The best device for the treatment of prostatitis at home

The best device for the treatment of prostatitis at home
The best device for the treatment of prostatitis at home

Many experts claim that by listening to their competent opinion, recommendations, choosing the right device for the treatment of prostatitis, it is possible to prevent this disease, as well as relieve symptoms. A device for the treatment of prostatitis at home should be in every person suffering from this disease. Which one is the best, what devices are available, what criteria to choose from, let's take a closer look.

device for the treatment of prostatitis at home
device for the treatment of prostatitis at home

Transrectal devices

An integral and perhaps the most effective way to influence prostatitis is prostate massage. In this case, rectal manipulations are provided. Many men often avoid such procedures. The psychological problem in this case is easy to solve using a device for the treatment of prostatitis at home. Medical salons offer a range of individual devices with a narrow focus.

Special nozzles,included in the set of transrectal devices, allow you to massage the prostate gland through the rectum. Such manipulations give a positive effect, as evidenced by numerous patient reviews, while:

  • urination is restored;
  • blood flow increases;
  • reduces pain;
  • stimulates the outflow of prostate secretion;
  • improves erectile function.

Contraindications for use

For the treatment of prostatitis, an individual approach is needed, the doctor will help you choose the right device, he will give the necessary advice. Such equipment works in different ways, in some cases it is forbidden to use a transrectal device for the treatment of prostatitis at home:

  • if there are stones in the prostate gland;
  • during an exacerbation of the disease;
  • if there is suspicion of a tumor;
  • in the treatment of tuberculous prostatitis;
  • if there are tumors or inflammation in the intestines.
device for the treatment of prostatitis at home ereton
device for the treatment of prostatitis at home ereton

Vibration with ultrasound

It is worth noting that, trying to choose the best device for the treatment of the prostate, it is necessary to take into account that the devices are divided into different groups according to the methods of exposure. So, vibroacoustic devices act due to changes in ultrasound, which excites tissue microvibration. In this case, it is possible to achieve an increase in muscle tone, acceleration of lymph and blood flow in the organ,to reduce congestion.

A device for the treatment of prostatitis at home "Vitafon" from this series. When used correctly, the patient can independently achieve positive results:

  • muscle relaxation;
  • improve vascular permeability;
  • reduce painful symptoms;
  • restoring blood flow;
  • normalization of lymph flow.

Acoustic vibration with the help of ultrasound has a beneficial effect on muscle tone, reduces congestive manifestations. This device for the treatment of prostatitis at home has extremely good reviews. Many patients say that after several independent procedures, even in chronic forms, a positive effect occurs. The device is reliable for home use, the procedure is carried out without complications.

device for the treatment of prostatitis at home vitafon
device for the treatment of prostatitis at home vitafon

Popular devices

Judging by the popularity of devices among patients who carry out home procedures on their own, one of the best devices is considered to be "Ultraton". Already after a few procedures, patients notice an improvement in metabolic processes, a decrease in stagnation, an improvement in prostate secretion. A similar opinion is expressed by patients who use the Aerosmith device for the treatment of prostatitis.

Positive effects are also noticed by men who use the Electron apparatus for treatment. The metabolism of cellular processes is significantly improved, tissue damage is quickly regenerated.

Many patientsprefer one of the best devices "Sirius". It not only treats chronic prostatitis, but also helps to increase potency.

The device for the treatment of prostatitis at home "Mavit"

device for the treatment of prostatitis at home mavit
device for the treatment of prostatitis at home mavit

I would like to pay special attention to the device that received the most laudatory reviews. "Mavit" is used for chronic prostatitis. It is used in some cases in acute forms and for prophylactic purposes. The therapeutic effect is due to the magnetic, thermal and vibrational effects at the same time. To the advantages you can add painlessness of use, the ability to use it yourself. After the first procedures, patients feel relief. The success of use depends on the correct implementation of all recommendations, the regularity of procedures.

The device for the treatment of prostatitis at home "Mavit ULP 01" is recommended for use by leading urologists, reproductive specialists and gastroenterologists. It is very easy to use the device at home. During operation, there is a local effect of a magnetic field, vibration and heat on the affected areas. The massage function improves blood circulation in the areas of inflammation, and this increases the absorption of drugs that are used during therapy. This achieves the maximum effect in the treatment of prostatitis.

