The phrase "delirium tremens" is probably known to everyone. This disease is very terrible. It has serious symptoms, no less serious consequences, sometimes even death. But at the same time, it is one of the most popular topics in jokes, humorous stories, and tales. What is white fever? Why such ambiguity? How does it arise and how does it pass?
Delirium tremens is a consequence of prolonged alcohol abuse. In Latin, it sounds like "delirium tremens", which translates as "shaking obscuration." In medicine, delirium tremens is also called "alcoholic delirium". The people mostly use the terms "squirrel" or "squirrel".
General information
Delirium tremens is a consequence of alcohol abuse. "Squirrel" in most cases is observed in alcoholics with experience. These people have a second or third degree of chronic alcoholism. Usually the alcohol experience of such people is already 5-7 years. However, such cases were also recorded when the "squirrel" was observed in patients who went into a binge for two to three weeks. Even cases of manifestation of alcoholic delirium in those people who are notaddicted to alcohol and do not go into binges. "Squirrel" can come after drinking a huge amount of alcohol, in other words, when a person has gone too far. Often the cause of delirium can be low-quality alcohol.

At its core, "squirrel" is the body's reaction to a lack of alcohol after a long binge. Simply put, it's a rip off. As a rule, a "squirrel" visits a person 2-5 days after he has stopped drinking alcohol. The brain during binge gets toxic damage. When the supply of new portions of alcohol is stopped, its oxygen starvation is observed. White fever develops gradually. This often depends on the patient's physical and mental he alth.
Symptoms of alcoholic delirium
How does delirium tremens manifest itself? Symptoms, consequences - all this we know thanks to the work of scientists and doctors. First, let's highlight the main symptoms.

The first symptoms of "squirrels" are sleep disturbances. He sleeps very badly or cannot sleep at all, there is some anxiety. This condition may be accompanied by migraine, convulsions, vomiting, speech disturbance. At the next stage, there is an increase in anxiety, heart rate increases, pressure and body temperature increase. The patient's hands are shaking violently.
Gradually begin "glitches" - at first nightmares, and then they grow into some kind of vision. A person experiences deception of hearing and vision duringwaking time: he hears extraneous voices of people, shadows, various non-existent objects. He sees conspiracies against him everywhere and claims that his life is in danger.
After 2-3 days the patient's condition becomes even worse: he does not sleep at all, he already sees various insects crawling over his body, fabulous animals, devils, elves, gnomes. The patient tries to run away from the threat. This state may leave him in a couple of days, or it may end more deplorably for himself and for those around him.

Let's highlight the following main symptoms of alcoholic delirium:
- visual and auditory hallucinations;
- a state of madness and insanity;
- loss of orientation in space and time;
- chills, increased pressure and temperature;
- anxiety, fear, strong nervous excitement;
- frequent mood swings: aggression and fear change to fun, and vice versa;
- nightmares or insomnia in general;
- excessive sweating;
- trembling hands, convulsions;
- rapid heartbeat.

Varieties of delirium tremens
You can distinguish the following types of "squirrels":
- Reduced delirium - short-term or mild "squirrel" symptoms.
- Atypical mixed delirium - "glitches" are added to mild symptoms, the orientation and sense of reality are lost. This type of "squirrel" can end abruptly or wearlytic character, that is, gradually. In the latter case, crazy ideas persist for a very long time.
- Severe delirium - can develop in two directions: muttering and professional.
Types of severe delirium
Mumbling delirium - the patient constantly mumbles something indistinctly and makes strange movements: he feels, wipes, smoothes. Dehydration is also characteristic.
Occupational delirium is diagnosed by the movements that prevail in a person's work environment. In this case, the patient is sure that he is at work. He makes all those movements and repeats those sounds that are in his workplace. This condition usually develops into Korsakoff's psychosis.
Korsakov psychosis
Korsakov's psychosis is a mental disorder resulting from damage to the peripheral nervous system. Delirium tremens brings extremely deplorable consequences for the brain. There is a violation of the patient's memory, amnesia - the patient forgets absolutely everything, he does not remember the past, he is not even able to reproduce the events of the current day. Such people do not remember the names of their loved ones, they can ask the same stupid questions, etc. Patients are very anxious, they are afraid of everything. Over time, they may develop a state of euphoria, or vice versa - apathy and indifference. With Korsakov's psychosis, disability is lost, paralysis develops. The patient becomes disabled. With a complete rejection of alcohol and intensive rehabilitation after 2-3 years, memory can stabilize, but performance does not return.

First aid for delirium tremens
If a person has symptoms of "squirrels", first of all, you should try to put him to bed and keep him in this position until the doctors arrive. Something cold should be applied to the forehead and given a lot to drink. The patient needs to calm down. For this purpose, sedatives or sleeping pills can be given. A patient in a state of "squirrels" should be under constant supervision for the safety of both him and those around him. In a state of delirium, a person, running away from a fictitious danger, can bend down through a window or start fighting with improvised means, and these can be very dangerous objects.
Cure delirium tremens
Delirium tremens is a consequence of the abuse of a kind of drug. It is impossible to overcome the "squirrel" on your own, so medical care is mandatory. The patient must be admitted to a psychiatric hospital. Refusal of medical care can be fraught with consequences. The state of alcoholic delirium usually lasts from two to eight days. During the day, the patient feels better, he even resembles a normal person, but at night the symptoms worsen.
For the treatment of "squirrels" use psychotropic sedative drugs, as well as drugs that normalize metabolism and water-s alt balance in the body. Doctors normalize the cardiovascular system and breathing. Vitamins must be administered intravenously. If the patient has prolonged hallucinations, then antipsychotic drugs are prescribed. However, they are not always prescribed, only in emergency cases, since they tend to strengthenconvulsions. After recovery, the patient is prescribed long-term prophylactic treatment with restriction of alcohol consumption or complete rejection of it. Delirium tremens is a consequence after treatment - even the best - still leaves. But in what form is another question.

What is delirium tremens and what are its symptoms, it has already become clear. Now consider the consequences. All human organs and systems suffer from alcoholic delirium. Delirium tremens can have a variety of consequences - from complete recovery to death. Most often, this is a manifestation of various diseases, both physical and mental. The consequences depend on how strong the he alth of the patient is. An important role is played by the degree of alcohol intoxication and the timeliness of first aid.
Here are some of the effects of delirium:
- chronic psychosis;
- heart failure;
- impaired circulation;
- kidney disease;
- liver disease;
- cerebral edema;
- amnesia.
In most cases, patients who are lucky enough to overcome the "squirrel" aspire to a full recovery and do not repeat the sad experience. These people become very sensitive: even with a slight use, a new attack can be provoked, which will be stronger. The consequences of delirium tremens after drinking can already become fatal. Then saving a person is almost impossible.