In the article, we will consider reviews after mammoplasty surgery. This is a surgical procedure that affects the female mammary glands. For women, beautiful breasts are a source of some pride. This part of the body attracts the attention of the opposite sex, gives self-confidence. The most popular today is augmentation mammoplasty, which allows you to change the shape and volume of the breast. There is also a reduction. This is a breast lift and reduction.

This operation takes approximately 2 hours and is performed under general anesthesia.
The services of plastic surgeons are used by women whose breasts have changed their shape after childbirth and lactation. The operation helps to solve all the aesthetic problems associated with the mammary glands
Pricemammoplasty in Moscow varies in a fairly wide range - from 50 to 150 thousand rubles. It depends on the nature of the intervention, the area of influence and the amount of work of the surgeon.
Reviews after mammoplasty are presented at the end of the article.
Rehabilitation period
Rehabilitation period is a period of time after surgery, during which a woman must follow certain medical recommendations in order to recover and not spoil the result. Full recovery after breast augmentation takes approximately two months. If all recommendations are carried out qualitatively, the result will be as positive as possible. Postoperative wounds heal within a few days, but the process of engraftment of implants and the formation of the mammary gland takes much longer, usually 6-8 weeks. With augmentation mammoplasty, the rehabilitation period usually takes about 8 weeks. This time is necessary for the most durable fixation of the implant in the tissues of the gland.
Many are wondering how long to wear compression underwear after mammoplasty.

Main steps
The recovery period can be divided into two main stages:
- First. This is an important period, usually lasting three weeks, when it is necessary to completely eliminate physical activity. The load on the muscles of the shoulder region should be eliminated, so it is recommended to wear compression underwear at all times. The first week after mammoplasty is the most difficult. During this time healing takes place.seams, which can itch and hurt a lot. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden for a woman to influence her breasts in any way, since combing will contribute to the violation of the integrity of the postoperative sutures and the penetration of infection into the tissues. If the wound is infected, an active inflammatory process will begin, and this is already fraught with serious complications. In addition, the initial fixation of the implant occurs in the first week, so any external mechanical effect on the breast is undesirable. Displacement of the implant may occur, which will entail a new operation. There is also severe swelling after mammoplasty.
- Second postoperative stage. The next three weeks are a less strict period because a slight increase in physical activity is allowed. Sports such as running and swimming are encouraged. After six weeks, experts allow the woman to take off her compression stockings.
Scars. What are they?
Scarring after mammoplasty is a normal phenomenon after any surgical intervention. They can be large, but only if very large implants have been used. Usually the scars are medium or small.

The process of epithelization starts from the moment of damage to the skin and lasts up to 10 days. On the first day, a pronounced edema is formed - fluid containing macrophages and lymphocytes accumulates in the soft tissues, and the capillaries are closed by blood clots to stop blood loss. From the second day they begin to developfibroblasts - cells capable of producing elastin and collagen, which are the basis of the connective tissue from which the scar will form. At the same time, the growth of capillaries begins to restore blood circulation. How long this stage will last and how smooth the seam will be depends on the work of the plastic surgeon. During the use of a laser scalpel, the incision is perfectly even, and the edges of the wound fit tightly to each other and are disinfected. Healing in this case proceeds very quickly.
The scar takes about three months to mature. At this stage, it takes on its final form. Fibroblast synthesis slows down, collagen fibers are located in the direction of suture tension. The scar shrinks and becomes thinner. The main mistake most women make is that as soon as they feel better, they begin to return to their usual lifestyle and sports. However, it takes at least three months for a scar to form, and during this time, you should take care of yourself as much as possible.
Women who underwent mammoplasty, in their reviews, note that the stitches after the operation can itch a lot and cause inconvenience when wearing underwear.
"Skin ripples" after mammoplasty
Ripling is one of the most common complications after breast augmentation. It is also called "washboard effect" or "skin ripple".
Manifested in several forms:
- permanent waves throughout the gland;
- ripples in certain areas, for example, in the lower zone;
- folds when tilted ormovements;
- changing the shape of the breast to a rectangular one, with wrinkles in some areas.
In some cases, only a surgeon can detect "skin ripples" after mammoplasty when examining and probing the breast.
There are several known reasons for the development of such folds:
- Anatomical features of the patient's breast, which are expressed in the lack of skin and soft tissues with a strong increase in breast volume.
- Incorrectly selected shape of the implant.
- Mistakes made by the surgeon during surgery, such as choosing the wrong site for implant placement or improper implantation technique.

