Intestinal hernia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, possible complications, diet, prevention

Intestinal hernia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, possible complications, diet, prevention
Intestinal hernia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, possible complications, diet, prevention

Intestinal hernia is a generalized concept that implies any hernial formation that leads to protrusion of the anterior abdominal wall due to displacement into a kind of bag of digestive organs.

Causes for the development of pathology

Intestinal hernia is congenital, it occurs due to anomalies in the development of the abdominal organs during the stay of the fetus in the womb. In addition, such a pathology is acquired. Predisposing factors are excessive physical activity along with frequent constipation, excess weight and postoperative complications. In addition, the factors of the development of the disease include the following reasons:

  • The presence of diseases of the internal organs of the digestive system along with human exhaustion.
  • Obtaining mechanical injuries of the anterior abdominal wall.
  • Having a genetic predisposition.
  • The appearance of a prolonged and hysterical cough.
  • Presence of lumbago (acute paincharacter, extending into the lower back in the form of lumbago).
removal of intestinal hernia
removal of intestinal hernia

Who happens more often?

Intestinal hernia is a common diagnosis among professional athletes who lift heavy loads. This pathological condition can occur regardless of age. The formation of a hernia sometimes occurs in children in infancy. The disease in question, which occurs after surgery on the organs of the abdominal region, is associated with a purulent and inflammatory focus.


The clinical picture of intestinal hernia may have a different character depending on where the pathological process began to develop. In the event that she has a small size, and she herself grows slowly, practically without developing, the overall symptomatic picture will be mild. It will manifest itself as a minor short-term disturbance in the digestive and genitourinary systems.

In the case of the development of pathological processes, the first symptom of intestinal hernia will be pain, which can be aching, strong, acute or weak. This may occur under the influence of provoking factors or may be present all the time.

Common signs

The following common symptoms of intestinal hernia in women and men are noted:

  • Presence of disorders of the digestive system.
  • The appearance of pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Presence of blood clots in the stool.
  • Appearance of nausea and vomiting.
  • The occurrence of swelling in the arealocation.
intestinal hernia treatment
intestinal hernia treatment

Diagnosis of intestinal hernia

Diagnosis of a tumor-like formation in the presence of symptoms of intestinal hernia, as a rule, includes a survey of the patient about complaints, in addition, a thorough anamnesis, that is, a history of pathology, can be drawn up. Conduct an examination by palpation, so the doctor determines the degree of intensity of pain, studying the size of the hernia. If necessary, a consultation of related specialists is prescribed, such as a gastroenterologist, proctologist, gynecologist, and so on.

In order to confirm the diagnosis of intestinal hernia in men and women, a cough push is used. This technique is carried out in this way: the doctor places his palm on the place where the hernia is located, and asks the patient to try to cough. If during a cough the formation begins to move under the skin, then the diagnosis is confirmed.


Hernia can provoke dysfunction of the organs of the system in which the hernial sac is located. In the event that the pathology is located on the white line, then the person's work in the digestive system is disrupted. The patient may be tormented by frequent constipation, it is possible the development of ulcerative pathology in the stomach along with gastritis and colitis.

In the presence of an inguinal hernia, diseases of the organs in the genitourinary system can occur. The most common complication is the inability to correct the hernial sac. In the event that the size of the protrusion is small, there are no complications. And against the background of this man, takinghorizontal position, will notice that the wandering hernia is simply hiding.

This condition is called a wandering sac, because against the background of a change in the position of the body, the organs that fell into the hernial sac begin to return to their original position. In the event that the patient lies down, and the bulge on the body does not decrease, this indicates the development of severe complications. They are dangerous because with the passage of time, the hernia can begin to divide into several sectors at once, each of which will fall into an intestinal segment.

hernia of the intestine in women symptoms
hernia of the intestine in women symptoms

Against the background of the development of an inguinal hernia, the functioning of the rectum can be completely disrupted. Often, the only method of normalizing the activity of digestion is an anal colostomy, which is an operation to form an alternative anal passage.

A complication of inguinal hernia in women and women, which poses a he alth risk, is infringement. Such a pathological condition is characterized by the fact that the hernial sac can suddenly be clamped in the hernia gate. Infringement is an emergency case requiring surgical intervention. This condition is accompanied by severe pain and may be the reason for the development of gangrene, since if infringed, blood circulation processes in this area can be disturbed. Other possible complications are invagination (that is, intestinal obstruction) and the development of diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon (against which the formation in the segments of the large intestine occurspockets).

Treatment of intestinal hernia

Pathology, depending on the stage, is treated with conservative methods or with the help of surgical operations. Drug therapy, as a rule, is aimed at stopping painful symptoms, and in addition, at preventing the further development of pathological processes. But it will be possible to fully get rid of the hernia only by performing a surgical operation.

intestinal hernia in a girl
intestinal hernia in a girl

In the event that the bag does not increase in size, then there are no complications at all. Such patients are prescribed physiotherapy aimed at strengthening the muscles in order to prevent subsequent organ prolapse. It is mandatory to wear a bandage.

