Nystatin is an antibiotic or not? Indications for use, dosage and composition of the drug "Nystatin"

Nystatin is an antibiotic or not? Indications for use, dosage and composition of the drug "Nystatin"
Nystatin is an antibiotic or not? Indications for use, dosage and composition of the drug "Nystatin"

One of the problems that people worry about is fungal diseases. They are very difficult and take a long time to heal. It should be borne in mind that the side effects of these pathologies can cause unpleasant complications. Also, the fungus can be a symptom of a more serious disease. Therefore, it is necessary not only to treat the disease in a timely manner, but also to take preventive measures. One of the popular drugs for the treatment of fungal diseases is Nystatin. Whether it is an antibiotic or not, we will consider further, and also analyze the instructions for using the drug.

Action of the main substance

The active substance of the drug was synthesized 60 years ago. In its original form, it was an injectable solution that had many side effects. A high concentration of the main component caused severe intoxication of the body. But over the years, the drug has improved. Now it is safe for he alth, low toxicity and has a minimum of side effects.

Main operatingsubstance - nystatin. It is made from streptomycetes and stabilizing chemical components are added. It has antifungal properties, acts against the fungus of the genus Candida and aspergillus. The active substance has the ability to integrate into the cell membrane of the fungus and form many channels through which electrolytes are transported.

Increased osmolarity inside the cell contributes to the fact that it dies. The body's resistance to the active substance develops very slowly, as does the response of sensitive fungi to nystatin.

The question arises: is nystatin an antibiotic or not? This is a product of natural origin. It belongs to polyene antibiotics. More on that later.

Form of preparation

Nystatin is available in the following forms:

  • Pills.
  • Rectal suppositories.
  • Ointment.
Ointment "Nystatin"
Ointment "Nystatin"
  • Vaginal suppositories.
  • Granules for suspension production.

Pills are available in round shape. They have a soft yellow shell and a faint vanilla flavor.

There are Nystatin tablets in the dosage:

  • 250000 units.
  • 500000 units.

Auxiliary components:

  • Lactose.
  • Magnesium carbonate.
  • Calcium stearate.
  • Potato starch.
  • Pigmented titanium dioxide.
  • Vanilla Flavor.
  • Vaseline.

Rectal suppositories. Active substance 500,000 units. There are 10 pieces in a package. to excipientsapplies:

  • Nipazol.
  • citric acid monohydrate.
  • Liquid paraffin.
  • Solid fat.

Vaginal suppositories with nystatin are produced with an active substance content: 250 or 500 thousand units. Excipients:

  • Vaseline oil.
  • Solid fat.
  • Citric acid.
  • Butyloxnanieol.
  • Ionol food.

Nystatin ointment is made with an active substance content of 1g per 100,000 units. Additional components are vaseline oil and anhydrous lanolin. Produced in metal tubes of 30 grams.

"Nystatin" with a dosage of 100 thousand units in one granule is produced for children. This drug is light yellow in color, has a smell, does not dissolve in water, is easily destroyed under the influence of high air temperature, as well as under the influence of light. It tastes bitter.

What properties does the drug have

In therapy "Nystatin" is used to treat fungal diseases. Also, the drug has properties to suppress certain types of intestinal amoeba. The drug has no effect on viruses and bacteria. The drug is practically not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. It dissolves in the digestive system, while minimally entering the bloodstream. It is excreted from the body unchanged. Also, the medication can be used for prophylactic purposes.

Whether "Nystatin" is an antibiotic or not, it has special therapeutic properties:

Wide scope. Is used fortreatment of fungal diseases of the skin, mucous membranes of internal organs

Fungal diseases of the skin
Fungal diseases of the skin
  • "Nystatin" as an antibiotic does not have a negative effect on he althy flora - it acts only on pathogenic ones.
  • The product is low-toxic. Very rarely, side effects are observed when using the drug.
  • Pathogenic organisms are not developing resistance to a medical agent.
  • "Nystatin" does not accumulate in the body.

It is necessary to highlight in which cases the drug can be prescribed.

Who is prescribed the drug

Treatment with "Nystatin" is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • Mouth fungus.
  • Vulvovaginal candidiasis.
  • Fungal infection of mucous membranes.
  • Fungal diseases of the skin.
  • Fungal diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Mycoses.
  • Respiratory candidiasis.

In order to prescribe "Nystatin", the indication may not always be a disease. Sometimes it is recommended as a prophylactic during antibiotic treatment, before surgery in the genitals and intestines. The drug can also be prescribed for weakened immunity.

