Exacerbation of tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils) in a patient occurs only under the influence of certain provoking factors. It is imperative to accurately determine the main cause of the onset of the disease, correctly recognize its symptoms and prescribe competent therapy. If the first signs of exacerbation of tonsillitis occur, an urgent need to visit a doctor for diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Timely therapy will prevent the development of serious complications.
Features of the disease
Probably everyone has heard about angina, but not everyone understands exactly what this disease leads to, and what complications can be when it becomes chronic. This disease is an infectious inflammation of the tonsils. Exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis (ICD 10 J35.0) can be triggered by a variety of reasons.

Often the causative agents of angina are pathogens, inparticularly streptococci and staphylococci. In addition, an exacerbation can provoke a sharp hypothermia, the consumption of cold drinks, and weak immunity. This usually happens in spring and autumn. You can get a sore throat if you do not follow the rules of hygiene. Increase the risk of infection by sharing utensils with a sick person or being in the same room with him.
Tonsillitis differs in its clinical course, pathogenesis and etiology. There are primary and secondary angina. The first is a classic sore throat, the second can be triggered by other diseases - diphtheria or scarlet fever. Specific angina occurs as a result of a fungal or bacterial exacerbation of the body.
Reason for exacerbation
Exacerbation of Mt. tonsillitis has various causes. The disease is a constant mild inflammation of the tonsils with a change in their tissue. In the remission stage, tonsillitis practically does not manifest itself in any way. Bacteria or viruses remain in the tonsils, but the immune system prevents their rapid reproduction.

Exacerbation of tonsillitis may occur due to direct contact with carriers of the disease with reduced immunity. The following factors lead to a decrease in immunity:
- bad habits;
- lack of physical activity;
- malnutrition;
- sleep disorder;
- Untimely treatment of inflammatory processes;
- constant stress and hypothermia;
- poor environmental situation;
- hereditarydiseases.
Most likely, a weakened body lends itself to angina. Basically, exacerbation of tonsillitis occurs due to a decrease in immunity.
Main symptoms
In the early days, tonsillitis in the acute stage can proceed unnoticed by a sick person. But gradually the symptoms will only increase. Among the general symptoms of exacerbation of tonsillitis, the following should be highlighted:
- severe weakness and fatigue;
- painful manifestations.
Cough mostly dry, provoked by sore throat. It is characterized by prolonged attacks, which are much more frequent at night. There may also be a sensation of a foreign object in the throat.

It is very difficult for a person to swallow, pain in the nasopharynx is constantly felt. With the course of any disease, weakness and severe fatigue are observed, since the body must spend a lot of energy fighting it.
Symptoms of exacerbation of viral type tonsillitis can be as follows:
- accumulation of mucus in the nose;
- teary eyes;
- temperature increase;
- puffiness;
- enlarged tonsils;
- general signs of intoxication.
Odorless clear mucus begins to discharge from the nose. It flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx and accumulates in the nasal cavity. With frequent exacerbation of tonsillitis, there may be tearing of the eyes, as the general sensitivity of the body to the drugs used increases, and an allergy occurs.
The whole thing swellsnasopharynx, making it difficult for a person to breathe. The tonsils are enlarged and redden, but there are no purulent plugs in them. The temperature rises very sharply and can reach critical values. If it reaches forty degrees, then you should definitely call an ambulance.
Among the common signs of intoxication:
- weakness;
- headache;
- aches in muscles and joints.
A person may have dizziness, darkening in the eyes. Moreover, such symptoms intensify if he tries to get out of bed. An exacerbation of viral sore throat is very dangerous and requires constant medical supervision.
In the case of bacterial tonsillitis, the symptoms may be different and among the main signs it is necessary to highlight:
- bad breath;
- temperature increase;
- formation of traffic jams and plaque on the tonsils.
With bacterial sore throat, not only the tonsils turn red, but the entire nasopharynx. Due to the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms, an unpleasant putrefactive odor appears from the patient's mouth.
The temperature rises sharply to critical values and lasts for a long time. Necrotic processes begin in the tonsils and plugs form from dead cells and pus. The coating is grayish, specific and definitely indicating an exacerbation of the disease.
If the treatment is not carried out for a long time, then there is an increase in the lymph nodes under the jaw and on the neck. Gradually, the disease can lead to the formation of abscesses, bronchitis and pneumonia. Sometimes there is the development of endocarditis, which leads to irreversible changes in the work of the heart. That is why, when the first symptoms of exacerbation of tonsillitis appear, treatment should be started immediately to prevent the occurrence of complications.
This is what an exacerbation of tonsillitis looks like in the photo.