Traditional medicine methods along with herbal decoctions in the treatment of the pathological condition in question are used only as part of additional therapy in order to reduce the overall intensity of pain symptoms. It is worth noting that conspiracies in hernia therapy will definitely not give any therapeutic effect.


Surgical interventions aimed at removing a hernia of the small intestine are performed endoscopically and openly:

  • Traditional open surgery is predominantly performed when there is an infringement, when the patient urgently needs to take quick and effective measures.
  • Endoscopy is a method of planned surgical interventions, which are characterized by lower risks of complications and a fairly fast recovery period, as they do not requireabdominal incision, as is the case with traditional surgery.

Traditional operation

During the operation, the doctor performs excision of the ligaments and muscle corset, returning the internal organs that fell into the hernia sac to their place. In the event that there was an infringement that led to necrosis and circulatory disorders, the damaged part of the intestine is completely removed.

intestinal hernia symptoms
intestinal hernia symptoms

An obligatory stage of the traditional operation is the plastic of the hernia gate, carried out by placing a mesh implant that supports the muscles. Such a measure is guaranteed to prevent the reappearance of a hernia. The tension method can also be used. In this case, the hernial orifice can be closed by the tendons and muscles of the patient.

How is an intestinal hernia removed by endoscopy?

Endoscopic Surgery

The doctor makes several small punctures in the skin through which a surgical instrument is inserted. An endoscope is also inserted, which is a tube with a camera fixed at the end, it transmits the image to the monitor. This method of surgery for intestinal hernia is much preferable, as it is less dangerous and does not injure the body so much. During it, the doctor cuts off the edges of the hernial sac from the tissue, the doctor returns the fallen organs to their place and sews up the gate.


After performing surgical removal of a hernia of the intestine (after surgery), the patient must wear a bandage that reduces the likelihood of recurrence. ATwithout fail, the patient adjusts the diet, excludes all kinds of physical activity. To relieve pain, which always occurs in the postoperative period, painkillers are prescribed.

Recommend as much time as possible to be in the fresh air, walk at a leisurely pace. Physical activity is usually allowed after two months. In the absence of complications, doctors allow cardio equipment along with swimming, which does not exert any load on the operated area, helping and contributing to the restoration of muscle tone, which in itself serves as a fairly good prevention of recurrence of the hernia sac.

intestinal hernia in the elderly
intestinal hernia in the elderly

A very important place in the entire rehabilitation program is given to the daily change of the bandage and the treatment of the surgical wound with antiseptic preparations. The use of alcohol along with smoking during the rehabilitation period is strictly prohibited.

How should food be?

In order to prevent complications, a patient diagnosed with intestinal hernia should adjust his diet along with the diet. From the menu it is required to completely exclude products that provoke constipation along with excessive gas formation.

It is necessary to observe the mode of eating. At the same time, you need to eat food up to six times a day, but nutritious portions must be very small. It is strictly forbidden to overeat. It is necessary to finish eating food with a feeling of slight hunger. Exclude products thatprovoke fermentation processes in the intestines.

The diet in the presence of a hernia, as a rule, excludes the intake of heavy food, in addition, you should not eat fatty meat and fish, and at the same time smoked meats. All food must be steamed or boiled. Food must be chewed very carefully. Any products must undergo mandatory heat treatment.

It is very important to observe the correct mode of drinking liquids, you should drink at least two liters of water per day. After eating food, drinking water is strictly prohibited. Dinner is allowed no later than three hours before bedtime.

intestinal hernia after surgery
intestinal hernia after surgery


Intestinal hernia is a serious condition that is prevented through a variety of preventive measures. They are aimed at minimizing the risks of increasing pressure inside the abdominal region.

The main measure of prevention is proper nutrition along with the observance of the diet. Excess weight, which is provoked by the unlimited eating of fried foods, flour products, and in addition, carbonated drinks, is the main cause of the pathological bag.

Frequent overeating leads to an increase in pressure inside the abdominal wall and can provoke a hernia. It is also recommended to avoid frequent constipation. With frequent violation of the stool, it is necessary to identify the causes and carry out appropriate treatment.

People who are professionally involved in heavy sports should, when receiving active physicalloads to put on a special bandage. Pregnant women are also recommended to use such a device when their uterus rapidly increases, putting pressure on the organs of the abdominal region, which often causes an inguinal hernia.

Muscles must be in good shape, in this regard, in order to prevent it is necessary to take regular exercise as a habit. It can be, for example, a simple exercise that helps keep the body in good shape and shape.
