Responsible for removing bile and some other organic substances from the body, the biliary tract is a rather weak point in the human body. Sooner or later, the pathological conditions of this area disturb almost any inhabitant of our planet. The likelihood of violations is determined by lifestyle and comorbidities, he alth nuances and other aspects. From medical statistics it is known that most often people are concerned about gallstone disease.
General information
Before considering what disorders of the biliary tract are, you should first pay attention to this element of the human body. The relevance of the issue is the prevalence of pathologies that significantly worsen the quality of human life. The last decades have been marked for medicine by breakthroughs in the treatment of dysfunctional conditions, and the latest methods and tools are actively considered and discussed at world-class symposiums and conferences regularly organized by prominent universities and clinics.
Biliarythe tract is formed by the gallbladder and ducts designed to drain the fluid secreted by the glands from it. The lobar ducts vary on average in diameter of about 2 mm, and the common duct of the liver reaches 5 mm. The dimensions of the common bile duct are similar. The relatively small size makes the site quite vulnerable, which affects the statistical information: doctors note that the success of the pharmaceutical market and new treatment technologies do not lead to a decrease in the incidence of gastrointestinal disorders, including the biliary system. The frequency of pathological conditions of the considered element of the body varies, according to various estimates, from 12% to 58%. Specific indicators are determined by the characteristics of a person’s lifestyle and the nuances of his body. So, for women, the risk is three times higher, on average, in comparison with the representatives of the strong half.

Features of the issue
Dysfunctional disorders of the biliary tract, disorders of the bladder, sphincter often manifest themselves spontaneously for the first time. The cause may be various aspects of the body's work, and the clinical manifestations of failures differ from time to time. Cases vary in severity and duration, issues of clarification.
As can be seen from the statistics, most people who encounter such difficulties almost immediately go to the clinic. A bad condition is aggravated if a person does not immediately come to see a doctor, but at first tries to cope with the pathology on his own. If the case is one of the problematic diagnoses,and the detection of a somatic, neurological disorder takes a long time, the risk of developing a hypochondriacal state increases. There is a danger of a depressive disorder.
Specialists urge to pay special attention to the patient if there is a suspicion of functional failures and working disorders of the biliary tract in children and adults. The more time it took to clarify the diagnosis, the later a suitable treatment program was selected, the worse the patient's quality of life will be.
Many are convinced that they have an extremely severe, deadly and untreatable disease. In addition, incorrectly diagnosed and incorrectly chosen treatment is usually accompanied by a recommendation to adhere to a strict diet, which also negatively affects the person, especially with prolonged adherence to forced restrictions, which are actually inappropriate for the current illness.
GSD is the most common biliary tract disorder in children and adults. The pathological condition is considered perhaps the most typical for people of any age, living in a variety of localities and countries. In developed countries, the number of patients is estimated at 10-40% of the total population. On average, this parameter doubles every 10 years. In our country, the frequency of cholelithiasis varies between 5-20%, specific indicators are determined by the region and the characteristics of the sample group.
The prevalence of the problem, a persistent trend towards an increase in cases, leads to an increase in the frequency of surgical interventions aimed atelimination of cholecystolithiasis. More often, surgery is performed only when necessary to treat appendicitis. GSD is recognized by the medical community as a social, medical and economic phenomenon that greatly affects the well-being of the population of all corners of the planet.

