Plantar callus: photo, causes and treatment

Plantar callus: photo, causes and treatment
Plantar callus: photo, causes and treatment

The feet definitely need special care, because in the presence of various factors, plantar corns can occur. Be sure to periodically arrange caring cosmetic procedures for the legs.

Often formed calluses and corns on the fingers and heels. This is mainly due to wearing low-quality and tight shoes. Be sure to pay attention to this problem and try to get rid of the existing problem as quickly as possible.

Types of calluses

Plantar callus (ICD-10 code L84) refers to neoplasms on the skin. Despite its unpleasant appearance, the corn performs a rather important function - it protects the skin from friction. Often they are formed due to wearing tight shoes. Calluses are:

  • dry;
  • wet;
  • bloody;
  • rod;
  • corns.

Dry calluses form in areas of high pressure, often on the feet. This is a layer of cells that protects the skin from permanent injury. Wet calluses form when the skin is rubbed. Fluid begins to accumulate under the skin.

Corn on the sole
Corn on the sole

Blood calluses are somewhat similar to wet calluses, but instead of liquid, blood forms inside them. This is due to the proximity of the vessels.

Corn callus got its name due to a certain structure. It is a rough patch of skin protruding above its surface with a depression in the center. Inside the recess is a rod or root that penetrates very deep into the tissue. The size of the corn can be very different, it all depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. The appearance of them on the feet is mainly due to the pressure of the shoes.

Corns are similar in appearance to dry corns, but they are more superficial. They appear with constant pressure on the skin and are mainly observed in runners, athletes. They can also be found in women who prefer to wear high heels.

Dry calluses

Externally, dry plantar callus on the feet is very easy to diagnose, as it has a coarsened structure. It protrudes above the surface of the skin and usually looks like a round yellowish spot. When pressed, there is often some soreness, but sometimes they are painless.

Due to constant pressure, the skin begins to thicken, increase in thickness, but it does not grow outward, but inward. Dry calluses can appear on the heels, soles, fingers. Most often they form on the protruding parts of the foot.

Wet calluses

As a result of prolonged pressure on a certain area of the skin, redness initially occurs, and then a bubble forms,inside which fluid accumulates. It protects damaged skin and promotes its faster healing. If the vessels on the affected area are located close to the surface, and the pressure is strong, then the fluid inside the corn may contain blood impurities.

Corns on the sole
Corns on the sole

A similar problem occurs as a result of wearing too tight shoes that do not fit. Blisters are caused by shoes that have too rough seams or are made of poor quality material. Wet plantar callus is characterized not only by pain. After the rupture of the shell of the skin surface, the liquid flows out and the infection can penetrate into the wound.

At the first sign of redness, be sure to change shoes, then apply a bactericidal patch to the affected area. If appropriate measures are not taken in a timely manner, then in order to avoid complications, it is necessary to carry out treatment with the help of an operation.

Corn callus

Many believe that a callus on the sole of the foot is completely harmless and does not require any additional treatment. However, this is absolutely not the case, since in place of a simple callus, a core can form. It grows very deep into the skin and causes pain and discomfort when moving, especially if formed on the sole. In addition, a callus may form on the thumb.

The stem plantar callus consists of two parts, namely the stem and the cap. The root or rod penetrates very deep into the tissues and holds on to them, not allowingremove the build-up in the usual way. The hat is a bulge, in the center of which there is a small depression, which has a rounded shape. Its size largely depends on the condition of the callus.


Hard plantar calluses or corns are often formed, which mainly appear due to wearing tight or uncomfortable shoes. They are painful areas of keratinized thickened skin. Calluses may occur on the balls of the fingers or the heel.

Such a plantar callus is quite common and can cause severe pain and burning while walking. However, pain and discomfort does not always occur, since most corns do not cause pain and discomfort. In this case, they can only be detected by touch or visually. Many are interested in how to distinguish a corn from a plantar wart. It should be noted that there is no core in corns, they are more dense in structure.

Causes of occurrence

One of the most common foot problems is plantar callus. It mainly occurs when wearing too tight or improperly fitted shoes. Among the main causes of this problem, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • incorrect load distribution when walking;
  • heel spur;
  • out of size shoes;
  • bursitis;
  • flat feet;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • arthritis of the joints;
  • osteoarthritis.
Carrying out diagnostics
Carrying out diagnostics

BasicallyThe cause of plantar callus is an increase in the load on the foot, which is accompanied by constant pressure on the sole and its rubbing. Among the main provoking factors, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • flat feet;
  • overweight;
  • tight or uncomfortable shoes.

However, increased physical activity on the foot only provokes and accelerates the process of skin roughening. In addition, among the causes of the formation of corns on the sole of the foot, various diseases of the internal organs should be distinguished.

What calluses can talk about

Plantar callus in a child and an adult can signal the presence of various diseases and disorders in the body. By their location, it is possible to diagnose existing diseases. If the calluses were formed due to wearing uncomfortable shoes or with flat feet, they disappear immediately after changing them or choosing an instep support.

