Headache in the frontal part: causes, diagnosis, treatment. Severe pain in the frontal part of the head

Headache in the frontal part: causes, diagnosis, treatment. Severe pain in the frontal part of the head
Headache in the frontal part: causes, diagnosis, treatment. Severe pain in the frontal part of the head

Every person is familiar with the excruciating headache in the frontal part. The reasons for its occurrence are quite diverse. In this case, the pain can have different intensity and, unfortunately, is not always eliminated with the help of pain pills.

frontal headache causes
frontal headache causes

Causes of pathology

Doctors have done a lot of research to specify why there is pain in the forehead. The causes, diagnosis, treatment of such phenomena have been studied in sufficient depth. This made it possible to identify five factors that most often provoke unpleasant symptoms:

  • infectious diseases;
  • poisoning with various toxic substances;
  • head injury;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • various disorders in the nervous system.

Let's dwell on some factors that provoke a headache in the forehead area.

Household poisoning

Today, few people think about chemicals that penetrate into everyday life. And in the modern world itespecially relevant. After all, the market is almost oversaturated with low-quality goods that were produced with the addition of toxic substances. When buying home appliances, carpets, furniture and even children's toys, a person does not know why a headache in the frontal part has arisen. The reasons for the phenomenon are easy to find if you remember what purchases have been made recently.

As a rule, after a month and a half, the pain subsides. No wonder, because the chemical coating of the purchased item is eroding.

what to do if the frontal part of the head hurts
what to do if the frontal part of the head hurts

Therefore, deciding to buy a product, you should smell it. Do not buy cheap furniture, appliances, building materials, fabrics, and especially children's clothes or toys. A low-quality product not only provokes a headache, but also undermines the body's immunity.


It's no secret that a person consumes a lot of nutritional supplements. Products rich in them negatively affect the entire body. At the same time, due to most of these substances, a headache appears.

Diseases of ENT organs

Severe pain in the frontal part of the head is sometimes caused by sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis. Similar symptoms are provoked by an inflammatory process in the frontal, maxillary, ethmoid sinuses.

  1. Frontit. With such an ailment, the most severe pain occurs precisely in the forehead area. The discomfort increases in the morning, and in the afternoon, on the contrary, it decreases somewhat. Feelings in their intensity can be completely unbearable. It depends on the filling and outflow of pus from the frontal sinuses.
  2. Sinusitis. As a rule, the pain is localized in the region of the temples, eyes. However, when tilted, the strongest discomfort is felt in the forehead.
  3. Etmoiditis. Despite the fact that the inflammatory process occurs in the ethmoid sinuses located behind the nose, pain can manifest itself in the frontal part. As a rule, such sensations occur periodically, at certain times of the day.

Infections and viral diseases

Such sources of pain are quite obvious. After all, even with a common cold, a headache in the frontal part can occur. The causes of discomfort are closely related to the general intoxication of the body.

  1. Cold, flu, SARS. At the initial stage of such ailments, pain appears in the forehead, neck, temples, eyes. And only after a while, the rest of the symptoms, characteristic of the common cold and the virus, join this symptom.
  2. Encephalitis, meningitis. Quite a serious illness. The pain can be localized in the forehead area, as well as in any other parts of the head. Sometimes this symptom may be accompanied by loss of consciousness, neurological signs. It should be remembered that these diseases require serious therapy.
severe pain in the forehead
severe pain in the forehead

Disorders of the nervous system

Such diseases are one of the common factors under the influence of which a person develops a headache in the frontal part. The causes of such discomfort are due to the following diseases and phenomena:

  1. Beam, cluster pain. Sharp throbbing discomfort in forehead. Often it happenslacrimation and redness of the eyes. Such pains come and go suddenly. Sometimes the sensations are so painful that a person is unable to even sleep. They are usually caused by smoking, drinking, or climate change.
  2. Neuralgia of the optic and trigeminal nerve. The sensations are stabbing, sharp, sometimes shooting through. Pain is localized along the placement of this nerve.
  3. Migraine. A common ailment, characteristic of almost every tenth inhabitant. Often begins pain in the temple. Gradually, it spreads to the forehead, eye area, back of the head. As a rule, sensations are one-sided. At the same time, nausea, tinnitus, dizziness, weakness can accompany such a pathology.
  4. Various neuroses, irritability, neurasthenia lead to headaches.