Digestive system and overweight
Recently, the attention of doctors is attracted by the interconnection of dysfunctional disorders of the biliary tract in children and adults and extra pounds. As medical statistics show, excess weight negatively affects the state of the body in all its aspects. Various internal systems and organs suffer. The greater the weight of a person, the more often he is sick with diabetes, sleep apnea, vascular disease, heart disease. Being overweight is associated with an increased risk of PCOS. Almost 88% of overweight patients suffer from high blood pressure. At the same time, the risks of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and dyslipidemia increase. Hepatic steatosis worries all overweight people without exception.
The probability of developing cholelithiasis in case of extra pounds is estimated at 20%. And bile cholesterosis worries every tenth obese person. The probability of a pathological condition, functional disorders of the biliary tract is largely associated with the characteristics of the diet. The more animal fats in the diet, the greater the risk of metabolic syndrome, which leads first to being overweight and then to the formation of gallstones.
These days most oftenGSD is observed in Americans. The number of operations on this occasion in our country is less than is typical for Western medicine, approximately seven times. True, some experts believe that this is due not only to the occurrence of cholelithiasis, but also to the typical behavior of an ordinary patient: among Americans, the practice of visiting clinics for worrisome ailments is more common.
Dangers and pathologies
You are more likely to learn from your own experience what a functional disorder of the biliary tract can be, what symptoms it manifests and what treatment it requires if a person suffers from excess weight. The risk group includes primarily women, in whom cholelithiasis occurs approximately three times more often than in men. This is due to hormonal disruptions, characteristic of many representatives of the fair half. All this corrects metabolism, affects the biliary system. With polycystic ovaries, studies have shown that a fatty liver forms in 42% of patients, and this almost always causes gallstones.
Risk factors for functional disorders of the biliary tract include a person's age and the use of contraceptives that control the amount of estrogen in the body. More often, stones form during pregnancy and in people who are rapidly and actively losing weight on an aggressive weight loss program.
With metabolic syndrome, the risk of stone formation is 5.54 times higher than for other people. The risks are the more significant, the more pronounced all the symptoms of the syndrome. On thehigh blood pressure, high serum triglycerides, obesity and a low percentage of high-density lipoproteins indicate great dangers. Metabolic syndrome occurs in every second patient with gallstones.

Features of the case
If the biliary tract is compromised, symptoms include pain after eating in the epigastrium and/or spasms in the right hypochondrium. Manifestations of pathology indicate dyskinesia of the bile flow pathways. As studies have shown, about 90% of cases of the appearance of stones on the background of the metabolic syndrome are formations that appeared on the basis of cholesterol: the processes are closely related to the active generation of cholesterol and the excretion of this compound into bile. The pathways secrete mucin, reducing the ability of the bladder to contract.
As observations have shown, vegetative failures are another significant factor in the formation of stones in the gallbladder. Parasympathetic, sympathetic NS work inadequately, the balance between them is lost, a condition known as hypersympathicotonia is formed. For this reason, hypomotor dyskinesia of the biliary tract appears, the sympathetic effect increases, and the parasympathetic pathologically decreases.
Weight and stones: are there options?
Doctors are actively working not only on the study of the features of violations of the biliary tract, but also with methods to prevent such a condition. In particular, special attention is paid to overweight patients. Currently, ursodeoxycholic acid is used, inpharmacies represented under the trade name "Ursosan". The active compound of this drug affects hepatocyte membranes, gastrointestinal epitheliocytes, cholangiocytes. Thanks to it, the structure of cellular elements is stabilized, the aggressive external influence of toxic substances is reduced, the concentration of cholesterol in bile is reduced, since its production by the liver structures is inhibited. In addition, under the influence of acid, cholesterol dissolves more efficiently. The drug stimulates the dissolution of solid structures and prevents the appearance of new ones. Clinical trials have shown that ursodeoxycholic acid has a good effect in 80% of cases.
A prophylactic course with the use of this pharmaceutical product is also recommended in case of a high probability of biliary tract disorders due to biliary lithogenicity. The drugs are indicated if studies have revealed numerous cholesterol stones, the diameter of which is less than 5 mm. This acid protects liver cells, reduces the activity of the inflammatory focus by inhibiting the generation of cytokines. The drug has antiapoptotic, antifibrotic effects. The agent affects the active excretion of very low-density lipoproteins from the body.

