine development. Many people with this disease suffer greatly due to the judgmental attitude of society and the inability to achieve what they want.


Any procedures to get rid of the disease are prescribed depending on the severity of the disease.

If the patient is worried about mild dysphoria, treatment can only be reduced to psychotherapeutic techniques and various auto-trainings that can reduce anxiety and get rid of all kinds of tension.

If we are talking about a pronounced degree of the disease, then the process of getting rid of the disease changes radically. To begin with, the patient is prescribed special drugs with a corrective effect of behavioral reactions, which have a hypnotic effect, as well as neuroleptics-antipsychotics. If these measures did not help, then the course of treatment includes tranquilizers. After the seizures are stopped, medication continues until the cause of the disease is eliminated.

dysphoria causes
dysphoria causes

With specific forms of dysphoria, the approach to treatment can vary significantly. For example, there is no cure for postcoital disorder. To get rid of himit is enough for the patient to make efforts for self-improvement.

As for premenstrual dysphoria, it may require the use of various devices: painkillers, sleeping pills, sedatives. If this sexual deviation occurs extremely often, you should visit a gynecologist for a consultation. In such cases, it is possible to use hormonal correction.

Treating gender dysphoria is a very difficult process. It is selected strictly individually for the patient. Most often, the patient is prescribed sex hormones, it is recommended to visit a beauty salon and do laser surgery and speech correction. These procedures most easily allow you to turn a man into a woman and vice versa. The most effective treatment is gender reassignment surgery. But such intervention in the human body is carried out only after consultation with a psychiatrist to exclude possible psychological diseases.
