Anemia itself, despite being considered a pathology of the blood, often reflects malfunctions in other vital organs. It is very important to determine the type of the disease and correctly establish the causes of its occurrence in order to choose the right treatment regimen.
Normochromic normocytic anemia, being one of the types of pathology, is a pathological condition of the blood, in which the number of red blood cells is reduced. With this phenomenon, the hemoglobin level may have a normal indicator. In other words, the size of the cells does not change at all, only their number is sharply reduced.
Usually normochromic normocytic anemia is not an independent pathology, but only a consequence of other equally serious diseases. This pathological state of the body is often explained by various chronic diseases: for example, problems with the kidneys, liver or bone marrow, loss of blood.

Red cells - erythrocytes, carrying life-giving oxygen to all organs, shouldinteract with the environment they are in. Otherwise, the effectiveness of their functioning is significantly reduced. That is why it is very important to take into account not only the number of red blood cells in the blood, but also how effective they are.
Normocytes are the most productive red cells in the blood. These include erythrocytes, which have the shape of a flattened disk in the middle with dimensions of 7.2-7.5 microns. If the anemia disappears against the background of an unchanged cell shape, it is considered normocytic.
Symptoms of normochromic normocytic anemia
Treatment for such a pathology depends entirely on the causes that triggered the mechanism of the disease, and the symptoms that appear. True, in most patients, especially at the initial stage, the disease is completely asymptomatic.
If a person feels constant fatigue for no apparent reason, which practically does not recede, it is worth contacting a specialist to confirm or refute the diagnosis of "normochromic normocytic anemia". To do this, the doctor sends the patient to a special blood test, which makes it possible to count red blood cells. If their level is too high, the likelihood of confirming a suspected diagnosis increases significantly.

In addition to severe fatigue, the patient may experience other signs:
- lip pallor;
- rapid heart rate;
- occurrence of sores in the oral cavity;
- loss of appetite;
- brittle nails;
- regular dizziness;
- pale skin;
- bad dream;
- arrhythmia;
- shortness of breath after exercise;
- chest pain syndrome;
- difficulty swallowing;
- cold hands.

Noticing the symptoms of normochromic normocytic anemia, you should immediately resort to the services of a specialist who will prescribe suitable diagnostic methods.
Specialists distinguish several types of the disease, depending on the pathogen. There are such varieties of normochromic normocytic anemia:
- in the hemolytic form, the rate of damage to red blood cells is much higher than their production;
- due to a sharp loss of blood, a post-hemorrhagic pathology occurs, which can be acute and chronic;
- Aplastic anemia is considered one of the most severe varieties - it completely stops the production of new red blood cells by the bone marrow;
- due to the loss of iron in the body, an iron deficiency occurs;
- due to failures in the production of erythropoietin, a special form of anemia develops.
Preconditions for emergence
There are several reasons for the development of pathology.
- Mature age. Women over 85 are more susceptible to the disease.
- Chronic inflammations, infections and malignancies.
- Iron deficiency due to constant blood loss due to pathologies such as colon cancer or stomach ulcers.
- Heredity.
- Pathological condition of the kidneys.

Chronic form of normocytic anemia
When the factors that provoke the development of pathology affect the body for a long time, while the diagnosis remains unconfirmed and treatment has not been carried out, a chronic course of the disease develops.
Normochromic anemia more often than other varieties of this disease are permanent. And all because this pathology develops over time, against the background of concomitant diseases in the form of damage to the bone marrow, chronic infections, problems with the functioning of the endocrine system. With systematic violations in the work of such organs, the production of a hormone that is very important for the production of red blood cells - erythropoietin, is significantly reduced. It is he who controls the functioning and origin of blood cells during oxygen starvation of tissues.
If we are talking about a hemorrhagic form of anemia that occurs due to blood loss, then such a pathology can be chronic if bleeding in the body is hidden or invariably recurring.
Treatment of normochromic normocytic anemia
Due to the varying degrees of progression of the disease, the methods of therapy used also differ. In addition, the signs and treatment of normochromic normocytic anemia are also interconnected. After all, therapy is aimed primarily at suppressing unpleasant symptoms.

There are several basic treatment regimens:
- Therapy using erythropoietin injections - usually used for pronounced signs of normocytic normochromic anemia. These shots activate bone marrow cells to stimulate the production of more red blood cells. Thanks to this, the body receives more oxygen, and as a result, excessive weakness, drowsiness and nausea disappear.
- In the case of post-hemorrhagic anemia, blood transfusion is usually used. After the acute form of the disease is replaced by a sluggish state, vitamin complexes are prescribed.
- Therapy for aplastic anemia involves a bone marrow transplant from a donor.
- Glucocorticosteroids and immunosuppressants are used to treat hemolytic pathology.
- Adjustment of the diet provides for the addition of iron-containing substances to the menu and is used at the initial stage of normochromic anemia. This diet allows you to increase the number of red blood cells. In addition to iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid are also recommended. However, before use, be sure to consult a specialist.

Traditional medicine
Old recipes are also used to fight anemia.
A very effective combination of honey and banana, which must be taken twice throughout the day. The bee product raises the level of hemoglobin. In addition, such a mixture contains iron, manganese and copper - allcomponents stimulate the production of red blood cells by the bone marrow.
Another effective recipe is the combination of apple juice and tomato pulp.
It is very important for children and adolescents to systematically consume fresh cow's milk - it contains a huge amount of iron. In addition, in agreement with the doctor, you can supplement the child's daily menu with iron supplements and special vitamins.

In addition, adolescents in particular should be regularly screened for normochromic anemia. According to the prescription of a physician, it is advisable for girls to take iron supplements during menstruation, since at this time the body is actively losing this valuable element.
Many women experience normochromic normocytic anemia during pregnancy. But usually this phenomenon disappears almost immediately after childbirth. Expectant mothers should strictly follow the instructions of their doctor to reduce the risk of having a premature baby or a baby with too little weight.
Adults and seniors should check their menu periodically to make sure they have enough iron-rich foods. Foods rich in this trace element include: mushrooms, meat, offal, strawberries, currants, fish, tomatoes, carrots, blueberries, strawberries, apples, buckwheat, legumes, herbs, beets.
At the first noticed signs of fatigue and excessive pallor, you should immediately consult a doctor, asvery often such a pathological condition is associated with more serious problems in the body. Timely and effective therapy, even in the most difficult situations, can save the patient's life.