Currently, there are a huge number of diseases that prefer to affect the female or male body. The reproductive system of different sexes has its own characteristics and specific pathologies, but therapy is required to exclude the development of complications and more serious he alth problems.
Every man who has reached the age of 35-40 is at risk. Chronic diseases of the prostate become constant companions. Pain in the pelvis and perineum, difficulty urinating, impotence - these are just the first signs that the prostate gland is already working incorrectly, so you urgently need to sound the alarm and seek qualified help from a specialist. Most men refuse to go to the doctor, there are many reasons for this, someone is simply afraid to talk about their problem, and someone does not believe at all that medicine can solve his problem. But, as practice shows, sooner or later you still have to go to the doctor, because the disease progresses and leads to serious consequences, when you can no longer endure the pain.
But there is also that category of men who are used to relying only on themselves, and at the first discomfort they are looking for an alternative method of treatment, for example, the Soyuz-Apollo medical device. You can use it at home, no trips to doctors and procedures are required.

How effective is the device in the treatment of prostatitis, how to use it correctly, price and reviews - that's what we'll talk about further.
A bit of history
Based on historical facts, the creation of the Soyuz-Apollo device (reviews about it are mostly positive) began thanks to innovative developments in space science, when clinical trials were conducted on men in space on a spacecraft. During testing, pathological and physiological changes in the state of the body of astronauts during the flight or stay on the space station were studied.
As a result of such studies, it was proved that it is simply necessary to develop devices that will help stop stagnation in the veins, and it grew quite quickly in a vacuum. Several years of testing took place, which eventually led to the fact that the experimental technology "Chibis" appeared, which has a positive effect on blood flow through the veins and erectile dysfunction.
After numerous tests and experiments, the effectiveness of the device has been proven. After several years, it was decided to create a device for the average buyer, who can, without special skills,use the device at home. In the mid-70s of the last century, a compact portable device "Soyuz-Apollo" appeared. Reviews about the device at that distant time were equally divided into good and bad, but after a while the device was improved several times and now has a more positive effect on the male body. The device began to be actively used for the treatment of various diseases of the genitourinary system, solving problems with erectile function. Due to its effectiveness, affordable price and convenient operation, it quickly became popular among men.
Soyuz-Apollo: what is it?
The Soyuz-Apollo device is a convenient high-tech system. Its appearance resembles a compact device in a square plastic case with a digital display, which is connected to an adjustable pneumatic pump. Unlike the devices "Chibis" and "Apollo", the predecessors of the Soyuz-Apollo, which could only be used after passing special training and training, any man can control a modern device after reading the instructions.
The result of its use is the appearance, fixation and stabilization of a full-fledged erection. As a result, the normalization of nervous regulation, the management of endocrine mechanisms and the return to a full sexual life.
The principle of operation of the device is based on a combined vacuum pulse together with a traveling pulsed magnetic field. The man himself will be able to adjust the duration and strength of the impact on the body of the Soyuz-Apollo . For men, this device is indispensable, because it has such a positive effect:
- improves lymph circulation;
- eliminates stagnation of blood and lymph in the pelvic organs, which is especially important for sedentary work, for drivers;
- improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
- removes tissue hypoxia;
- reduces inflammation in the prostate gland;
- reduces pelvic pain;
- restores normal urination.

In addition, men with chronic prostatitis experience a steady remission, which is almost impossible to achieve with intensive physiotherapy.
Also reviews about the medical device "Soyuz-Apollo" many men say that after its use the penis increases in size. And this is due to the fact that stretching occurs during over-erection of the corpora cavernosa.
Complete set of the Soyuz-Apollo instrument
Soyuz-Apolloprostatitis treatment device can be purchased on the market without any prescription. The following items are included as standard:
- instruction manual;
- guidance for proper use;
- voucher with guarantee;
- handy portable bag;
- plastic vacuum tube;
- air filter;
- processor, spare fuse;
- monitor;
- inductor-compressor;
- computer.
Duringpurchase, be sure to check the device and all accessories. It is better to consult a doctor and undergo an examination so as not to harm, because the device for the treatment of prostatitis "Soyuz-Apollo" has a number of contraindications, and you need to know about them before starting treatment.
When is it indicated to use the Soyuz-Apollo spacecraft?
Despite the extensive range of actions, there are special indications for the use of the device. The instructions for the device say that it should be used for such indications:
- mild catarrhal prostatitis;
- chronic prostatitis;
- seasonal exacerbations of prostatitis;
- combination therapy for prostatitis with drugs;
- prostate adenoma of the first and second stages;
- postoperative period after pelvic surgery for quick recovery;
- urinary disorders;
- reducing male power;
- low libido;
- blood stasis in the pelvic area;
- erectile dysfunction;
- primary or secondary infertility.

Even if you have the listed pathologies, it is important to consult with your doctor before using the device in order to exclude possible contraindications, and they also exist.
Who should not use the Soyuz-Apollo device?
No matter how good the Soyuz-Apollo device is, it still has a number of contraindications, which are described in the instructions. Among them:
- skin wounds;
- cracks;
- thrush;
- sexual infections;
- thrombosis in a serious form;
- atherosclerosis in advanced stage;
- weeping inflammatory processes of the tissues of the penis that do not go away for a long time.

