Ointment "Bioseptin" for animals is used for external use in the field of veterinary medicine. It is prescribed as an auxiliary or main drug in the treatment of purulent and aseptic wounds, ulcers and other injuries of viral, bacterial and fungal etiology in birds and mammals.
In addition, this pharmacological agent has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and proteolytic effects, stimulates the regeneration of the skin, increases natural resistance and activates local immunity in animals.
Ointment for healing open wounds "Bioseptin" provides accelerated healing even in conditions of inadequate asepsis. The Bacillus subtilis component provides a long period of action of the specified medicine, forming a special film on the wound surface, which prevents foreign microorganisms from the environment from entering the wound cavity.
Composition and dosage form of the medicinal product
As part of the describedThe drug contains Bacillus subtilis - bacteria (hay bacterium), which have a pronounced antagonistic functionality against a wide range of pathogens, as well as high antiviral activity, due to the ability to produce alpha-2-interferon.
According to the instructions for use of Bioseptin, the ointment for the treatment of diseases in animals is a translucent yellowish or yellow-brown substance, packed in plastic tubes weighing 60 g.

The medication is accompanied by an annotation with a detailed description of the composition, a list of indications and rules for its use. 1 g of this pharmacological agent contains 1x106 CFU of live microbial structures:
- Bacillus amyloliquefaciens VKPM B-10643 (DSM 24615);
- VKPM B-10642 (DSM 24614).
In addition to the main components, the ointment contains some additional elements - ethyl alcohol and corn extract processed by bacteria.
Pharmacological action of a veterinary drug
Bioseptin ointment is a veterinary preparation containing Bacillus subtilis, a variety of spore-forming gram-positive aerobic bacteria from the class of bacilli, which have been of interest to official medicine for several decades. Interest in hay bacillus arose during the Second World War, when Wehrmacht specialists used preparations with this bacillus in the treatment and prevention of dysentery.
This genus of bacilli has more than 3000different bacteria. Their main advantage is their antagonistic effect on pathogenic and putrefactive microflora.

In addition, hay stick provokes the body's immune response, developing and strengthening local immunity, normalizes the regeneration of skin structures, has anti-inflammatory properties, and produces valuable biological substances.
Excellent cure for dermatitis in dogs. Once on the surface of the wound, Bacillus subtilis forms a film that reliably protects against the ingress of foreign microorganisms from the environment, and destroys pathogens on the treated surface, and also contributes to the lysis of necrotic tissues (removal of dead cells under the action of enzymes, antibiotics, bacteriophages and other substances).
Since Bacillus subtilis are antagonists of microflora, they prevent its reproduction on the skin, creating uncomfortable conditions for it, and contribute to its elimination. At the same time, the population of beneficial microorganisms is maintained and restored.
Hay stick is also used for the rapid healing of postoperative wounds and the prevention of purulent infections in mammals. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens bacilli were chosen for the production of the ointment due to their good efficacy in the treatment and prevention of various skin diseases.
Indications for prescribing the drug
Bioseptin ointment is indicated for the treatment of the following pathologies in animals:
- infected and uninfected wounds and burns;
- dermatoses and dermatitis;
- infection with fungal infections;
- bedsores;
- in order to quickly heal surgical wounds and prevent purulent infections;
- trophic ulcers.
It should be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Contraindications for the use of a drug for animals
According to the instructions for use for Bioseptin, the only contraindication to the use of this pharmacological agent is individual sensitivity to its elements. If adverse allergic reactions occur, discontinue use.
Instructions for using the medicine
Ointment "Bioseptin" is intended for agricultural, domestic, wild animals, birds and fur-bearing animals. This drug is used externally as a therapeutic agent. It is applied in a thin layer on the damaged area 1-2 times a day until absolute recovery. Regular use significantly increases the effectiveness of the drug "Bioseptin". Open wounds treated with this ointment do not need to be dressed.

It is not recommended to use the drug simultaneously with antibiotics, antiseptics and sulfanilamide medicines.
What is the treatment of dermatitis in dogs with this drug?
They most often, compared with other animals, develop a variety of dermatitis. At the same time, they mayextensive skin lesions occur, in which the use of antibiotics only exacerbates the condition. The use of "Bioseptin" ointment is most expedient in this case, since a natural biological environment is created for the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms. For dermatitis, the ointment should be applied twice a day to the affected areas, avoiding the drug getting on the mucous membranes.

Drug cost
"Bioseptin", as an ointment for open wounds in animals, is now widely used in clinical veterinary practice. The price of this pharmacological agent may depend on the pharmacy chain in which it is sold. Varies within 550-620 rubles per package.
Drug interaction
This medicinal product is not recommended for use in the concomitant treatment of open wounds in animals with drugs based on antibacterial components. Since antibiotics destroy the bacteria that make up this ointment.

The simultaneous use of such drugs is allowed only in the form of systemic therapy. In addition, it is not desirable to use any antifungal drugs, with the exception of their oral forms. Treatment of wounds with antiseptic solutions after applying the ointment is also not welcome, due to the same antagonistic effect on the components of the drug for the treatment of diseases in animals.
Absolutely identical to the drug "Bioseptin" does not exist, however, other drugs with a similar effect can be found on the market for veterinary medicinal products. These include:
- "Vetom";
- "Antidote";
- Fitop.
Reviews about "Bioseptin"
Animal breeders and specialists from veterinary clinics have left a lot of positive feedback about this medication. According to these people, the drug is the most effective and in demand among all other means of similar purpose for animals. It is mainly used in the treatment of various purulent wounds in dogs, cats and other pets, as well as in the agricultural practice of breeding animals and birds.

Consumers in reviews of Bioseptin note that the remedy is especially effective for any manifestations of dermatitis, which is provoked by both bacterial and fungal pathogens. Wounds, as a rule, heal quickly, purulent contents are naturally excreted, after which complete healing of the wound surface is observed.