Functional disorders
Different variants of dysfunction of the biliary tract in the ICD are encoded with codes K80-K87. As doctors have established, before gallstones are detected in a patient, biliary sludge develops, and it is preceded by a state of functional disorder. If aSince fairly accurate statistics are known regarding the incidence of gallstones, such a clear picture does not exist for functional disorders.
Some experts who have de alt with this issue have found that functional disorders are indicated by phenomena and symptoms on which an approximate statistical study can be carried out. Thus, pathological changes in the organ, detected during ultrasound, are 70% a variety of deformations, and it can be said with confidence that all these people have a functional disorder. In addition to biliary disorders, pancreatic disorders are distinguished.
Diagnostics and phenomena
Conditions preceding ICD-coded dysfunctions of the biliary tract were considered within the framework of a medical congress organized in Rome by specialists dealing with the digestive system of the human body. The event held in 2006 was dedicated specifically to the work of the biliary system.
Here it was decided as the main diagnostic signs of pathology to consider the patient's complaints of soreness, discomfort, sometimes manifested in the epigastric region, under the ribs from the top right or left. Each of the phenomena can appear on its own, a complex symptom is possible. Attacks of pain, allowing us to talk about functional disorders, should last half an hour or more. When diagnosing, it is necessary to clarify exactly when the pain comes: the pathological condition in question is indicated by sensations that appear shortly after a meal (inbetween a quarter of an hour and three hours).
When diagnosing a functional disorder preceding the conditions indicated as K80-K87 in ICD 10 codes (biliary tract dysfunction), it is necessary to clarify what type of pain the patient has. Intensity indicating a serious pathology - the level at which a person cannot function normally and needs to be hospitalized. At first, the pains come in episodes, gradually they turn into permanent ones. After defecation, sensations do not weaken. Neither changing posture nor taking antacids helps to relieve the condition.
Features and phenomena
If functional disorders of the biliary tract are suspected, differential diagnosis comes first. It is known that the symptoms described earlier can appear with a wide range of pathological conditions affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Only a full range of tests and instrumental examinations will help to make the correct diagnosis.
In some patients, the pathology leads to nausea or provokes a gag reflex. Pain can be given under the shoulder blade on the right or in the back. There is a possibility of night attacks: as a rule, these occur no earlier than two in the morning. Dyspeptic, asthenoneurotic phenomena are distinguished as concomitant symptoms.
Nuances of diagnosis
Officially, at the congress in 2006, they not only determined what a functional disorder could be, what nuances it manifests itself in the work of the biliary tract, but also considered how to correctly enter the findings into the patient's chart.
Possibleoptions: FRZHP, FBRSO, FPRSO. Alternative encodings: E1, E2, E3. In the first case, we are talking about a functional disorder, in the second there is a clear indication of biliary disorders in the work of the sphincters of Oddi, in the third - pancreatic.

Pain: causes and consequences
If a person develops dysfunction of the biliary tract according to a hypotonic scenario, it is likely that the patient regularly notes pronounced discomfort and discomfort. Systematic suffering leads to depressive disorders, which reduces the ability to endure pain and intensifies it, and also initiates the transition of the process into a chronicity. Functional diseases affecting the area under consideration are often neurotic manifestations, although there is a possibility of a viscero-visceral reflex of a pathological nature. The same is possible with violations of the gastrointestinal tract and other systems, organs.
Clinical studies of performance disorders are particularly interesting as they provide insight into the development and progress of many organic pathological conditions. Often, dysfunction is accompanied by an inflammatory process localized in the flow of bile. The colloidal qualities of the secreted substance are lost, which sooner or later forces an urgent surgical intervention.
Dysfunction of the biliary tract according to the hypotonic type, as well as developing according to other flow scenarios, is a classic mandatory factor of lithogenesis, especially pronounced at the beginning of the process. The most prompt diagnostics and a successful choice of a program for correcting the condition -the most important clinical task, according to all modern doctors.
Functional disorders, it was decided to consider permanent or temporarily manifested complexes of clinical symptoms, expressed in different parts of the digestive system. These include problems that cannot be explained by the nuances of biochemistry or the structural features of internal organs. Regarding the biliary tract, functional pathological conditions are said to be a symptomatic complex caused by malfunctions of the motor-tonic function of the bladder, the sphincter present in it, and the bile flow pathways.
Problems and Solutions
When determining the characteristics of biliary tract dysfunction in children and adults, although it is important to determine the etiology of the process, it is practically not taken into account in further correction. The task of the doctor is to normalize the bile duct, regardless of what became the root cause of the problem. As a rule, patients receive outpatient treatment. With polymorphism of disorders, conflict at work, in everyday situations, with difficulties in clarifying the condition and the presence of an associated pathological process that requires a thorough approach to therapy, the patient may be referred to a hospital. As a rule, he is hospitalized for one and a half or two weeks - usually this period is enough.
Sometimes dysfunction of the biliary tract in children and adults is associated with neurotic disorders. This requires the use of sedative, tonic, and sleep stabilizing formulations.
An important aspect of the therapeutic program istrusting and close communication between the doctor and the patient - the doctor must explain to the client what provoked discomfort and serious consequences, how to correct violations. It is not uncommon for a patient to need a consultation or program supervision by a psychotherapist.