After the doctor conducts a series of studies and excludes contraindications for use, it will be possible to begin therapy using the Soyuz-Apollo device. The reviews of those who have already tried it are mostly positive, but there are also those who speak of it as a trinket that does not have any positive effect on men's he alth.
How to use the machine correctly?
This compact and handy device is shown for home use. The Soyuz-Apollo device for the treatment of prostatitis (reviews are good) is easy to use. It is necessary to place the penis in a plastic flask, after connecting the device to a computer. After that, you can press the start button. At certain intervals, the compressor sucks all the air out of the flask, as a result of this action a pressure difference is created, the vessels expand. The gradual filling of the flask and pumping out air from it is complemented by the action of the magnetic field generated by the apparatus. As a result, the vacuum effect is supplemented by a magnetic field.
The duration of the procedure depends on the symptoms, the severity of the course of the disease and on what result you want to achieve. The average time for the procedure is 5-10minutes. The course of therapy lasts up to two weeks. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to use the device for 7 days twice a year. As a therapy for prostatitis, adenoma or urinary disorders, the course is at least two weeks, and 10 procedures are enough to prevent chronic prostatitis.
The results can be judged by the examinations conducted after the course.
Healing effect
Treatment with the Soyuz-Apollo device, the instruction tells about this, takes place according to the principle of autohemotherapy - this is treatment with the patient's own blood using a vacuum. This approach helps to get rid of prostatitis and restore male power. Thanks to such a useful device, you can get rid of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland without drugs, which have many undesirable manifestations and contraindications. During the course with the use of the Soyuz-Apollo device, patient reviews confirm this, the following action occurs:
- genitourinary system is being regenerated;
- more testosterone hormone is produced due to the fact that the main function of the testicles is restored;
- inflammation of the prostate gland goes away, which means that immunity increases, and this has a positive effect on potency;
- high-quality cleaning of blood vessels of the pelvic organs occurs.

Precautions during treatment
No matter how good the Soyuz-Apollo device for prostatitis,reviews of doctors say: you need to remember that procedures should be carried out with extreme caution. It is better if the first unpleasant symptoms appear, consult a doctor, self-medication can sometimes cause serious harm. Even the onset of improvement may indicate the opposite, relief is a harbinger of a chronic form of prostatitis. After a while, the disease may return. Late treatment can lead to serious consequences.
There are various rumors about therapy on the Internet, a lot of reviews about the Soyuz-Apollo device: a divorce, don’t believe it, it’s a pumping out of money … But this can be said about any drug, because each person has individual characteristics of the body, and the course of the disease is special for each, plus concomitant diseases. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly how effective the device is.
How much does the device cost?
The original Soyuz-Apollo device, which has good reviews, is not sold in Russian pharmacies. You can order it only via the Internet, the average price is within 70 thousand rubles. The price of the device may seem quite high when compared with drugs, but if you weigh the pros and cons, then in the end it turns out that the device will bring more benefits. Just imagine how many side effects pharmaceutical drugs have, and for effective treatment, several of them can be prescribed for a long time.
Do I need to buy a device: pros and cons
Due to the fact that there are a lot of negative reviews about the Soyuz-Apollo device, and not everyone can afford the price, many menwondering if it's worth paying attention to at all. But it is important to remember that its cost is due to ease of use, other than that there are no undesirable manifestations.
The manufacturer also reports that the device is completely safe. The principle of operation is not new, although the creators claim that it is the only one of its kind, but its predecessors were used in space conditions and proved their effectiveness over time. Most often, after the first procedure, a positive result is already noticeable, but it does not last long, since it takes a whole course to complete recovery. Its effectiveness in the treatment of prostatitis is due to the training of blood vessels, thereby improving blood flow in the pelvic organs. Puffiness is removed, the prostate is reduced in size, urination is easier.

As for the disadvantages of the device, it is the only one - this is a high price. Many will say that this is too much for a device for home use, but it is worth taking a course and feeling relieved when its cost fades into the background.
Reviews about the device of doctors
Indeed, after the device hit the market, different reviews began to circulate about it. Some say that he is a dummy, an unscrupulous manufacturer just wants to cash in on the diseases of men, because for them their sexual power is everything. In order to remain fully armed for as long as possible, male representatives are ready to give any money. But in fact, there are real reviews about the Soyuz-Apollo” those who not only sat at home and performed procedures, but also saw a doctor.
It is the specialists who speak well of him. After all, they know perfectly well what problem the patient comes to them with. What symptoms bother him, and how his condition changes after each procedure. The doctors themselves say that after using the device, the following improvements are observed:
- symptoms of prostatitis are weakening, becoming less pronounced;
- prostate swelling decreases;
- significantly improves blood circulation in the pelvic area, congestion in the veins goes away, the walls of blood vessels are significantly strengthened;
- inflammation is reduced, which means that the immune system is strengthened;
- returns to normal metabolism in the tissues of the prostate gland;
- prostate function is being restored;
- improving urination function;
- blood flow to the penis improves, and this leads to increased libido, increased erection and increased duration of sexual intercourse;
- normalizes testosterone production, which ultimately improves testicular function;
- sperm quality improves, which means that infertility is treated.

Following the above, we can say for sure that the device is good for men's he alth. It is impossible to talk about its inefficiency on a few negative reviews that have not been verified by anyone. Even if the doctors themselves, who observed the condition of patients after the course of treatment, say thatthe effect is obvious, then why listen to someone, you need to buy, undergo therapy and restore male power to spite all envious people.
After researching all the reviews, we can say for sure that more than 80% of men are completely cured of prostatitis, and 90% of the stronger sex restores potency. The numbers speak for themselves, so why listen to someone? The first unpleasant signals appeared, go to the doctor, confirm the diagnosis, buy the device and start therapy. And for those who do not want to wait for disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary system, prophylaxis can be carried out twice a week.
But don't discount the fact that everyone's body is individual and reacts to any therapy in its own way. The same remedy or method of treatment cannot be a panacea for all patients with the same diagnosis. So everyone decides for himself whether to purchase the device or not.