Concussion, bruises

Any head injury is most often accompanied by a headache. It is important to monitor concomitant symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and sometimes loss of consciousness. Indeed, sometimes a concussion can be diagnosed with a head injury.

Cardiovascular disease

Very often due to these ailments there is a headache in the frontal part. The causes of the phenomenon are due to an increase or decrease in blood pressure. Discomfort can be felt in the area of the temples and the back of the head.

headache in the frontal part of the cause
headache in the frontal part of the cause

Deviations in intracranial pressure from the norm also cause similar symptoms. When it risesbursting or squeezing pain is manifested. Such conditions develop with atherosclerosis, hypertension, VVD, kidney ailments, heart defects. Overwork can lead to this symptomatology.

If the intracranial pressure decreases, the sensations become girdle. This phenomenon is characteristic of people with hypotension, diseases of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland. Sometimes a decrease in pressure can provoke excessive stress, prolonged overwork, stress.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Squeezing and pinching the spinal cord causes severe pain in the forehead. The nature of sensations can be pressing, aching, shooting. In addition to discomfort in the head, osteochondrosis is accompanied by tingling, incoordination, goosebumps.

Malignant tumors

This is the most terrible and serious cause of headaches. It is characterized by constant discomfort in the forehead area. These could be:

  • vascular tumors;
  • neoplasms in the frontal part of the brain, bone, frontal and maxillary sinuses;
  • formations in the pituitary gland, eye sockets.

Diagnosis of pathologies

In most cases, a neurologist should be consulted for a patient who is concerned about a headache. The causes, diagnosis, treatment of this symptom are the specifics of this particular specialist.

pain in the forehead causes diagnosis treatment
pain in the forehead causes diagnosis treatment

If the pain is provoked by a head injury, an examination by a neurologist is performed. If necessary (if a fracture is suspected), CT and radiography are recommended. The same diagnostic methods make it possible to establish the diagnosis of osteochondrosis. Sometimes an MRI may be ordered.

Pain caused by sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis is diagnosed and treated by an ENT doctor. Most often, radiography is used to confirm the disease.

If the pain is caused by a decrease or increase in intracranial pressure, then the following examinations are prescribed:

  • X-ray skull;
  • CT;
  • angiography;
  • MRI;
  • ECHO encephalography;
  • blood tests.

In this case, it is advisable to contact a cardiologist and a therapist.

Treatment of pathologies

What to do if a certain area of the head is bothering you? What to do if the frontal hurts (parts of the head can not even be touched without discomfort)? Unfortunately, there is no definite answer. It is very important to establish the true cause that provoked discomfort. In each case, only a doctor is able to choose the right treatment and prescribe the appropriate therapy.

headache causes diagnosis treatment
headache causes diagnosis treatment

If the painful sensation was of a short-term nature and was not pronounced, then, most likely, there was overwork. In such cases, pain medications can relieve the pain symptom. At the same time, it is worth remembering that such remedies do not cure, but only eliminate discomfort.

As for medicines, the following groups of drugs are often prescribed:

  • Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs. These are drugs: "Analgin", "Aspirin", "Paracetamol","Ibuprofen". The drugs of this group are harmless, but have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Methylxanthines. These include drugs: Theobromine, Guaranine, Caffeine-sodium benzoate. This group stimulates the brain, improves metabolic processes in the body.
  • Ergot alkaloids. The representatives of the group are medicines: "Nicergoline", "Ergotamine", "Ergometrine". Medications improve cerebral blood flow.
  • Myotropic antispasmodics. The safest medicines that can relieve spasms and pain. These are the following drugs: Papaverine, Drotaverine, No-shpa, Dumpatalin.
  • Benzodiazepines. A group of tranquilizers. These include drugs: Sibazon, Midazolam, Diazepam.
  • M-anticholinergics. These drugs can slow down the spread of pain. However, they have a large number of side effects. This category includes the drugs "Spazmomen", "Platifillin".
  • Beta-blockers. Medicines that relieve pain by dilating blood vessels. The representatives of the group are drugs: Atenolol, Propranolol, Obzidan, Metaprolol.
headache causes and treatments
headache causes and treatments

All patients should remember that only a doctor can determine the causes of headaches and methods of treatment. Therefore, let the specialist take up the selection of the necessary drug therapy based on the examinations you have passed.