Who should not receive

Consider who should not use the medication. The following pathologies and conditions fall into this category:

During pregnancy

Contraindications to Nystatin therapy
Contraindications to Nystatin therapy
  • During lactation.
  • If the components of the drug and the active substance are poorly tolerated by the patient.
  • In case of intolerance to the main substance.
  • There are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase.
  • Liver dysfunction.
  • A stomach and duodenal ulcer was diagnosed.

How to take Nystatin

Consider the use of the drug in tablets. 3-4 times a day for 500 thousand units. The course of treatment is from 10 to 14 days. The maximum dose is 3 million units. In some cases - from 4 to 6 million. How exactly to take "Nystatin", the doctor sets.

Regardless of the meal, the tablet is recommended to drink well with water, do not chew. The interval between doses should be at least 6 hours.

Treatment regimen
Treatment regimen

Instructions for the use of "Nystatin" for thrush indicates that the tablets must be absorbed. After eating, rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda or a decoction of chamomile. Chlorhexidine solution is also suitable. After 30 minutes, the tablet is sucked (3-5 pieces per day). It is important to keep it until completely dissolved. Within an hour after taking, you should exclude the intake of water and food.

What can cause candidiasis?

When candidiasis affects the skin, mucous membranes of internal organs with yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Every person has them, but the pathological process of their reproduction depends on many factors. Infection can occur from the external environment, and as a result of a violationthe body's own flora. Let's highlight the causes of candidiasis development:

Hypocooling of the body

Reasons for the development of candidiasis
Reasons for the development of candidiasis
  • Infectious disease (or any other that significantly weakened the immune system).
  • Stressful situations.
  • Hormonal failure.
  • Chronic diseases that cause weakened immunity.
  • Taking antibiotics.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Hot climate.
  • Failure to comply with hygiene standards. Wearing synthetic underwear.

The doctor may prescribe "Nystatin" for candidiasis. The disease poses a great danger to pregnant women, as there is a risk of damage to the fetus. In men and women, candidiasis can affect the reproductive organs, leading to infertility. Therefore, it is very important to treat this disease under the supervision of a doctor. Also, you should not treat it yourself. It is very important to study before taking the drug "Nystatin", instructions for use for thrush, candidiasis and other diseases. A mistake can increase the spread of bacteria.

"Nystatin" for thrush

Treatment of such a fungal disease as thrush should be carried out in both men and women. Sexual intimacy for the period of treatment must be excluded. When prescribing treatment, the doctor must take into account the age and existing diseases of the patient. The doctor prescribes Nystatin tablets for thrush. The instruction contains information on how to take them correctly.

Women are shown Nystatin suppositories. They can be rectal andvaginal. Before the introduction of a rectal suppository, it is recommended to use an enema. Enter suppositories in the morning and at night. After the procedure, you should lie down for at least half an hour. During the menstrual cycle, the drug can be used. The treatment process is not recommended to be interrupted.

Vaginal suppositories are administered in the supine position, in the morning and at night. It is recommended to use a sanitary napkin. After the candle is entered, it is necessary to take a horizontal position for at least 30 minutes.

Candles "Nystatin"
Candles "Nystatin"

The course of treatment is usually 10-14 days. The doctor selects an individual therapy regimen for each patient. In the chronic course of the disease, tablets are prescribed together with suppositories. How to drink "Nystatin" should be determined by the attending physician.

Men in the treatment of thrush are prescribed tablets "Nystatin" 250 thousand units or 500 thousand units 4 times a day for 10 days. Other forms of the drug may also be indicated.

Using Nystatin ointment

Nystatin ointment is prescribed 2 times a day with a thin layer. Apply to affected areas. Treatment lasts 7-10 days. In some cases, it can be up to 4 weeks. Also, the ointment can be used for applications. The agent is applied to a cotton pad and applied to the affected area until the composition is completely dissolved. The instruction "Nystatin" for thrush suggests that such a procedure is recommended to be carried out up to 5 times a day. The tool accelerates the healing process of wounds with stomatitis, thrush.

Nystatin ointment is used to treat diaper rash. Apply it to the affected areas of the skin 3 times a day. Comprehensive treatment allows you to quickly cure a fungal disease. External use of the product should be combined with the use of the drug inside in the form of tablets.

Side effects

As a rule, the drug is well tolerated. However, the following adverse reactions are still possible:

  • Allergic rashes.
  • Itching.
  • Urticaria.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Failures in the digestive organs.
  • Revival of resistant forms of fungi.

In places where the ointment is applied or when using suppositories, a burning sensation, itching may occur. If adverse reactions are pronounced, the use of the drug should be discontinued. Next, symptomatic therapy should be applied - the body will quickly recover. No cases of drug overdose have been recorded.


