Cough is a common symptom in various lung pathologies. It can occur in both children and adults. If left untreated, serious complications are possible. In addition, in some cases, the cause of the cough may not be in colds. It can be bronchial asthma and other diseases that threaten the patient's life. This article provides tips on what to do if you have a very bad cough. In which case you should definitely consult a doctor, and when you can try home treatment.
Common causes of dry and wet cough in adults and children
In medicine, a prolonged lingering cough is considered to be one that lasts more than three weeks. This pathology occurs at any time of the year and in people of any age and gender. Medicine classifies the following varieties, depending on which the methods of treating a very strong cough will differ:
- According to the presence, consistency and intensity of sputum coughmay be dry or wet. Dry is called unproductive. The patient is disturbed by obsessive coughing movements. Over time, they cause sharp and excruciating pain in the trachea, bronchi, chest and abdominal muscles. An unproductive cough most often appears due to non-specific irritation of the sensitive receptors of the larynx, trachea, and pleura. With bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, laryngitis and some other chronic diseases of the larynx, unproductive coughing is the only kind of cough. Wet cough is called productive. Depending on the presence, consistency and intensity of sputum secretion, various diseases will be diagnosed: mucous sputum indicates viral pathologies, glassy sputum is characteristic of bronchial asthma, rusty streaked ichor is for heart diseases.
- There is a classification of cough by duration, that is, by the time parameter. It can be sudden (most often occurs when a foreign body or dust enters the respiratory tract) - lasts only two to three seconds, accompanied by tearing and lack of air. The patient's face may turn red, if the foreign object is not removed from the respiratory tract, the person may begin to suffocate. A very strong cough in a child or adult can also be prolonged and reach several minutes of continuous contraction of the larynx. May also be accompanied by tearing and shortness of breath. A very severe cough in a child or adult can also be chronic, not going away for several months, one attacklasts about a minute, several times a day. Characteristic for chronic bronchitis or emphysema, reflux disease of the stomach, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, allergies, heart failure. The most formidable causes of prolonged coughing are lung cancer and tuberculosis.
- According to the rhythm and sound, a very strong cough can be barking (develops with inflammation of the epiglottis), with a metallic tinge of sound (with bronchitis of various etiologies), whistling (characteristic of inflammation of the bronchioles), bitonal (that is, hoarse at the beginning, and at the end - wheezing) is characteristic in the presence of a foreign body in the nasopharynx or larynx. Sometimes bitonal dry cough indicates the presence of a tumor.
- Cough can be different in intensity and strength. Medicine distinguishes not only a weak cough or a strong cough push, but also a moderate intensity. As a rule, low intensity does not indicate a low degree of he alth problem. for example, with tuberculosis, the cough can be quite mild, and the disease can be fatal. The strongest cough shock in whooping cough. This disease is accompanied by a very strong dry cough, specific, paroxysmal and of very high intensity.

Unusual causes of cough in children
There are also relatively rare causes of the development of pathology.
- Psychogenic cough, typical mainly for children of primary school age. When a child is exposed to a stressful environment (for example,transition to a new school or kindergarten) begins to show a variety of conflicting symptoms. He does not pretend: in this case, a very strong dry cough can be triggered by psychosomatic causes. for his therapy, drugs with a sedative effect are used, and the child also needs psychological consultations.
- Spastic cough and false croup are types of cough that are characteristic only for children of preschool and primary school age. Spastic syndrome is characteristic of obstructive bronchitis. this process also removes viscous sputum from the lungs. It is difficult for a child to inhale air, with an advanced form of the disease, death can occur due to lack of air. False croup develops with laryngitis, when mucosal edema occurs. Difficulty inhaling is characteristic, as in spastic syndrome.
- Bettolepsy is a rather rare syndrome in medicine, most often occurs in children of primary school age. An attack of a very strong cough is accompanied by loss of consciousness, a short faint. the danger of this condition is that it can be fatal due to blockage of the airways. It indicates the pathology of blood vessels, circulatory disorders of the brain, severe intoxication.
What is pneumonia, its signs and treatment
This is an acute lesion of the respiratory tract during an infectious-inflammatory process. Pneumonia is equally common in both children and adults. The clinical picture of this disease is as follows:
- the patient is weak,out of service;
- dizziness, fainting, loss of consciousness;
- fever, fever, chills;
- very bad cough, to the point of vomiting;
- Expectorated sputum contains mucus, sometimes ichor, streaks of blood.
The development of pneumonia is caused by some specific bacteria that can enter the human body through the air through contact with an already infected patient. These are gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, mycoplasmas, some fungal infections.
Adults who regularly abuse alcohol and smoke are especially susceptible to developing pneumonia. Nicotine, tar, ethyl alcohol have a detrimental effect on the bronchial mucosa, contributing to the development of chronic respiratory diseases. Subsequently, they can lead to the development of acute pathologies that threaten life. Pneumonia is one such complication.
But babies most often get infected from each other or from adults. Pneumonia can be contracted by airborne droplets or household contact.
Medicine identifies primary, secondary, postoperative varieties of the disease. Depending on the individual state of he alth of the patient and the degree of the disease, therapy will differ. Serious antibiotics may be prescribed. If pneumonia is accompanied by a very strong cough, fever, loss of consciousness, fever, you should immediately call an ambulance. It is impossible to try to bring down the thermometer indicator on your own using paracetamol-based products or alternative therapy methods. Fewjust bring down the temperature - you need to kill the infections that caused inflammation of the respiratory tract. This is possible only when taking antibacterial drugs.

