Gryzhnik herb is widely used by folk healers to treat many ailments. This perennial plant has other names - gladun, ostudnik, hernia, broom, burnet, dog soap. It contains flavonoids, alkaloids and essential oils. Most often it is used for inguinal hernia. Herbs are used to prepare healing infusions and decoctions that can heal various ailments.
Short description
Gryzhnik is a herbaceous plant from the Carnation family, which reaches a length of 15 cm. Ostudnik has numerous branched lying stems and slightly branched roots. It is endowed with small, elliptical and opposite leaves. Its seeds are lenticular, shiny, smooth, having a dark brown tint. The medicinal herb hernia differs from other plants in yellowish-green flowers collected in balls.
Harvest the plant in the summer. The burnet blooms from April to August, the fruits ripen, as a rule, at the end of June. The collected raw materials are recommended to be dried in a special device (electric dryer) or in a shaded place, then they are placed inglass jar and close tightly. Store hernia in a dry and cool room for no more than two years.
But where does the herb herb grow? Places of its growth - edges, sandy and dry soil, wastelands, roadsides. The habitat of this plant covers Central Europe, Western Siberia, Africa and Asia.

Useful substances in burnet
There are a lot of valuable components in the grass. Without them, it is difficult to cope with some pathologies. Hernia contains many different ingredients:
- essential oil;
- organic acids;
- tannins;
- vitamins PP, A and C;
- saponin-like glycoside herniarin;
- flavonoids;
- paronyquine alkaloid;
- geric acid;
- coumarins;
- etherumbelliferone.
Such a plant in folk medicine is considered very valuable. It helps to get rid of various diseases without harming the body with side effects. The use of herb herb is allowed to treat many he alth problems.

Plant varieties
The following types of hernia have healing properties: fragrant, smooth and hairy. In the first case, the grass has a specific smell. The polygamous hernia contains a lot of coumarin. This component improves blood circulation, thereby preventing the occurrence of blood clots. Such a plant has astringent, analgesic and diuretic effects onorganism.
Hernia smooth stems are bare, and its inflorescences have medicinal properties. It is for this reason that it is advised to make decoctions during flowering. This type of herb helps to stop inflammation in the prostate gland. Naked hernia helps relieve discomfort in the rectum and bladder. After taking it, the process of urination normalizes.
Besides, coolant has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, making them he althier, more elastic and smooth. All wounds after treatment with a hernia are instantly healed, and with diathesis, itching disappears. To improve the condition of pet hair, some owners add crushed hernia stalks to the pet's bathing water. After such procedures, the hairline becomes silky and soft.

Gryzhnik grass: medicinal properties
This plant is known to have healing qualities, which is why it is added to many homeopathic herbal preparations. Burnet is used to treat various diseases. Gryzhnik is advised to use for cystitis and pyelonephritis.
The plant is used to avoid the formation of kidney stones. It successfully eliminates dropsy and gout, as it has a diuretic effect and relieves inflammation in the urinary tract. Grass gryzhnik, the photo of which is presented in the article, is used for arrhythmia and heart failure. The plant quickly restores muscle tone after exhausting physical exertion. Another dog soap copes with pain in the gastrointestinal tracttract.
Gryzhnik grass, the medicinal properties of which have been known since ancient times, is used for pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. Also, the plant is used externally as baths and lotions for diathesis, skin diseases and abrasions. Medicines from it, in addition to the diuretic effect, have antibacterial, astringent and antispasmodic properties.
Recipes with hernia
This plant has many useful qualities, among which the leading positions are occupied by decongestant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is actively used to eliminate various types of hernias.
This herb is used to make poultices. For such purposes, fresh stems are taken and steamed in hot water. Then they are applied to the diseased area on the body and fixed with a bandage. The bandage should be kept for 30 minutes, then the plant is replaced with a fresh one. The duration of the procedure should be at least 3 hours.
Infusion based on hernia is made in the following way: 20 grams of raw materials are added to 500 ml of boiling water and left to brew for several hours. You need to use it in the morning, afternoon and evening, 50 ml each.

