Yogurt for pancreatitis: useful properties of yogurt, features of the use of the product

Yogurt for pancreatitis: useful properties of yogurt, features of the use of the product
Yogurt for pancreatitis: useful properties of yogurt, features of the use of the product

Pancreatitis is a rather serious disease of the gastrointestinal tract. During treatment, strict adherence to the diet is implied. During this period, dairy products are very useful. Many patients are interested in the question: is it possible to drink yogurt with pancreatitis. You can find out the answer to it from the material below.

Useful properties of yogurt
Useful properties of yogurt

What is pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas, it is classified as severe and causes a significant deterioration in a person's well-being. This is an acute or chronic inflammation of the organ of the digestive system, which is accompanied by a violation of the release of enzymes into the intestine. As a result, malfunctions of the entire digestive tract occur, carcinogens enter the human body, which have a negative impact on insulin production and overall metabolism.

About yogurt

This is a very he althy and tasty fermented milk product thatIt is created from whole milk by fermentation of thermophilic streptococcus and culture of Bulgarian stick. The resulting product has dietary and healing properties and has virtually no contraindications. A fermented milk product is included in the menu for a variety of diseases, including pancreatitis. Yogurt in the presence of this disease is not only allowed, but must be present in the diet of a person with such an ailment.

Natural yogurt for pancreatitis
Natural yogurt for pancreatitis

The benefits of yogurt for patients with pancreatitis

Let's figure it out: is it possible or not yogurt with pancreatitis. This product is a good source of quality animal protein. It is needed to repair damaged glands. Consider what effect yogurt has on the body:

  1. Milk protein is broken down into amino acids and peptides by bacteria in yogurt starter, which are quite easily absorbed even with such a serious disease as pancreatitis.
  2. Lactic acid bacteria are a useful part of the human intestinal microflora, so daily consumption of yogurt favors the treatment and prevention of dysbacteriosis and other intestinal disorders.
  3. Yoghurt starter bacteria are highly resistant to the action of gastric juice, and therefore can easily reach the intestines.
  4. It is known that yogurt with pancreatitis has an activating moderate effect on intestinal motility, helps fight constipation.
  5. Thanks to lactic acid bacteria contained inproduct, lactose is partially broken down, which plays an important role in pancreatitis, which is often accompanied by lactase deficiency.
  6. Product helps boost immunity.
  7. Yoghurt contains many valuable vitamins and minerals.

Please note: All of the above specifications apply only to natural yoghurts. Currently, on the shelves of shops and supermarkets you can see a huge number of products under the brand name of yogurt, which have nothing to do with a quality product. Most often, thickeners, dyes, flavors, preservatives are added to them. Such yogurts for pancreatitis are completely contraindicated.

What yogurt is possible with pancreatitis
What yogurt is possible with pancreatitis

Use of yogurt at different stages of pancreatitis

In case of inflammation of the pancreas, it is necessary to exclude a number of a wide variety of dishes. However, in most cases, this does not apply to fermented milk products. But still, this does not mean that you can use yogurt in any quantity. Consider what kind of yogurt is possible with pancreatitis in the acute stage.

Exacerbation of pancreatitis

With a pronounced inflammatory process, which is accompanied by intense abdominal girdle pain, dyspepsia and fever, it is necessary to maintain a very strict diet. During the first few days, you should completely refrain from food, exclude from the diet, including dairy and sour-milk products. This is done in order to "unload" the digestive tract as quickly as possible. ATduring fasting, the motor and secretory activity of all glands of the gastrointestinal tract decreases.

At least 2-3 weeks should pass from the beginning of the acute process, only after that you can drink yogurt. With pancreatitis, it is recommended to start eating fermented milk products gradually, with small portions with a fat content of 1%. In the early days, you should eat no more than 50 g at a time, the maximum daily dose can be no more than one glass. Please note: yogurt should be consumed as an independent dish, not mixed with other products. Best for an afternoon snack or before bed.

Yogurt for remission

After the exacerbation period has passed, you can gradually diversify the diet - introduce a sufficient amount of dairy products into it. It is allowed to use any yogurt, the fat content of which does not exceed 3%. Being at the stage of persistent remission, pulp and juice of fresh fruits can be added to yogurt. If there is no diabetes mellitus, and the blood glucose level is normal, a little honey can be included in the product.

Can you drink yogurt with pancreatitis
Can you drink yogurt with pancreatitis

Yogurt during illness

Is it possible to have yogurt with pancreatitis during illness? This product is not prohibited for use, but in order not to aggravate the condition of the gland in pancreatitis, a few basic rules should be followed when introducing any new products into the diet. The same requirements can be attributed to the use of yogurt. The following conditions must be met:

  1. Include yogurt in your diet in small portions, about 1/4 cupthroughout the day, gradually this rate can be increased, bringing the volume to the amount of 250-300 ml per day.
  2. This fermented milk product is best used for a separate meal: for an afternoon snack (you can supplement it with crackers or lean dry cookies) or drink it after dinner, 2 hours before bedtime.
  3. All food with pancreatitis should be consumed warm, too hot or cold foods can irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and thereby aggravate the course of pancreatitis.
  4. Before eating yogurt, you must first make sure it is fresh. When buying products, always pay attention to the expiration date. It must be remembered that a stale product is not only not useful, but can also cause food poisoning.
  5. With pancreatitis, it is best to buy plain classic yogurt, if desired, you can add natural berries or fruits to it.
  6. If after eating a dairy product you experience pain, flatulence, nausea, you should immediately stop using it and consult a doctor.
  7. If you have the opportunity, it is best to make yogurt at home. Be sure to choose fresh and proven ingredients.
Yogurt in remission
Yogurt in remission

Cooking yogurt

The best and he althiest yogurt will be a product made by oneself. The recipe is quite simple: for work we need milk and sourdough. One liter of milk should be boiled, and if usedUHT or pasteurized milk, it is enough to warm it up for 5 minutes. For cooking, use enameled dishes and a spoon for stirring, all dishes must be clean. The temperature of milk for preparing the product should be no more than 40 degrees, too high a temperature will destroy all useful and necessary bacteria. In cold conditions, these bacteria will not multiply, resulting in no yogurt.

Special yoghurt starter can be purchased at the store or pharmacy. For one liter of milk, you should take 125 g of sourdough. Gently introduce it into the milk and stir constantly for a more even distribution. After that, the container with yogurt should be wrapped tightly with a warm blanket or towel, left for 10 hours in a warm place, for example, near the battery.

Yogurt for pancreatitis
Yogurt for pancreatitis

A special yogurt maker or multicooker will help to greatly facilitate the cooking procedure. As for the latter, we put milk and sourdough in a container and set it to the “yogurt” mode. It will take 5-6 hours to prepare a tasty and tender product. If there are no contraindications, natural additives can be added to ready-made yogurt.