Asthma causes cough
For a long time it was believed that the main cause of bronchial asthma is a hereditary factor, but recent studies have shown that allergic manifestations have similar symptoms. The deterioration of the environment, air quality and food consumed leads to an annual increase in the number of people suffering from bronchial asthma.
In addition to the hereditary factor, the following factors can directly or indirectly influence the development of bronchial asthma:
- endocrine disorders;
- diabetes mellitus;
- frequent pneumonia and other inflammatory and infectious pathologies of the respiratory tract;
- obesity and overweight, shortness of breath;
- excessive athletics;
- constant psycho-emotional arousal, stress.
Manifestations of bronchial asthma are as follows:
- man begins to choke;
- very bad cough;
- fear of dying;
- teary;
- panic and fatal phobias.
I must say that such phobias are not based on nothing - bronchial asthma, if not adequately treated, can lead to death. A very strong cough in an adult can lead to asphyxia, that is, death due to lack of air.
Types of cough in bronchial asthma:
- Moist, with sputum that may be streaked with blood. The more sputum is inside the bronchus cavity, the narrower its lumen. For this reason, it becomes difficult for the patient to breathe and asphyxia may occur. A very strong cough with phlegm can be one of the symptoms of bronchial asthma.
- Dry barking cough is more characteristic of this disease. It can be long and exhausting for the patient, as a result, specific treatment is needed to help clear the bronchial lumen and ensure normal breathing for a patient with bronchial asthma.

Pharyngitis and laryngitis as a cause of cough
People who are far from otolaryngology often confuse these two diseases. Pharyngitis and laryngitis, despite their similarities, have many differences. An experienced otolaryngologist can easily distinguish these diseases from each other.
Both pharyngitis and laryngitis are characterized by the appearance of a very strong dry cough in an adult.

In this case, laryngitis is accompanied by:
- change in voice (it becomes low, hoarse, bass voice even in women);
- increase in body temperature (usually up to 38-39 degrees, if the thermometer creeps higher, you should go to an ambulance, it may be undiagnosed pneumonia);
- sore throat, sensation of pain in the ligaments;
- mild inflammation of the lymph nodes;
- redness, swelling, sore throat and nasopharynx.
Laryngitis is contagiousdisease and is accompanied by weakness, decreased performance, apathy, drowsiness.
For pharyngitis, the appearance of a very strong cough in an adult is also characteristic. How to treat such inflammatory and infectious diseases? First you need to contact the otolaryngologist for the appointment of drugs. Folk methods for inflammation are most often powerless, and only contribute to the transition of the inflammatory process to the chronic stage. As a result, the treatment will be even longer and more expensive. In order to avoid complications, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.
Laryngitis and pharyngitis are characterized by a very strong cough. Folk remedies that can be used are different: badger fat for rubbing the chest, a decoction of mint and calendula, mustard plasters on the back. However, any otolaryngologist will confirm that three days of taking a quality antibiotic will give a better effect than two weeks of therapy with folk remedies.