Folk healers often resort to treatment with lotions. Gryzhnik is an herbal herb that is effective at an early stage of the development of the disease. The plant is used in the form of a medical procedure. Therapy with lotions helps to relieve pain. In addition, such treatment contributes to the resorption of the hernia. To prepare a healing agent, you need to prepare:
- fresh finely chopped hernia about 100 grams;
- 500 ml kefir;
- 12 tablespoons of turpentine;
- 1 kg of flour.
The listed ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The result should be a thick dough, which is used as a healing lotion. It is subsequently distributed throughout the spinal column, starting from the neck, ending with the coccyx. A plastic film or paper towel is placed on top of the compress to get a warming effect. Keep the dough on the body for at least two hours. It is advisable to carry out such a procedure in the evening a few hours before bedtime. It is recommended to do a healing lotion once every 2 days until the condition improves.
To eliminate trophic ulcers, in addition to the hernia, other medicinal plants are also used:
- air;
- gravilate;
- hazel;
- ledum;
- sage;
- oregano;
- rose petals and raspberry leaves.
They are added to 300 ml of boiling water and infused for three hours. You need to use the product regularly, 100 ml in the morning, afternoon and evening. Duration of treatment - 2.5 months.
Freshly squeezed burnet juice is taken orally for skin diseases and hernias. But before drinking this liquid, it is diluted with water. For therapeutic purposes, use 20 ml of juice three times a day. A hernia scalded with boiling water should be applied to problem areas on the dermis.
Trava gryzhnik: use for cystitis
In 250 ml of hot water it is necessary to fill up 10-15 grams of dry raw materials. Forfor similar purposes, you can use a hairy hernia or naked, they have identical properties. The mixture is left to cool for several hours, after which it is filtered. Drink the resulting drink one tablespoon at least 3-5 times a day before each snack.
This healing decoction helps to get rid of cystitis, including chronic. It can also be taken for other pathologies of the genitourinary system.
In the fight against chronic diarrhea, a decoction of hernia, lovage, dubrovnik, Icelandic moss, bedstraw, shepherd's purse, wheatgrass and thyme is used. A few tablespoons of the mixture are brewed with a glass of boiling water. After infusion and filtration, the liquid is taken 50 ml 2 times a day for three months.

Relief of pain in renal colic
Gryzhnik herb is a reliable helper for kidney problems. A decoction with this plant is useful to use during the onset of seizures. It is not difficult to make it: 30 grams of crushed raw materials are poured with cold water, sent to the fire until boiling and infused for about 10 minutes. It is necessary to filter the mixture in a warm form, otherwise the active components will precipitate. The infusion should be drunk all in 2-3 doses.

External use of hernia
To wash abrasions and wounds, use a remedy based on burnet with the addition of St.leaves. These herbs are mixed in equal proportions. Then 50 grams of the resulting collection is added to 500 ml of boiling water. The cooled mixture is used to treat damaged areas of the skin. Such procedures are allowed to be carried out no more than 1 month.
Besides this, the hernia is used as a microclyster for hemorrhoids. To do this, the plant is mixed with horsetail, knotweed, calendula, willow bark and sea buckthorn. 30 grams of herbal collection is poured into 200 ml of hot water and allowed to brew for 30 minutes. For an enema, 150 ml of decoction is used. The procedure is performed once a day. The duration of therapy is 1 month.
Side effects and contraindications
This herb is poisonous, therefore, despite its healing properties, it must be used carefully. During the preparation of decoctions and infusions from this plant, it is necessary to adhere to the proportions. Do not exceed the prescribed dosage in the treatment of hernia. Abuse of medicines based on it can lead to poisoning. The following symptoms signal an overdose:
- severe abdominal pain;
- nausea;
- dizziness;
- vomiting.

In this case, you must immediately stop using the decoction, rinse the stomach, and then take activated charcoal. Then you should see a doctor.
Don't use hernia medications while breastfeeding or pregnant. They are also not recommended for individual use.intolerance.