Girdle pain in the abdomen is often a characteristic sign of pathologies of internal organs. Such an ailment may be accompanied by vomiting, fever and chills. In addition, the pain can be chronic or acute, if it occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor for assistance.
Diseases of the spine, genitourinary and nervous systems, pathological processes in the chest and abdominal cavity, as well as physiological conditions, such as menstruation or pregnancy, can provoke pain in the stomach area.
Causes of abdominal discomfort
Girdle pain in the abdomen and lower back can occur when a virus enters the body, causing the development of shingles. With this disease, painful places always appear on both sides, as symmetrical nerve roots are destroyed.
Girdle pain in the abdomen sometimes appears due to inflammation of the endings of nerve fibers due to a tumor, herniated discs or osteochondrosis. Unpleasant sensations with such pathologies are aggravated during coughing, sneezing, tilting or turning.
Unbearablegirdle pain in the abdomen can be one of the signs of diseases of the internal organs. Its appearance is provoked by the following ailments:
- Hepatic colic. Painful attacks in the abdominal cavity appear due to a violation of the outflow of bile and pathology of the biliary tract. As a rule, discomfort occurs in the right hypochondrium, while pain radiates to the shoulder blade and collarbone. A person's temperature rises, and when inhaling, unpleasant sensations increase.
- Pancreatitis. With this disease, the pancreas is destroyed. The pain syndrome worries as a result of inflammation of all its parts - the tail, body, head, it is permanent and intense. In a sitting or lying position, the discomfort disappears.
- Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta. It occurs due to the appearance of foci of calcification, persistent arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis. There are also infectious aneurysms - rheumatic, syphilitic and tuberculous. Girdle pain in the abdomen and back has a dull aching character. With delayed treatment and untimely detection, aortic rupture can occur.
- Heart attack. This pathological condition is life threatening. Pain during an atypical course occurs in the upper abdomen, which makes it difficult to diagnose heart disease in a timely manner.
- Cholelithiasis pathology. Such a disease develops as a result of the formation of stones in the ducts and gallbladder. Most often, the disease is an addition to cholecystitis. A patient with such a disease begins to suffer from unpleasantsensations in the right hypochondrium without pronounced attacks. Girdle pain in the abdomen and back becomes intense with strong physical exertion and non-compliance with the rules of nutrition.
- Stomach ulcer. At an early stage of the disease, discomfort is localized in the epigastric region, after which they become shingles.

Pain in the abdominal cavity in women
Quite often, discomfort in the fairer sex occurs due to premenstrual tension. Girdle pain in the abdomen may appear a few days before the start of the cycle or even during it. Such consequences are caused by changes that occur in the uterus. During this period, the organ tenses and increases in size, so the woman begins to experience aching pain in the lower abdomen.
This condition is usually accompanied by increased nervousness and irritability. In this case, the pain in some cases becomes cramping as a result of active contraction of the uterus.

Diseases that cause discomfort
Causes of girdle pain in the abdomen in women may be the following: endometriosis, adnexitis, colpitis, candidiasis and trichomoniasis. With adnexitis, chronic inflammation in the tubes and ovaries often causes discomfort in the abdomen. Infectious processes in the vagina and tumors also lead to unpleasant sensations: fibrooma, polycystic, cervical cancer.
A critical situation occurs when a cyst, tumor, or fibroid decays, or torsion. In this case, acute pain appears, which is accompanied by nausea, hyperthermia and vomiting. These symptoms indicate the development of peritonitis. In this case, only an operation can save the life of a woman. Girdle pain in the abdomen in men is often a symptom of prostatitis.
Diagnostic procedures
When pain occurs in the abdominal region, you need to correctly assess the sensations that have arisen. Such a sign is especially important in the development of acute processes in the body that require urgent action. First of all, the doctor asks the patient about the nature and intensity of discomfort in the abdomen, as well as their specific location.
Diagnostic measures for such an ailment suggest the following:
- Ultrasound of the abdomen, pelvic organs, urinary tract and kidneys.
- Biochemical and complete blood count, its examination for markers of viral hepatitis and antibodies to Helicobacter.
- Radiocontrast examination of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Colonoscopy.

How to get rid of stomach discomfort?
When worried about girdle pain in the abdomen, first of all, you should definitely consult a specialist. If it is unbearable to endure, it is better to call a doctor at home. Prior to his arrival, first aid should be given to the patient. First of all, you need to provide him with complete rest, he must take a horizontalposition. After that, you can apply cold to the stomach and give the victim a glass of water to drink. With very sharp and severe pain, it is allowed to take an antispasmodic.

But it is forbidden to apply warm compresses, put an enema, take laxatives, eat food with girdle pain. All these actions can only worsen a serious condition.
Drugs to relieve stomach discomfort
In the hospital, after reviewing the results of all studies, the gastroenterologist selects the appropriate therapy for the patient. Girdle pain in the abdomen and back is treated with medication. In addition, you must follow a diet and take traditional medicine. Physiotherapy procedures also help to get rid of discomfort in the stomach area.
In the treatment of drugs use:
- antacids;
- litholithics to dissolve small stones;
- enzymes and antispasmodics;
- diuretics;
- antibacterials;
- thrombolytics and antipsychotics.

Surgical pain relief
This treatment for girdle pain is resorted to when conservative therapy does not bring any results. Another operation is performed for oncological processes, emergency conditions and the appearance of stones.
In order not to experience discomfort in the stomach,it is necessary to give up alcohol and harmful foods, instead of fried foods, eat baked and stewed foods. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits. In addition, you need to worry and be less nervous, because constant unrest worsens your he alth.

Reduces the risk of gastrointestinal diseases hygiene. Don't forget to wash your hands, keep your home clean, and handle fruits and vegetables well.