Lower back pain on the right is a symptom that is more typical for women than for the stronger sex. It can appear in a person at any age. There are many factors that provoke the occurrence of such a symptom. The reasons why the lower back hurts on the right side of the fairer sex are described in the sections of the article.
Features of the symptom
This ailment is faced not only by women of advanced age, but also by very young girls. Discomfort in the lumbar region may appear suddenly or be present all the time. In some cases, the pain is mild and disappears on its own. In other situations, the problem causes great concern, and patients are forced to turn to specialists. Lower back pain on the right often appears as a result of factors such as infections of the reproductive system or diseases of the spinal column. Therefore, the best solution in this case would be a visit to the doctor to identify the diagnosis. dependingfrom the causes of discomfort, it is accompanied by a certain set of accompanying symptoms. The sections of the article discuss possible causes of lower back pain on the right in women.
Critical days
In some women, the uterus is located close to the back. The contractile movements of the organ affect the nerve endings. This phenomenon provokes discomfort. This arrangement of the uterus is a variant of the norm associated with individual characteristics. But with age, when hormonal changes occur in the body, a woman experiences a period of critical days more difficult. She may feel severe pain in her right lower back.
Even young girls often experience this phenomenon during menstruation.

Discomfort is associated with an imbalance in the fluid in the body and swelling of the tissues that put pressure on the nerve endings. The process is almost always associated with discomfort. Mild pain during critical days is a normal phenomenon that goes away on its own. But if the discomfort is accompanied by a loss of appetite, a feeling of nausea and weakness, a woman should consult a specialist. A possible cause of the disease is the pathology of the thyroid gland. To eliminate discomfort, doctors recommend drugs to patients that relieve spasms and remedies that restore the balance of hormones. Also, physiotherapy exercises and massage are used as methods of therapy.
Pathologies of the internal genital organs
Not always back pain on the right occurs during critical days. In some cases, discomfort is provoked by disorders of the reproductive system, infections. Common pathologies include:
- Inflammatory process in the ovary, its rupture.
- The presence of infections in the uterine cavity, in the vagina.
- Incomplete removal of fetal tissue during abortion.
- Neoplasms in the organs of the reproductive system.
- STI. An accompanying symptom in this case is bleeding during intimate contact.
All these conditions are accompanied by pain in the right lower abdomen and lower back. It must be remembered that only a doctor can determine the exact cause of discomfort.
Therefore, if you suspect one of these ailments, you should contact a medical institution. After all, many of these diseases pose a threat to he alth and life.

Discomfort due to vaginismus
The disease is associated with contractile movements of the vaginal muscles, as a result of which the organ decreases in size, and the partner's penis cannot penetrate it. Pathology makes its owner incapable of intimate contact, since sex is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Pain in the lower back on the right in patients with vaginismus occurs before the intended sexual intercourse, with thoughts or memories of coitus. It is not uncommon for women who experience this condition to experiencefear of intimate intercourse, prone to hysterical states or experienced violence in the past. However, the problem may occur due to mechanical damage to the reproductive organs, after difficult childbirth, surgery or infections.
Causes of discomfort for expectant mothers
Often, the fairer sex has such a symptom as lower back pain on the right, due to gestation. The fact is that a woman's body weight becomes larger, and this affects the functions of the organs of the musculoskeletal system.

It is difficult for the spine to cope with the increasing load, and it begins to get tired. In this situation, the doctor recommends sleeping on a special mattress, swimming, light physical activity, wearing an elastic bandage. If the expectant mother does not suffer from pathologies of the spinal column, internal genital organs or the urinary system, discomfort should not cause alarm. However, there are times when pain indicates the presence of certain disorders, for example:
- Danger of abortion or premature delivery.
- Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Having a tubal pregnancy.
Inflammatory process in the appendix
Lower back pain on the right in women due to the development of appendicitis is a frequent occurrence. In the fairer sex, it is not easy to identify, since the organs of the reproductive system are located next to the intestines. The inflammatory process in the appendix is easily confused with gynecologicalpathology. In addition, during the period of gestation, such a phenomenon is even more difficult to recognize. After all, during pregnancy there is an increase in the volume of the uterus, it contributes to the displacement of the digestive tract. The pain characteristic of appendicitis in the expectant mother may have atypical localization. The inflammatory process in the appendix is characterized by the following symptoms:
- Unpleasant sensations of an acute nature in the lower part of the peritoneum on the right, as well as under the ribs.
- Abdominal contraction.
- Repeated vomiting attacks that do not improve the patient's well-being.
- Heavy rise in temperature.
- Excretion of a large amount of sweat.
- Increased discomfort when lying on the left side, coughing, sneezing or moving quickly.
If a representative of the weaker sex has similar symptoms, she should immediately seek medical help. Taking any drugs is strictly prohibited. The only way to treat pathology is surgery.
Disorders of the digestive tract
Pain above the waist on the right often indicates disorders of the functions of the digestive system.

The most common diseases include:
- Inflammatory pathologies of the pancreas and gallbladder.
- Presence of an ulcer in the stomach. The disease is characterized by a pronounced feeling of discomfort in the abdominal cavity and chest.
- Bleeding in the digestive tract.
- Inflammatoryintestinal pathology. The disease is accompanied by a complex of symptoms. The most common signs include high fever, loss of appetite and weight loss, flatulence, loose stools, abdominal discomfort, back pain on the right side of the lower back.
Disorders of the urinary system
Kidney pathologies make themselves felt by unpleasant sensations of a sharp or pulling nature. Sometimes an acute inflammatory process transforms into a protracted form and provokes constant discomfort. As common signs indicating a violation of the kidneys, experts call:
- Feeling chilly.
- Cut in the abdominal region.
- Frequent urination.
- Fever in the evening.
- Feeling weak, constantly tired.
- Pain in the head.
- Swelling of the upper and lower extremities, as well as facial tissues.
Disorders of the functions of the musculoskeletal system
Pain in the lumbar region on the right for reasons associated with pathologies of the discs of the spinal column is a frequent occurrence. Violations occur as a result of the influence of such factors:

- Mechanical damage.
- Osteochondrosis.
- Surgical interventions on the spinal column.
- Heavy physical activity.
- Weakness of the musculoskeletal system, anomalies in its development.
- Sharp contractile movements of the muscles, changes in climatic conditions.
- A lot of overweight.
- Disorders of the functions of the musculoskeletal system in the elderly.
It should be noted that osteochondrosis is characterized by discomfort of a paroxysmal or permanent nature. The feeling of squeezing is a sign of mechanical damage to the vertebrae. Unpleasant sensations that occur periodically in a patient are a symptom that indicates a clamp on nerve endings.
Discomfort associated with muscle strain
This phenomenon is typical for people who expose themselves to excessive physical exertion. As a result of too intense training, discomfort can occur. This is especially common when doing inclines or exercises on the muscles of the peritoneum.

If the pain is not associated with a pathological process in the muscle tissue, you should not be afraid. It is only necessary to properly dose the load and not overstrain the body.
Emotional distress and extreme fatigue
Unpleasant situations, overwork, nervousness and lack of sleep often provoke a feeling of discomfort in muscle tissue. Stress contributes to the fact that a person constantly keeps his body in a clamped position. Due to incorrect posture, discomfort occurs in the lumbar region on the right or left side.

It is known that the fairer sex is usually extremely sensitive and emotional in nature. They are characterized by strong reactions to traumatic situations. Therefore, we can say thatgirls are more prone to discomfort in the lumbar region during periods of mental overload, fatigue and negative events.