In addition, characteristic symptoms appear, which make it easy to recognize the course of the disease.
Initially, the doctor collects an anamnesis, conducts a survey and prescribes laboratory tests. These include a blood test, cytological and bacteriological examination. The disease can be suspected by the presence of purulent contents in crypts and frequent sore throats.
In addition, special cultures may be required to determine which substances bacteria and viruses have retained their sensitivity to. This analysis is important, because in the chronic course of the disease, which is constantly treated with certain medications, bacteria develop immunity to them.
Features of treatment
How to treat exacerbation of tonsillitis, only a qualified doctor can determine after the examination. To do this, prescribe drugs:
- destroying pathogen;
- anti-inflammatory;
- softening.
As well as physiotherapy and gargling.
In addition, you can use folk remedies and techniques. In especially severe cases, surgery is performed. All drugs mustprescribe a doctor, as they have certain side effects.
To prevent the recurrence of tonsillitis, you need to monitor the immune system, and in moments of exacerbation, always see a doctor, since self-medication is completely unacceptable.
Drug therapy
How to treat exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis? For this, drugs are used. They are selected only after the diagnosis, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogens that provoked the sore throat to certain substances.

In case of a bacterial course of the disease, treatment of exacerbation of tonsillitis with antibiotics is required. Often such antibiotics are prescribed - Amoxicillin, Cefadroxil.
The first drug belongs to the penicillin series. It is very quickly and completely absorbed in the intestine. Only a doctor should select the dosage, taking into account the severity of the course of the disease and the damage to the tonsils.
The drug "Cefadroxil" belongs to the group of cephalosporins. With proper administration, the maximum concentration of the active substance is reached 1.5 hours after application. But excretion from the body is slow, so you need to drink it 1 time per day.
At the same time, additionally take probiotics to protect the digestive tract. Especially people suffering:
- duodenitis;
- gastritis;
- ulcer;
- reflux disease.
In this case, drugs are prescribed - Gastrofarm, Acipol, Normoflorin, Lineks, Narine. Forelimination of sore throat is treated with painkillers and antiseptic sprays. With severe pain syndrome, the optimal means are Nurofen or Ibuprofen. They are used as symptomatic therapy. You can also gargle with disinfectant solutions. For antiseptic procedures, it is recommended to use Chlorhexidine.
To eliminate the swelling of the tonsils, it is recommended to take antihistamines. Telfast, Zodak, Zirtek, Tsetrin are considered the best. As an aid, it is recommended to take immunostimulating drugs. To stimulate local immunity, Imudon should be used. The course of therapy is 10 days.
Surgery is a last resort, as it can cause severe damage to the immune system and the protective functions of the body. It is prescribed only in the case of a prolonged course of inflammation, when the lymphoid tissue is replaced by connective tissue. With paratonsillar abscess, an autopsy is indicated. The main indications for opening the tonsils are:
- deterioration of nasal breathing and swallowing process;
- peritonsillar abscess;
- lack of effectiveness in conservative therapy;
- course of chronic rheumatic disease.
The tonsils play an important role in creating an infection barrier. That is why otolaryngologists try to save them and resort to surgery only in the most extreme cases. The operation is carried out by several different methods, namely:
- complete remov altonsils;
- partial resection of overgrown tissues;
- diathermocoagulation;
- laser removal;
- ultrasonic tonsillectomy;
- cryolysis.
It is worth noting that the operation has certain contraindications that must be taken into account.
Folk remedies
Many are interested in how to treat exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis with the help of folk remedies, as they believe that they are effective, but safe. At the same time, doctors do not recommend being treated only with them. At home, cleansing of the oral cavity, throat and the whole body is shown. Use:
- rinse;
- physiotherapy.
It is worth noting that all these funds are used to increase the effectiveness of conservative therapy prescribed by the doctor. The general strengthening of the body's defenses can reduce the number of exacerbations of the disease.