If corns appeared as a result of the course of diseases in the body, then they can be eliminated only after the treatment of violations of this organ. Hard corns along the edges of the heel may indicate the presence of pathological changes in the joints. Cornshoes formed on the outer area of the foot indicate the presence of diseases of the spine.

If a callus forms on the inside of the sole, then this is a signal for an examination of the intestines. Calluses under the little finger indicate a violation of the liver or heart. The main sign of nervous overstrain of the body is a large callus on the sole opposite the fingers. If there is an additional cough, thenthis may be a sign of respiratory disease.

Thyroid disorders are indicated by rough skin around the edges of the big toes. If you are overweight, this symptom may indicate a slow metabolism. In addition, corns can occur when there is a violation of blood circulation in the legs, diseases of the joints and curvature of the spine.


Treatment of corns on the feet is carried out with the help of various pharmaceutical products, which are presented in the widest variety. There are several options for such funds, namely:

  • patches;
  • creams;
  • ointments;
  • fluid.

Each of these types of funds has its own specific pros and cons. Ointments for removing corns and corns mainly contain salicylic acid. In addition, they often contain benzoic acid. This softens dry skin and removes easily.

Application of ointments and creams
Application of ointments and creams

The ointment should be applied to dry, pre-steamed skin directly on the corn. The patch is then attached. The ointment should be washed off after about 1-2 hours. When using such a product, it must be remembered that the substances contained in such a product can cause irritation on he althy skin. That is why they must be used very carefully and only on the affected areas of the skin. Among the ointments, it is necessary to highlight "Super Antimozolin", "Nemozol".

Patches are much more convenient than ointments, but their effectiveness is somewhat worse. The patch is applied tothe affected area, its duration is approximately 8 hours. After that, the corn becomes soft and can be removed very easily with a pumice stone or a brush. If the desired effect was not achieved, then the treatment should be repeated every other day. You can use patches such as "Luxplast", "Enets", "Salipod".

Adhesive plaster from corns
Adhesive plaster from corns

Treatment of corns on the feet can be done with liquid products. Apply them with a tissue paper. In particular, they use such means as Lekker Stopmozol, Balsam Karavaeva Vitaon.

Call removal

Treatment with medications can be carried out only if the callus on the foot is not running. And in the presence of chronic growths, the removal of plantar calluses is required, and for this surgical methods are used, in particular, such as:

  • laser removal;
  • cryolysis;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • radio wave surgery.

Cryodestruction means that with this method, dry corn is removed with liquid nitrogen. This substance has a very low temperature, due to which the tissues of the formed growth are rejected. It is worth noting that the foot becomes clean and smooth.

callus removal
callus removal

Laser treatment is characterized by the fact that with the help of a laser device, dead tissue is burned. In addition, pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed in the area of irradiation with a laser. This method is considered the best and most effective. Plus, it's non-traumatic.

Electrocoagulation means that dry calluses are exposed to electric current. This method is quite common. Radio wave surgery is used to remove warts, papillomas and many other growths on the skin. All these techniques are used when the legs are neglected.

You can also contact a beautician who will help you quickly and efficiently solve the existing problem. Almost all salons have a pedicure procedure. If the corn is not too old, then beauticians will help you quickly remove it.

If a corn with a nail is present, the doctor may prescribe drilling to remove the corn with a nail completely from the skin. At the same time, he althy areas are not affected, which contributes to their faster recovery. This is followed by a long-term treatment aimed at eliminating inflammation and fungi. After the procedure, the doctor must make sure that the rod is completely removed.

Application of folk methods

Many are interested in how to get rid of plantar corns with the help of folk remedies and techniques. The treatment process will not be too fast, but this does not mean that the result will be worse or not at all. There are several different ways in which dry corn can be removed.

The most common method of treatment are baths. To prepare them, you need to add soda and a little soap to the water. Mix everything well. Keep your feet in this remedy for 15 minutes. Then treat the feet with pumice stone.

Folk remedies
Folk remedies

Goodaloe is considered a remedy. The plant contains many useful substances. Aloe leaf should be kept in a cold place for 3-4 days, then rubbed into the corn every day before going to bed.

You can mix aloe juice with fish oil and apply this mixture to the corn every day. This is best done before bed. In the morning, you need to wash your feet and rinse with a decoction of chamomile. You need to use this remedy until the corn is completely removed.

To get rid of corns, you can use propolis. The agent is applied to the damaged area and fixed with a plaster. Relief will come after several procedures.

You can apply finely grated raw potatoes to the corn, then fix it well. Wrap your foot with compress paper and put on a sock. Wash everything well in the morning. You can also use potato pulp along with onion.


To avoid the formation of calluses on the feet, you need to:

  • observe hygiene rules;
  • periodically remove the stratum corneum;
  • lubricate the feet with softening cream;
  • with a tendency to form corns, consult an orthopedist;
  • when necessary, wear orthopedic insoles or shoes;
  • wear comfortable shoes.

In case of corn formation, it is important not to start this process, but to start treatment in a timely manner, as this will allow you to get rid of the trouble much faster.