In the reviews, patients note such positive effects as the speed in eliminating symptoms, ease of use of the device, easyurination, an increase in the time between urges, an increase in erectile function. Where do negative reviews come from? Often, those patients who ignored the recommendations for using the device, performed irregular procedures, did not wait for the maximum effect.

Non-invasive devices

Some patients prefer non-invasive devices. Such a device for the treatment of prostatitis at home is easy to use, no special skills or special care requirements are required. The device is not used in direct contact with the prostate through the rectum. How is the therapeutic effect achieved in this case? Using:

  • infrared radiation;
  • LED exposure;
  • laser exposure;
  • stimulation with a magnetic field.

In total, all this contributes to general recovery, local action, while pain is reduced, swelling is removed, vascular spasms are eliminated, inflammation is reduced.


Aerosmith prostatitis device
Aerosmith prostatitis device

If you want to buy the best device for the treatment of prostatitis at home, which one to choose, the doctor will advise. Recently, magnetotherapy has gained great popularity, where the treatment of prostatitis is carried out quite effectively. The basis is the effect of magnetic waves.

To combat inflammatory and congestive processes, the drug "Almag 01" is used. Its effect accelerates the removal of inflammation, pain syndrome, restoration of functionorgan. At the same time, the dosage of the medications used can be reduced.

"Ermak" - a magnetic vacuum device - relieves swelling, pain, eliminates inflammation. The effect comes after the third procedure.

The Androgyn device is effective in cases where treatment of bacterial and chronic prostatitis is necessary.

The magnetic fields created by these devices speed up chemical processes that help relieve inflammation. At the same time, intracellular and intercellular metabolism is enhanced.

Electrical medical devices

How do electrostimulators act on a diseased organ? High-frequency pulsed currents cause the muscles to contract, and this has a beneficial effect on recovery. The following devices are suitable for independent use:

  • Ultratone.
  • Darsonval.
  • Electron.

The action of the devices increases blood flow, reduces inflammation, removes swelling, improves the performance of the lymphatic system, eliminates spasms and tension.

Ereton device

device for the treatment of prostatitis at home which one to choose
device for the treatment of prostatitis at home which one to choose

The device for the treatment of prostatitis at home "Ereton" is produced in Russia. The impact on the diseased organ is carried out through the influence of electrical impulses, magnetic fields and low-frequency vibrations.

This small device effectively affects the functioning of the prostate gland with physiotherapeutic methods. Successful combinations of three combinations of exposure (vibration, magnetic field andelectrical impulses) allows you to treat prostatitis at different stages and forms.

The advantage of the device is that the presented effects can be used both individually and in combination. Positive feedback from patients refers this device to one of the best, the effectiveness of the application is high. Moreover, it is possible to combine use with drug treatment (with advanced forms).

The device for the treatment of prostatitis at home "REDAN"

What is the therapeutic effect on the prostate gland of the Redan device, which, according to polls, is also very popular? Its action is based on the radiation of the magnetic field. Outgoing impulses have a positive effect on the tissues in the patient's body, while stimulating blood and lymph flow, eliminating stagnant processes.

In addition, Redan has a restorative, healing effect on tissues and organs affected by pathologies. Puffiness is reduced and inflammatory processes are removed. If you follow all the rules and regulations, then in the early stages for the minimum period you can get rid of prostatitis forever.

device for the treatment of prostatitis at home mavit ulp 01
device for the treatment of prostatitis at home mavit ulp 01

Advantages of hardware therapy with the Redan device

Treatment is based on exposure to a magnetic field. This excludes various negative effects on the digestive organs, liver, kidneys, as when using antibiotics.

  • Usually, in order to get the effect, it is necessary to carry out a whole course of procedures. "Redan" after the firstexposure brings relief.
  • In a short time it is possible to restore erectile function, normalize urination.
  • The Redan device is used not only for the treatment of prostatitis in the early stages. With any deviations in the genitourinary system, he comes to the rescue. Helps to restore all necessary functions.
  • The main advantage is the absence of any painful sensations when using the device, which cannot be said about prostate massage procedures.

We have introduced the best devices for the treatment of the prostate gland. After consulting with your doctor, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.