Rinse with exacerbation of sore throat helps:
- wash away purulent deposits, as well as remove pathogens;
- remove festering plugs;
- create an unacceptable environment for bacteria;
- soften and moisturize the pharyngeal mucosa, reducing pain and discomfort;
- accelerate the healing process of the mucosa.
Most ready-made solutions are able to destroy the infection on the mucosa. These include "Chlorfilipt", "Furacilin". You can also use alcohol or oil solutions - Miramistin, Yodinol, Chlorhexidine, Lugol, Rivanol.
Also,you can use folk methods. A baking soda solution helps a lot, as it creates an alkaline environment. Take 1 tsp. soda, add to 1 tbsp. warm water, stir and gargle. This is a very effective remedy that has practically no side effects and does not provoke allergies. S alt solution flushes the contents from the tonsils. You can use it in combination with a soda solution.
Chamomile decoction helps to restore the mucous membrane and eliminate inflammation. To do this, pour the flowers of the plant with water, boil in a water bath, leave to infuse for 40 minutes. Then filter and gargle daily.
Inhalations can be done at home. However, it is worth noting that they are contraindicated at high temperature and intoxication of the body. It is best to use an inhaler. For inhalation, you can use decoctions of eucalyptus, pine buds, mint, sage, coltsfoot.
Exacerbation of angina in children
Treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms. Topical Therapy Includes:
- washing the tonsils with antiseptics;
- frequent gargling;
- treatment of the pharynx and tonsils with "Lugol" or "Fukortsin";
- use of antiseptic aerosols;
- inhalations;
- sucking on antimicrobial tablets.

With exacerbation of tonsillitis in children, antibiotics are used only in case of a severe course of the disease, when the immune system is greatly weakened. In this case, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed for 10days.
Exacerbation of sore throat in pregnant women
This disease often causes severe toxicosis in the later stages. There is also a risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus, as microbes from the tonsils enter the bloodstream. In some cases, the disease can even provoke a miscarriage.
Exacerbation of tonsillitis during pregnancy is usually accompanied by a weakening of the immune system. The body of the expectant mother cannot normally resist various kinds of infections. That is, there is a risk of preterm labor or poor labor activity.
To prevent the negative impact of the disease on the course of pregnancy, you need to avoid hypothermia and eat normally. In addition, it is important to visit the dentist in a timely manner in order to identify foci of infection in the body in time. With exacerbation of tonsillitis during pregnancy, the following activities can be prescribed:
- gargling with infusions and decoctions of herbs;
- washing the tonsils with an antiseptic solution;
- Gland lubrication;
- topical treatment with sprays.
Treatment of angina is somewhat complicated by the fact that some funds during the period of bearing a baby are categorically contraindicated. That is why drugs must be prescribed only by a doctor.
Possible Complications
Complication can be considered frequent exacerbations of angina. In addition, tonsillitis can lead to a paratonsillar abscess, which is characterized by a collection of pus behind the tonsils and in the tissues of the soft palate.
Besides this, there are a number of chronic diseases,which are not directly related to the tonsils, but their inflammation is highly undesirable for such diagnoses. These include rheumatic diseases, damage to the heart, kidneys.
Prevention of disease is of great importance. To do this, you need to avoid bad habits, lead a he althy lifestyle, strengthen the immune system. Preventive measures are aimed at preventing the development of colds.
It is imperative to observe the daily routine, rest as much as possible, protect yourself from contact with an infected person, avoid hypothermia.
According to reviews, rinsing with decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs helps to eliminate the exacerbation of tonsillitis. They help eliminate soreness and eliminate accumulated pus on the tonsils. In addition, inhalations deserve good reviews.
Some say that Bioparox effectively helps get rid of germs and sore throats. In addition, this tool has a minimum of contraindications.