You should take into account the features of the interaction of "Nystatin" with other drugs. The effectiveness of the drug is enhanced by the following drugs: "Tetracycline", "Nifuratel", "Polymyxin", "Chymotrypsin". Drugs that reduce their effectiveness when interacting with Nystatin: Clotrimazole, penicillins and tetracyclines. "Nystatin" lowers its activity: with "Maalox", "Almagel" and indirect anticoagulants.

Combined use of the drug with oral contraceptives completely annuls the effectiveness of the latter. Alcoholshould not be taken during treatment: the condition may worsen. "Nystatin" together with retinol preparations significantly increases the possibility of increasing intracranial pressure. It is not recommended to take it with antibiotics, as a person's immunity can be greatly reduced. This is especially true for debilitated and malnourished patients.

When completing the course of treatment with Nystatin, it is necessary to drink medications that normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also recommended to take funds that strengthen the body's immune system. It was previously described why a disease such as candidiasis occurs. One of the main reasons is a weakened immune system.

Special Instructions

"Nystatin" does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions. Therefore, when driving vehicles and mechanisms that require increased concentration of attention, you can use this drug. During treatment, it is recommended to follow a diet. Eliminate sweets and dairy products and include more fiber in your diet.

Children under 5 years of age are not recommended to use Nystatin in the form of lozenges. If the patient has viral diseases, Nystatin is not recommended for treatment. A bacterium such as staphylococcus is also not treated with this medication.

Be sure to tell your doctor about the medications you are taking.

"Nystatin" for children

Prescribe the drug to children depending on the form of the disease. If the mucous membranes are affected by the fungus, most often it is prescribed in the formointments. In the prevention of candidiasis, it is better to take pills. With fungal infection of the intestine - rectal suppositories.

Nystatin tablets are used for thrush. They must be crushed and mixed with vitamin B12. Lubricate the affected areas. Instruction "Nystatin" for thrush recommends using the drug for the treatment of children in the following dosages:

  • Up to 1 year: 100-125 thousand units. Diluted tablet in milk.
  • Children 1 to 3 years: 1 tablet 250,000 IU three times a day.
  • Children 3-14 years: 1 tablet 250-500 thousand units 4 times a day.
Thrush in children
Thrush in children

For young children, you can crush the tablet before taking. The treatment period is 10-14 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated after 7 days. This should be determined by the doctor.

Ointment treat damaged areas with a thin layer (twice a day).

For rinsing the mouth, children are prescribed Nystatin in granules or tablets.

Girls under 18 are not prescribed vaginal suppositories. For treatment, tablets and ointment are used.

Analogues of the drug

There are analogues of the drug "Nystatin". The effectiveness of a drug such as "Clotrimazole" is high. The ointment also has a good antifungal effect. It is very close in action to Dificlir.

Let's name a few more analogues:

  • Diflucan.
  • Sebozol.
  • Exoderil.
  • Mycostatin.
  • Anticandin.
  • Levorin.

Use analogues, if you have been prescribed "Nystatin", you should only afterconsultation with a doctor. Each drug has side effects, features of use and contraindications that must be considered during treatment. It should be noted that the cost of analogs is much higher than the cost of Nystatin tablets. Instructions, reviews prove the similarity and effectiveness of drugs.

You should not self-medicate. A fungal infection can go into a chronic stage and cause a lot of complications that will negatively affect he alth - and treatment will be delayed.

Reviews about the drug

As a rule, patient reviews are positive. Answering the question: “Nystatin” is an antibiotic or not, I would like to add that the action of this natural antibiotic is many times safer than the effect of synthetic drugs. The drug is well tolerated and has low toxicity. Also, the positive side is its affordable price and the ability to purchase at any pharmacy.

There are reports of side effects. So, in the treatment of thrush in children, some noticed a violation of the stool and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. But after the drug was discontinued, everything returned to normal. About the use of "Nystatin" from thrush, reviews of adults in most cases are positive. Only a few women have noticed discomfort when using vaginal suppositories. But the duration of the achieved effect of treatment after the use of "Nystatin" is many times greater than the degree of positive influence of other means.

In adults, the manifestation of side effects is minimized. Nausea and stool disorders are rarely noted. To not have them at allit is necessary to study the instructions for use for Nystatin tablets. Reviews note that they need to be washed down with plenty of water. In this case, there is no bitterness in the mouth. Before using the suppository, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines. And after the introduction, you need to lie down as long as possible until the candle is completely dissolved.

Nystatin is often prescribed in the treatment of pneumonia. Recovery is easy and without complications. Reviews prove that it is unacceptable to drink alcoholic beverages when using Nystatin: all treatment will go down the drain and the course will have to be started all over again. It is also recommended to follow a diet, for a while to refrain from yeast products, sweets. In this case, recovery comes faster. Patients note that treatment is effective if all the doctor's recommendations are followed, the cause of the disease is correctly identified and eliminated. Only then are relapses impossible.