Patient reviews indicate that most often "skin ripples" appear in thin girls, since it is with this type of figure that there is a lack of skin. In addition, these patients initially have a small size of the mammary glands, and if they want to greatly increase the volume without listening to the opinion of doctors, this leads to the development of such complications.
To avoid most side effects, including rippling, choosing an experienced mammoplasty plastic surgeon who will not only perform the operation correctly, but also advise the optimal implant size.
Ripling cannot be eliminated without repeated surgery. At the moment, plastic surgery offers you several methods of getting rid of such folds on the chest:
- replacing too bigimplant to a smaller one;
- moving the implant under the pectoral muscle;
- complete removal of it from the mammary gland;
- lipofilling;
- dermal matrix (special collagen formulation).
Contracture after mammoplasty
This phenomenon after breast surgery is another type of complication, and even experienced surgeons do not always guarantee that such a formation will not occur in a woman. This problem is observed in 10% of women after mammoplasty.
Contracture is the formation of dense fibrous tissue in the form of a capsule around the implant, which further deforms and compresses it. The formation of a capsule is a normal reaction of the body to the presence of a foreign body. However, over time, this formation can thicken and begin to strongly compress the implant, which often contributes to its rupture and poses a threat to the life and he alth of the patient.

The reasons for the formation of contracture are due to:
- The operation itself - the formation of hematomas, the rough use of equipment, infection of the wound, incorrect formation of incisions, untimely installation of drains, etc.
- Endoprostheses (implants) - a discrepancy between their size and the size of the pockets formed for them in the chest, unsuitable material from which the prosthesis or its filler is made.
- Individual characteristics of the body and its reaction to the prosthesis.
- External causes - the influence of bad habits, the frequent use of certain medications, injuriesbreasts, which contribute to the formation of hematomas around the implant.
The main factors in the appearance of contracture after breast augmentation and the formation of a capsule near the implant are:
- hematoma formation after breast augmentation;
- serous fluid that accumulates around the implant and is formed when large layers of subcutaneous tissue are detached;
- large size of the prosthesis, not corresponding to the formation of the bed for it;
- poor plastic surgeon work;
- non-compliance with recommendations during the rehabilitation period;
- inflammatory process in the postoperative period;
- implant rupture.
Another factor that influences the formation of fibrous deposits is the fibroblast theory, in which myofibroblasts contract and structured fibers appear. According to this theory, it is recommended to use endoprostheses with textured surfaces. The prosthesis may begin to deform after a few years, but this usually occurs at 6 months after mammoplasty. The breast at the same time becomes very dense, its shape changes. From triangular, it turns into an egg-shaped, and then takes the form of a ball. There is often soreness and discomfort.

Nipple problems
As many patients indicate in the reviews, there may be some problems with the nipples after mammoplasty. The most common is soreness that usually goes througha few weeks after surgery. In addition, there may be discharge from the nipples, which is due to the removal of excess fluid from the breast that accumulates in it.
Often, women complain that after such an operation, the nipples are located at different levels. This is a problem that the plastic surgeon is mainly to blame for. Apparently, he violated the intervention techniques and made some mistakes.
After the operation, the sensitivity of the nipples may increase or decrease - in this case it is very individual. In some cases, this phenomenon may be accompanied by severe soreness that occurs when touching the nipples. In the postoperative period, this is considered the norm. Sensitivity usually returns after 2-3 weeks, but sometimes it takes much longer.
How to choose a bra?
Plastic surgeons do not recommend wearing a regular bra after mammoplasty for the first three months, that is, until the implants take root. During this period, you need to wear compression underwear. Its use reduces puffiness, promotes the removal of fluids and the restoration of blood circulation. Such underwear prevents the possible omission of implants, due to which the area of the breast below the nipple becomes larger than the upper part.
In addition, compression stockings minimize breast movement to reduce postoperative pain and discomfort. It also prevents the feeling of heaviness in the shoulders and back. Toit is recommended to return to normal underwear no earlier than three months after surgery.
Until the end of rehabilitation, you should be careful about choosing regular underwear, because its main purpose is not aesthetic pleasure when wearing, but the preservation of the shape of the breast.
The cup of the bra should not be too small, so that when bending over, the chest does not accidentally fall out of it. A calyx that is too large will also not work, as the gland will not receive the support it needs. The friction of tissues on the nipples will greatly irritate the skin. The cup should not cut into the chest tissue.
The elasticity of the shoulder straps allows you to hold the weight of the mammary glands. It is important that the straps do not cut, do not leave marks on the shoulders. If a woman has large implants, then the straps should be fairly wide. It is also important to keep the laundry clean.
The base of the bra should evenly wrap around the body so that its back does not rise to the neck. Underwired bras are not recommended for women who have received intramammary implants.
Consider reviews after mammoplasty surgery. What do women say?

Most of the women who underwent breast plastic surgery left positive feedback about this operation. They note that the rehabilitation period was easy, there were no side effects, the stitches healed quickly. Patients believe that if you follow the doctor's recommendations for breast care, you can avoidmany unpleasant consequences.
It is better to read reviews about mammoplasty after surgery in advance.
In extremely rare cases, inflammation of the gland tissue developed, most often one-sided, as well as some aesthetic defects, such as "skin ripples". The women did not experience severe pain. They noted only minor discomfort in the chest area.
Many women who underwent surgery in Moscow consider the price of mammoplasty acceptable.