Eat right
With dysfunction of the biliary tract, one of the most important aspects is a correct, balanced, sufficient menu in terms of calories and nutritional value. The diet is formed taking into account what kind of disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract are disturbing. A person who adheres to the program developed by a nutritionist is rehabilitated much faster, and the quality of life improves in the first few days after the start of a new food intake regimen. The best option is considered frequent, fractional meals - up to six servings per day. This stimulates the gallbladder to empty regularly, normalizes internal pressure in the ducts and intestines. The last meal is recommended to be consumed shortly before going to bed.
With dysfunction of the biliary tract, alcohol and carbonated drinks are strictly prohibited. The ban is imposed on smoked meats, fried foods, as well as those with a high content of animal fat. You can not use spicy. All seasonings will have to be excluded from the diet, since such foods are highly likely to provoke sphincter spasms.
Too active and too weak
When compiling a diet, it is supposed to take into account how substances contained in foodstuffs canadjust the motility of the digestive tract. In particular, hyperkinetic dysfunction requires limiting the entry into the body of compounds that can activate contractions. This obliges to exclude vegetable fats, rich broths on mushrooms, fish and meat, as well as oils squeezed from plants from the menu. The patients will benefit from magnesium-rich foods that lower muscle tone - buckwheat, millet, cabbage. You should either completely abandon or significantly reduce the consumption of egg yolks. Of the drinks, coffee, tea, especially in a strong form, are subject to restrictions. Patients are advised to stop eating creams, nuts, muffins.
If dysfunction develops according to a hypokinetic scenario, it is reasonable to revise the diet so that the body receives a sufficient amount of useful products that positively affect tissue contractility.
Patients are shown not too strong broths on meat, rich fish soup. Sour cream and cream are considered useful. To activate the contraction of the sphincter, you should eat salads seasoned with vegetable oil, boil soft-boiled eggs. You can use vegetable oil as food as an independent product - 30 minutes before a meal, a teaspoon, daily, three times. The duration of the program reaches three weeks.
In order to avoid constipation, you should eat foods that activate the intestinal tract. Carrots and beets, watermelons and various greens are distinguished by a pronounced effect. Patients are advised to eat melons, zucchini, cook pumpkin dishes. Among dried fruits, dried fruits are the most useful.apricots and plums, and from fresh ones, you should pay attention to pears and oranges. When compiling a diet, the doctor will definitely recommend including honey in the diet. Activation of motor skills is possible with the use of bran.

General Condition
Often, dysfunction of the biliary system has a negative effect on the psycho-emotional status, provoking various kinds of disorders. Clinical appearances become the basis for identifying endogenous depression. To correct it, the means are selected by assessing the state of the nervous system, including the autonomic, as well as psycho-emotional manifestations.
Patients are shown drugs that simplify adaptation to external conditions, tranquilizers and antidepressants. In severe cases, antipsychotics may be used. In some cases, it is recommended to use sedatives, ganglionic blockers. Special gymnastic complexes and physiotherapy will benefit.
Recently, the most effective option to combat visceral hyperalgesia is considered to be taking antidepressants. Among antipsychotics, preference is given to medicines containing sulpiride. The drug program helps to block dopamine D2 prescriptions, eliminates vomiting and stabilizes gastrointestinal motility. This course should be prescribed to adults, but in old age it is permissible only if it is possible to regularly monitor the progress of the patient's condition. It is known that over the years the risks of hypersensitivity become greater, which means that taking sulpiride can provoke undesirable consequences.