If the papilloma is inflamed, what should I do? This is a common question. Let's look into it in more detail.
Papillomas are viral pathological formations on the human body. Most often appear in the form of warts or pointed growths. It is noteworthy that such phenomena can occur in almost any part of the body. If the papilloma is provoked by the HPV virus, then the disease is considered as oncogenic.

The first and most likely cause of pathological processes is the papilloma virus, which can enter the body due to the following factors:
- sexual relations;
- abuse of bad habits, narcotic substances;
- immunity weakening;
- unprotected sex;
- metabolic disorder;
- pathologies associated with digestion;
- poor personal hygiene.
Necessarytake into account that if a woman is infected with the virus, it can be transmitted to a newborn child. Infection can occur only through close contacts, it is possible in the presence of microtraumas on human skin. It is impossible to completely get rid of HPV (only muffle it by strengthening immunity). This virus may not show any obvious symptoms for a long time. The incubation period lasts up to several years.
This pathological process, as a rule, has no single symptoms. Symptoms depend on the location of the tumor and the type of HPV. Visual manifestations in the form of genital warts are the first and most reliable symptom of the development of this disease in the body. However, one should take into account the fact that HPV is recognized as an oncogenic virus.

In rarer situations, papillomas are accompanied by the following symptoms:
- skin redness;
- itch;
- slight tingling;
- flaking;
- discomfort when moving.
Such neoplasms on the skin differ significantly in shade from the skin. Even if they do not cause physical discomfort, it interferes with the aesthetic aspect of the patient.
Types of papillomas
In official medicine, the following types of papillomas are considered:
- pointed;
- filamentous;
- simple;
- plantar;
- flat papillomas.
Is it dangerous if the papilloma is inflamed? Let's figure it out.
Inflammation of the pathologicalneoplasms
Inflammation of papillomas is a fairly common pathological condition. If such neoplasms do not cause aesthetic and physical discomfort, it is not necessary to remove them. Papillomas often go away on their own, especially if you are attentive to your he alth and prevent a decrease in the protective functions of the body. Strong immunity does not allow infections and other factors to negatively affect the development of papillomas, but sometimes it happens that the papilloma has become inflamed, and this is already cause for concern. However, there is no need to panic. Such a phenomenon may be due to completely harmless factors. To determine the cause of this violation, you need to contact a dermatologist who will offer to undergo a series of laboratory tests, the results of which will make it possible to understand whether it is necessary to be wary of the identified symptoms and whether there is a risk of complications.
Causes of inflammation
If the papilloma has become inflamed, the first step is to determine the cause of the development of the pathological process, which very rarely occurs spontaneously. Experts name some factors that explain why the neoplasm has changed.
The main reasons for the development of inflammation of papillomas are:
- Injury to a viral neoplasm. Sometimes papillomas are localized in rather uncomfortable places, as a result of which they are subjected to constant trauma. These growths can be damaged by clothing, nails, jewelry, or shaving. Pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate into damaged tissues,which are responsible for the spread of the inflammatory process, which causes a change in the color of the neoplasm. Why do papillomas become inflamed?
- Pronounced emotional shock. If the papilloma hurts and turns red, you should try to remember if the patient has recently experienced severe stress, which can also lead to similar pathological situations.
- Hormonal imbalance, which is provoked by pregnancy or prolonged use of medications. For this reason, not only inflammation of the papilloma occurs, but also a change in its usual form.
- Hereditary factors. They can also lead to an exacerbation of the disease and affect already formed growths.
- Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation. If the papilloma turned red and inflamed, it is possible that the person spent a lot of time under the sun. It happens that changes begin due to trauma during shaving. When the papilloma on the neck became inflamed, what to do is interesting to many.
These are far from all the factors that determine why the papilloma is swollen and reddened. The swelling of this neoplasm is often associated with the fact that the patient often abuses alcoholic beverages and smoking. Bad habits have a negative impact not only on the development of the pathological process, but also on the state of the whole organism.
The neoplasm can also swell due to disturbances in the digestive tract and diseases of the endocrine system.
Inflammatory symptoms
If the papilloma is inflamed, then it is quite difficult not to notice. Such a disorder is recognized by its characteristic symptoms.
The main signs of the inflammatory process in papilloma are:
- pain when touching the neoplasm;
- purulent or spotting;
- increase in size;
- redness;
- changing the contour outlines of the build-up;
- temperature increase.
In some cases, the inflammatory process can go away on its own. However, it is best to start therapeutic procedures in order to avoid negative consequences. The inflamed neoplasm begins to hurt badly, turns red. Often people complain that the papilloma under the arm has become inflamed. What to do, the doctor will tell.
What should alert?
In some cases, signs of swelling and redness of this viral rash may indicate malignancy. This is the name of the process in which benign cells begin to degenerate into malignant tumors. Warning signs are a reason for an urgent visit to the office of a dermatologist. If the papilloma on the leg becomes inflamed and starts to hurt, it is possible that this will subsequently lead to the degeneration of the disease into a malignant process. Ordinary papilloma or wart at any time can degenerate into cancerous melanoma! Among several dozen strains of the papillomavirus, there are those that are characterized by increased oncogenicity. If the patient has one of them, then he risksencounter such a dangerous phenomenon. Specific symptoms help to suspect the degeneration of a neoplasm into a malignant tumor:

- changing shape and color;
- appearance of serous discharge, in which the presence of blood impurities may be observed;
- increase in neoplasm in size;
- Feeling of itching and burning at the site of the lesion.
Papillomas degenerate into cancerous tumors extremely rarely. This can happen due to increased viral activity. Various injuries of such rashes, hormonal imbalance, a strong decrease in immune defense and chronic inflammatory pathologies lead to the disease.
If the papilloma under the arm is inflamed, what should I do?
Drug therapy
No one but a professional specialist can say for sure what should be done in this situation. If the papilloma has increased in diameter, it has begun to hurt a lot and redness is observed, then you need to see a doctor. Only he is able to adequately assess such a situation and recommend the most effective therapy. All therapeutic measures that are offered to patients with inflamed papillomas are based on several principles:
- Elimination of visual signs of the disease by removing them;
- Treating the virus with medication.
- Strengthening immunity.
Subject to compliance with all directions of therapy, the patient can count on positiveresults. A situation in which the papilloma under the arm is inflamed and sore can occur at any time, especially if a person neglects to care for her. Such an outcome can provoke careless handling of the neoplasm.
If the papilloma began to become inflamed, it is required to get rid of it. A variety of cytotoxic drugs help to solve this problem. Due to their active elements, they adversely affect the cells of the virus and prevent it from multiplying. When the papilloma is inflamed and hurts, what to do, it is important to find out in advance.

Today, interferon is widely used in the treatment of papillomavirus. It can be taken orally or used externally, which directly depends on the form of the drug preparation, which contains the medicinal substance. The best effect is complex therapy, which is able to affect the virus itself and the pathological rashes that are provoked by it. With high immunity, the virus, as a rule, is not activated and papilloma is not formed.
Removal techniques
If the papilloma became inflamed, reddened and began to increase, then it, as a rule, must be removed. If the patient goes to the doctor while the papilloma has not increased much, then the operation to eliminate it should go without complications, since small rashes are more easily amenable to radical therapy. Before removal of a benign neoplasm, it is required to carry out its special processing. During this procedure, you should followsome rules:
- For processing, you can use any antiseptic that does not contain dyes. Zelenka and iodine will not work in such a case either, since they will not give the specialist the opportunity to see the current shade of the papilloma. After treatment with an antiseptic, it is advisable to stick a band-aid on the problem area.
- If there is no bleeding from the papilloma, then it is not necessary to process it.
- When bleeding develops, it is necessary to stop the bleeding and treat the wound.
- If a piece of tissue has separated from the papilloma, it must be saved and delivered to a medical laboratory for analysis.

These actions should be carried out only as a first aid, after which it is necessary to visit a dermatologist. When a papilloma on the neck or under the arm has become inflamed, it is best to treat it with radical methods. Doctors offer several methods to solve this problem:
- Surgical - the easiest way to eliminate the viral growth. Surgery is performed using a conventional scalpel under local anesthesia. At the moment, this method is relevant only in the presence of neoplasms that can degenerate into malignant tumors. With benign papillomas, it is usually not used, because after working with a scalpel, noticeable scars remain on the surface of the skin.
- Chemical. During the surgical treatment of inflamed papillomas, salicylic or lactic acid is used,with which the neoplasm is cauterized. The medical composition is applied pointwise on its surface several times, as a result of which this procedure takes a long time. Due to the negligence of the specialist performing the procedure, he althy tissues can be damaged, resulting in a burn on the epidermis. Scars and scars are not excluded.
- Cryodestruction. When removing inflamed papillomas, liquid nitrogen is also used, designed specifically for their cauterization. Extreme low temperatures kill the cells of the pathological growth, causing it to dry out and gradually separate from the surface of the skin.
- Electrocoagulation. This is the most modern technique for removing papillomas, which implies drying due to exposure to high-frequency currents. By negligence, this can damage neighboring tissues that are not infected with the virus, but this happens extremely rarely. As a result, the duration of the rehabilitation period increases.
- Radio wave. Another option for removing a viral growth is through exposure to radio waves. With this therapy, the likelihood of injury is minimized. The procedure itself is quite painless and does not require a long period of recovery time.
- Laser removal. One of the safest methods for removing an inflamed papilloma. The therapy is suitable for eliminating rashes on sensitive areas of the body, since it has a mild effect on skin cells. The choice of technique for removing inflamed pathological growths depends on a number of factors. Atthis takes into account the localization of the viral papilloma, clinical indicators and the preferences of the patient.

If the papilloma is inflamed and reddened, what to do at home?
Folk recipes
Many people, learning about the inflammation of the neoplasm, try to be cured at home. A variety of phytotherapeutic methods help to cope with a similar problem. An inflamed neoplasm can be treated with celandine juice, which is used to treat its surface. Another way to cure the inflammation of a viral growth is a special powder made from the dried crushed leaves of this plant. You can lubricate small papillomas with dandelion juice. A similar procedure is carried out twice a day. The berries of mountain ash have a healing effect, which should be collected after the onset of cold weather. They make gruel, which is applied to the diseased area. They also come with healing compounds made from garlic or Kalanchoe. If the virus has affected the area of the rectum, then you can reduce the inflammation and pain with a tincture made from chamomile and St. John's wort, mixed with each other in equal amounts.
When papilloma is inflamed, what to do at home?
To quickly and safely eliminate formations, you can use the effective Papilight tool, which has a natural composition and gently affects papillomas, removes them without harm to the body. In addition, "Papilight"eliminates the recurrence of growths. This medicine has no contraindications and has been clinically proven to be safe and effective.

When a papilloma has become inflamed under the armpit or elsewhere on the body, it is recommended to treat it from the first days. This will help to quickly cope with painful symptoms and reduce the risk of complications. Most often, these growths are localized in people in the neck, under the armpits, on the upper back. However, the location of the papilloma directly depends on the type of virus that provoked its occurrence. In the above areas, papillomas cause more trouble, since these places are often injured when wearing clothes, accessories, and when combing. For their treatment, the most commonly used chemical method of therapy.
If the papilloma has become inflamed, now you know what to do.