Tuberculosis, its symptoms and treatments
Cough may differ in different stages of TB. The disease is extremely severe - at the slightest suspicion, you should consult a doctor. You can not try to self-medicate and use folk remedies. This could be fatal.
The main forms of tuberculosis and their characteristic symptoms:
- Latent tuberculosis is characterized by relatively small changes in the tissues of the respiratory tract. Cough with mycobacterial infection of this type does not pose a threat to others. Howeverin the absence of adequate treatment, the disease most often progresses to a more serious form.
- Infiltrative tuberculosis is expressed in the accumulation of a large number of cellular elements with blood impurities. The accumulated infiltrate in the lungs partially comes out with a very strong cough in an adult, while sputum is secreted with ichor. Discharge from the lungs may be yellowish, greenish - this is a sure sign of serious problems with the lungs.
- Cavernous form of pulmonary lesion is accompanied by a very strong cough, to the point of vomiting, in an adult, which develops hemoptysis. This is a very dangerous process, which often leads to the development of internal bleeding, and then to death.
- Total damage to lung cells occurs in cirrhotic tuberculosis. The tissues are completely destroyed. This process is accompanied by a very strong cough, which causes acute pain to the patient. This is the rare case when lung pathology is accompanied by pain.
How to cure a very strong cough if tuberculosis is suspected? First, it is forbidden to try to be treated at home. This can lead to infection of all family members, which can lead to adverse consequences (up to death). Tuberculosis patients are treated in special dispensaries, where he althy people are not allowed to enter. After the infection leaves the patient's blood, he will have to be in quarantine for some time in order to check if there is a relapse.
Inflammation of the larynx and nasopharynx - treatment methods
Simple inflammation, even a banal sore throat, can also provoke a cough. Most often in this case it is with sputum. It does not contain ichor or streaks of blood. Color - transparent, density - average. If the sputum has a yellowish tint, and is accompanied by a very strong cough (bronchitis is ruled out by the doctor), then you should be wary. It could be laryngitis.
Simple inflammation of the larynx or nasopharynx can be successfully treated at home. How to treat a very strong cough if it is accompanied by a sore throat, inflammation of the lymph nodes, while the temperature is not higher than 37 degrees?
- Honey and bee products are an excellent remedy for inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, larynx, and lungs. Slowly suck on a teaspoon of fresh flower honey once an hour. If there is a honeycomb - slowly chew them until completely dissolved. After a couple of days of such therapy, cough and sore throat will decrease.
- Infusion of calendula and mint: pour 200 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of dry chopped herbs. Take hot one hour before meals or three hours after. Helps reduce coughs and sore throats, and the anti-inflammatory properties of calendula help reduce phlegm production.
- Mustard plasters on the lungs on the chest and back are an excellent way to speed up the separation of sputum and get rid of a sore throat. You should gradually increase the time for which mustard plasters remain on the body. Start with two minutes to avoid skin burns. After a week of daily procedures, the time can be increased toten minutes.

Smoking and coughing: the action of addiction
Nicotine and tar damage the lungs. Both the alveoli and bronchi suffer, as well as the very structure of the lung tissue. The breath becomes fetid, in the morning the smoker is haunted by a very strong cough.
If a person smokes more than five cigarettes daily, and he is haunted by a strong cough, you should not look for reasons from the outside, you should quit the bad habit - and the problem will disappear. In order to quit smoking, there are many means - an electronic cigarette, NLP, hypnosis, vape, topical books (for example, "An easy way to quit smoking" by A. Carr). The main condition is the desire of the smoker to quit.
If in the morning the cough began to be accompanied by sputum discharge with ichor and blood streaks, you should be alert, undergo a fluorography or x-ray. It should be remembered that smokers are more prone to the appearance of neoplasms in the tissues of the lungs than other people.
What is whooping cough and how it manifests itself, treatment methods
Contrary to popular belief, whooping cough is diagnosed not only in children but also in adults. Most often, schoolchildren from seven to twelve years old suffer from the disease.
The main symptom of the disease is a prolonged, paroxysmal, dry or wet cough. In this case, the temperature may not rise to critical values \u200b\u200b- it all depends on the stage of the disease. The exacerbation of the disease most often begins in late summer - early autumn, in some cases the disease reaches such a scale thathave to close schools for quarantine. It is transmitted by airborne droplets and household routes. In the first four weeks after infection, the bacterium shows maximum activity in the body of the infected, so other people are most likely to be infected during this period.
If there is a suspicion of whooping cough in a child and a very strong cough, what should I do? It is necessary to consult a doctor, already from the second stage of the disease, hospitalization is necessary, the selection of an active antibacterial agent and treatment. At home, treatment may not be effective, as a result, whooping cough will progress to the third stage. This will be expressed in inflammation of the middle ear, emphysema, bronchopneumonia, numerous bacterial complications.
There is another diagnosis - parapertussis, it is a mild form of whooping cough. Diagnosed in both children and adults. This is also a bacterial infection, but it develops faster, and the symptoms are not so pronounced. The cough is less intense, the temperature almost never rises, and even without antibiotic treatment, the disease can pass without a trace (if the patient has good immunity and, in general, high body resistance to external infections).

Doctor's advice: the best cough prevention
Disease is always easier to prevent than to cure. Below are simple tips from otolaryngologists to help prevent any type of cough.
- Quit smoking in any form. Hookahs and electronic cigarettes also put unnecessary stress on the lungs and trachea. If there are pathogenic bacteria in the throat, even relatively safe hookah smoking can contribute to the entry of pathogenic microflora into the lungs. As a result, pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchitis may develop.
- Avoid hypothermia of the head, feet, lower back. In the cold season, be sure to wear a scarf and hat. Often, just five minutes of being in the cold is enough for a cold. Sudden changes in temperature can lead to inflammation of the nasopharynx, from where bacteria descend into the larynx, and then into the bronchi.
- Don't drink cold drinks in large sips. Ice cream should be eaten with care. If a person has low immunity, it is likely that the site of inflammation of the throat or nasopharynx will lead to the development of a focus, which, in turn, will lead to inflammation of the trachea, bronchi, and lung tissues.
- You should use the methods of therapy with folk remedies with caution - in case of lung diseases they are most often powerless. If the cough is strong and without sputum, you should definitely see a doctor and determine the exact diagnosis. This will help you get adequate treatment and get rid of the problem within a few days.