Gastrointestinal bleeding (symptoms and first aid will be described below) can cause panic, since most people simply do not know what to do with the patient in this case. However, you should not give in to emotions. In our article, you will learn about the symptoms of bleeding in women and men, as well as learn how to provide first aid in violation of the integrity of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
Causes of the symptom
This condition in most cases occurs in patients who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. According to medical statistics, only 8 to 9 percent of patients are admitted to the hospital with similar complaints that were caused by a different reason, for example, mechanical damage to the walls of internal organs after swallowing a sharp object. In the following list, you will find the most common causes and symptoms of bleeding in the stomach and intestines.
- Ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinala path (meet most often). This category includes directly peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach, an ulcer against the background of chronic gastritis, destruction of the mucous membrane as a result of taking certain drugs, as well as erosive gastritis. The main symptoms are stomach pain and a bitter taste in the mouth.
- Diseases of the digestive system, not associated with an ulcer. This category includes various anal fissures, hemorrhoids, diseases of the gallbladder and liver, tumors of internal organs (malignant and benign), as well as varicose veins. Symptoms can be very different, but all diseases have something in common - the release of blood through the anus.
- Problems with the cardiovascular system. Sometimes stomach bleeding is just a symptom of a disease in another organ. The main ailments that you should pay attention to first of all are: heart failure, atherosclerosis and blockage of the veins, systemic lupus erythematosus, and hypertension. The symptom of intestinal bleeding is usually accompanied by periodic pain in the heart.
Well, do not forget about various blood diseases: leukemia, hemophilia, thrombocytopenic purpura, aplastic anemia and many other disorders that can only be diagnosed in a clinic when passing certain tests. So if you are experiencing stomach bleeding (symptoms and help will be described in the following sections), then you should seek help from a hospital. Moreover, to dothis is necessary as soon as possible, otherwise the disease will develop into a chronic stage.
Minor risk factors
In the previous section, you learned about the main causes and symptoms of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. We will analyze many diseases in more detail, but one cannot ignore the fact that in some cases such a disorder can be caused by secondary factors:

- avitaminosis (special attention should be paid to the lack of vitamin K);
- a large number of chronic diseases in the elderly;
- tachycardia combined with low blood pressure;
- severe traumatic brain injury and concussion;
- shock and mental disorders;
- esophageal hernia of varying severity;
- blood poisoning.
As a rule, stomach bleeding occurs only in the presence of several factors listed in the list. However, one should not exclude the possibility that the symptom cannot be caused by only one of these factors. Of course, the risk is quite small, but still there.
Types of gastrointestinal bleeding
Symptoms of various diseases will help to easily determine one or another ailment to which the patient was subjected. However, if a person knows about the types of bleeding, then it will be much more accurate to determine the diagnosis. See the following list for more details.

- Explicit orhidden. Abdominal bleeding, the symptoms of which can cause a lot of discomfort, can be pronounced or almost completely absent. In the first case, the patient will notice discharge when going to the toilet or when vomit is released. In the second, a person may not realize for several months how serious the disorder is (symptoms are limited to stomach pain and heartburn).
- Acute or chronic. The first variety develops rapidly and suddenly, as a result of which a person loses a huge amount of scarlet liquid in a relatively short period of time, and his condition noticeably worsens. Chronic bleeding may last for several weeks, but the discharge may not be as heavy. Over time, the patient develops iron deficiency anemia.
- Single or recurrent. Here everything is clear from the name. The first category includes diseases, as a result of which a certain amount of fluid is released from the gastrointestinal tract, but only once every few months or even years. Recurrent bleeding is accompanied by certain periods of "attenuation" of the symptom, but resumes with a certain frequency.
Whatever variety you have, it is important to remember one thing - internal bleeding is very dangerous for the body. Even if it does not cause inconvenience at the moment, this does not mean that it will continue like this forever.
General symptoms
Now we should talk about the symptoms of intestinalbleeding (or gastric) in more detail. There is a fairly large list of common signs by which this disease can be recognized. However, do not forget that these symptoms can be characteristic of other disorders. The final diagnosis can only be made by an experienced doctor, based on the results of tests and a comprehensive diagnosis of internal organs.

- Dark color of stool (you can say that it is almost black). Even when it comes to bleeding from the stomach, the blood in the intestines can be partially digested, causing it to take on this color.
- Weakness, fatigue, nausea, chills. These signs are also the reason for the loss of a large amount of blood. Even if a person does not notice a scarlet discharge when going to the toilet, such symptoms take place.
- Decrease in heart rate. It is not difficult to guess that the loss of blood also affects the functioning of the circulatory system. The pulse may decrease by 10 or even 20 beats per minute.
- Tinnitus and blurred vision. In some cases, blood loss is accompanied by such symptoms. This also includes dizziness and migraine.
- Vomit with scarlet liquid. In appearance, the blood will strongly resemble coffee grounds, as it coagulates under the influence of gastric juice.
It is also worth noting that such a state does not necessarily have to be accompanied by pain. In some cases, even bleeding with an ulcer (the symptoms of the disease were described earlier) does not bring anydiscomfort. In the stomach or intestines, a vessel can be damaged, next to which there are not a large number of nerve endings. Therefore, pain may occur only with a certain frequency or be absent altogether.
Diseases and symptoms
Remember that only a qualified general practitioner can make a final diagnosis. But if you want to be aware of what may be happening inside your body, then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information from the following list.

