VSD - what is it? Such a diagnosis is made to many people, but how to live with it and how to cope with the disease is often not explained. In this article, we will try to answer the questions that patients most often worry about.
VSD: what is it?

Vegetovascular dystonia is a dysregulation of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. When we are worried, we may sweat, when we are upset, we want to cry, when we are bored - we yawn. At rest, our heart beats more slowly. If we feel danger, the pulse quickens, and the blood actively rushes to the muscles. But when the regulation is broken, the body can make mistakes and "give out" an increased pulse at rest, for example. It is in these errors that the symptoms of VVD lie.
Many do not pay attention to such manifestations. Think VSD! What is it - just fatigue and weakness! But it is better to take care of your he alth more carefully.
Causes of VSD

Most often the disease appears in early childhood. Here heredity and features of the constitution can play a role. Causes include hypoxia.during pregnancy, trauma during childbirth, illnesses suffered in early childhood.
Many teenagers suffer from VSD, but outgrow the disease. Often children who have grown up very quickly suffer from VVD. What it is? In this case, the child grows rapidly, and the organs, including the heart, do not keep up with his growth. Because of this, the load increases, and the body can malfunction. But more often the problem remains in adolescence.
The disease can also appear due to severe stress, nervous breakdowns or prolonged stay in a dysfunctional emotional atmosphere. If conflicts often occur in the family, this can also cause VVD, even if aggression is manifested only between spouses and does not affect the child.
Among the causes are also chronic infections, intoxication and endocrine changes in the body.
VSD: what is it and how to treat it?

Drug treatment is extremely rare. In most cases, you can improve the patient's condition only by adjusting his habits. The best remedy for VVD is a he althy lifestyle.
First of all, you need a good sleep (8-10 hours a day). It also requires charging and staying in the fresh air for two to three hours. It is advisable to be physically active. For example, sports games are recommended, but in a "non-normative" mode. Great for swimming, cycling, skating, table tennis and more.
Proper nutrition is also important. It is necessary to limit the use of flour, fatty,sweet, reduce the amount of s alt. Choose foods rich in magnesium and potassium (oatmeal and buckwheat, apricots and dried apricots, carrots, parsley, rosehips, beans, nuts, etc.).
Physiotherapy, including water, will also benefit. Good hardening, because. it will help strengthen the nervous system.
In extreme cases, patients are recommended medicines. Sometimes it will not be superfluous to visit a psychotherapist who will prescribe his own methods of treatment - for example, hypnosis or attending group classes.