- Peptic ulcer (the main cause of most stomach hemorrhages). As a rule, with this disease in the vomit there are impurities of blood, which practically did not change color. If we are talking about the defeat of the duodenum 12, then the feces are usually painted black. Pain usually subsides when bleeding occurs.
- Cancerous tumors of the esophagus, stomach, intestines (about 10% of cases). The oncological process usually proceeds without pronounced symptoms until the terminal stage. Blood is present in the vomit in an unchanged color. Cancer is also accompanied by a general decrease in appetite, as well as a sharp loss of body weight.
- Expansion of the veins of the esophagus (up to 5% of cases). Such a disease can occur against the background of cirrhosis of the liver, when the internal organ grows so much that it presses on the hepatic vein. This condition develops quite quickly, especially if a person performs a lot of physical activity. There is a high chance of a lot of blood loss in a few hours.
- Crack straightintestines or hemorrhoids. In this case, the blood will not mix with the feces, and its color will remain bright scarlet. As a rule, the liquid is released after emptying, and unpleasant sensations arise in the anus (itching and burning). The degree of these diseases can be quite different.
- Ulcerative colitis. In this disorder, bleeding is frequent and chronic. In rare cases, black mucus can be seen in the stool, which is formed as a result of the digestion of blood. Against the background of such a condition, anemia develops very quickly, so you should not neglect the consultation with a specialist.
Signs of bleeding and symptoms will help with a high degree of probability to determine the degree of a disease. However, do not forget that only a blood test and an examination of the abdominal organs will allow you to draw more accurate conclusions.
First aid for bleeding
Symptoms of common diseases - this is not all the information that a person suffering from this type of disorder should know. If you do not want the condition of your body to deteriorate sharply, you must be able to competently provide yourself with first aid so that you have time before the doctors arrive. The following list contains the basic rules that must be followed if abdominal bleeding is suspected.

- Provide general peace. When the first signs of bleeding appear or if you feel unwell, it is best to immediately take a supine position. In case of vomityou should turn on your side so as not to choke.
- Never eat or drink. Otherwise, it may lead to increased blood loss. But sucking on ice is a very wise decision, as this will cause vasospasm.
- Don't take medicine until the ambulance arrives. We are talking even about the usual painkiller and a means to improve blood clotting. Be aware that medication can sometimes make things worse.
And most importantly, try to move as little as possible. With internal bleeding, the probability of losing consciousness is quite high. If you stay on your feet all this time, you can simply faint and hit your head on some sharp object. So take a supine position and do not get up, even if you feel that you will noticeably feel better. It is best to wait for the arrival of the doctors while lying on the bed.
As a rule, with moderate, and sometimes with mild bleeding, the patient may be recommended hospitalization. In case of refusal, treatment will take place on an outpatient basis. The patient is usually examined by a gastroenterologist. The most severe conditions can be treated by a surgeon. If the pains were diagnosed in the area of the duodenum, then the proctologist can take up further treatment of the patient. In extreme cases, consultation with an oncologist will be required.

What are the usual tests and procedures for a patient diagnosed with abdominal bleeding? First, you have to submitgeneral analysis of blood and feces. Also, in almost all cases, EGD is prescribed (sometimes adrenaline is injected into the blood in the process to prevent blood loss. Also, in some cases, an x-ray of the stomach and intestines may be required. Well, very rarely a small amount of vomit is taken from the patient for analysis.
It is not difficult to guess that this procedure will depend entirely on the diagnosis. In addition, only a specialist doctor can prescribe this or that drug, since many drugs have side effects and contraindications. However, when it comes to inpatient treatment methods, the following procedures are usually preferred:
- endoscopic operations (alloying, stitching, cauterization);
- surgical ligation of vessels;
- proton pump inhibitors.
As for drugs, the doctor may prescribe drugs to increase blood clotting. In addition, if the patient has lost too much fluid, then medications are required to increase lymph production. Also, one should not forget about individual procedures and even traditional medicine, which are recommended by some experts.
Complications and consequences
Every patient who suffers from abdominal bleeding should be well aware that this symptom can lead not only to pain, but even death. In addition, the loss of large volumes of lymph often leads to the development of anemia. If the patient does not pay attention to treatment in time, thenthe disease can develop into a chronic stage. In some cases, after this, the disease cannot be eliminated even by surgery (for example, with cancer).

The first thing to do when signs of internal bleeding appear is to contact an experienced specialist. Most of the diseases that are characterized by a similar symptom are especially dangerous because it is very difficult for the patient to independently assess the severity of a particular ailment. Some people neglect going to the clinic, as a result of which they experience various kinds of complications.
Needless to say, the presence of abdominal bleeding will also have a negative impact on a person's life. The patient may begin to experience nausea or dizziness at the most inopportune moment. As a result, you will have to constantly postpone the performance of important duties or completely abandon some hobbies. Therefore, abdominal bleeding can and should be treated in a hospital.
We hope now you can understand what symptoms of internal bleeding should be paid attention to in the first place in order to diagnose the disease. Of course, only a doctor can make the final verdict, but if you are well versed in the characteristics of your body and know the "sores" that characterize it, you can give yourself first aid in case of unpleasant symptoms that will panic other people.