Uretroactive drug for potency: real reviews of doctors and buyers

Uretroactive drug for potency: real reviews of doctors and buyers
Uretroactive drug for potency: real reviews of doctors and buyers

The modern man is too busy to get sick. However, everyday realities sometimes lead to the development of various diseases of the genitourinary system, and this happens already in youth. That is why the problem of treatment inevitably arises, as well as the preservation of sexual strength and sexual function in full. As an aid, such a natural drug that restores potency as "Uretroaktiv" acts. We will consider real customer reviews in the article below.

Drug ingredients

In order to understand whether this drug really has the claimed effect or is it an ordinary biologically active food supplement, you need to study its composition. What is included in "Uretroaktiv"? The components are listed below:

urethroactive real reviews
urethroactive real reviews
  • Crushed juniper berries. This plant is one of the strong natural antiseptics and antibiotics. Another useful sign for men who have problemsgenitourinary system, is its diuretic effect.
  • Oak bark. It has astringent, tannic characteristics. It has a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, calming effect on the genitals. What else is in the "Uretroaktiv"?
  • Ginger root. This spicy herb increases testosterone production, which improves overall male sexual function. Also has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, improves immunity.
  • Crushed parsley. This herb, which has an unusual aroma, has long been appreciated by people who adhere to the principles of natural treatment and he althy nutrition. It contains a large amount of minerals, vitamins, allows you to restore immunity and activate metabolic processes in the body. Parsley also has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, the organs of the genitourinary system.
  • Creeping Tribulus. This vegetable raw material is an integral part of a large number of dietary supplements, since they contain protodioscin substances. This component can have a positive effect on the potency of a man, improve his reproductive abilities, increase the production of testosterone in the body.
uretroactive reviews
uretroactive reviews

Vitamin D. Contributes to the effective functioning of both the genitourinary and reproductive systems, has a beneficial effect on the male body as a whole. In addition, it has anticarcinogenic properties, improves digestion and enhances the strength of the skeletal system. This is confirmed by reviews of Uretroactive

This onethe unique composition of this tool.

When is Uretroactive used?

The manufacturer describes many indications for the use of this drug, and they are mainly associated with disorders of the genitourinary system in men. But you can use such a tool only after it is approved by a specialist. Using some drugs at the same time can be unsafe, and even the most seemingly natural composition can cause some side effects in the patient. In reviews of the drug "Uretroaktiv" such cases were mentioned.

Mechanism of action

So, what functions does this tool perform? They are listed below:

drug uretroactive reviews
drug uretroactive reviews
  • Restores disturbed hormonal levels, increases testosterone levels.
  • Corrects defects in the blood supply to organs located in the pelvis.
  • Increases sexual stamina.
  • Used for sluggish erections.
  • Eliminates defects in the reproductive system.
  • Establishes emotional stability.
  • Used for early ejaculation.
urethroactive drug for potency reviews
urethroactive drug for potency reviews

Course of treatment

The instructions say that it is most effective to take this herbal preparation in a course. The manufacturer indicates that it is best to drink it for three months. The product has a powder consistency, one package of raw materials should be taken once a day, dissolved in boiled water in advance.

It is worth noting thatthe drug "Uretroaktiv" can help those men who do not have serious organic problems. In the presence of such a disease (for example, a sexually transmitted infection, oncology), the product can only be used as part of a multicomponent treatment. As the only means of therapy, the powder cannot serve, which applies to most of the natural formulations. To the drug "Uretroaktiv" real reviews will be presented below. So let's get started.


The natural remedy "Uretroactive", real reviews of which differ from those declared by the manufacturer, also has certain contraindications to its use. You can not use it for those men who are forbidden to have any physical and sexual activity (for example, hypertensive patients and other patients with diseases of the cardiovascular type). Contraindications also apply to allergy sufferers. If at least one component is not tolerated, the drug should not be used. If a man has any form of allergy, then you need to be careful, because allergic reactions often cross-develop, especially with plants and herbs.


No cases of overdose have been described. Doctors have general recommendations on this matter: if adverse or incomprehensible effects occur after using the drug, you should immediately stop taking it, and then contact a specialist along with the packaging of the Uretroactive drug. Real reviews do not recommend using the drug without consulting a specialist.

urethroactivedoctors reviews
urethroactivedoctors reviews

What do doctors say about Uretroactive?

How effective is Uretroactive? The reviews of doctors say that this remedy is unlikely to help a man improve sexual function. Although there is a very strong advertisement, there are no arguments in favor of its effectiveness. Of the six components in the composition of the drug, five are completely useless, and they are not even worth discussing. Tribulus terrestris is the only potential means of enhancing male sexual function, but the buyer should keep the following information in mind.

  • Tribute terrestris has no clinically proven efficacy for erectile dysfunction.
  • If tribulus has any normalizing effect on sexual function, then this is done only by increasing the effect of male hormones on the body, only the endocrine disruption factor is eliminated.
  • Reviews about the drug for potency "Uretroactive" also confirm that it has nothing to do with psychogenic and vascular factors.
  • Tribulus acts exclusively as an extract, since an increased concentration of components is required in order for the therapeutic effect to be achieved. Uretroactive also includes the dried plant in its natural form, and not the extract at all.
urethroactive customer reviews
urethroactive customer reviews
  • Judging by the advertising of the product, it does not pose any threat to he alth. But it is worth remembering that the dosages of creeping tribulus are contraindicated in the presence of heart disease andprostate hyperplasia.
  • If tribulus is creeping and has any effect in restoring the functions of male potency, then it is still not long-lasting.

Taking into account all the unrealistic and ridiculous promises to the potential buyer of this product, which are given on the official website, it is quite obvious that this dietary supplement is of poor quality, is not clinically effective and is sold only to gullible patients, because they hope and believe in a miraculous effect drug "Uretroaktiv".

Customer Reviews

Buyers on the Internet say: "We must not forget that "Uretroaktiv", in fact, is a dietary supplement that has a plant base and has a general strengthening effect." That is, its use should be equated to eating vitamins, which means that it will not be able to affect a serious problem. Only after a medical examination, really correct and effective drugs will be prescribed. There are few reviews about "Uretroaktiv": some of them are of a pronounced nature of advertising, while the second, real, are negative, which does not contribute to increasing the buyer's confidence in him. A good tool does not need advertising.

Some positive reviews are written in such a way as to lure the buyer with loud promises and pluses from the use of the drug. However, it is essentially useless, and the effect is unlikely to be felt.

We reviewed customer reviews of the drug "Uretroaktiv".

urethroactive negative reviews
urethroactive negative reviews

True and false?

If a person has no medical education,then it will be difficult for him to sort out among the variety of new products on the market, supposedly serving to preserve and improve potency. Uretroactive has gathered quite a lot of rumors around itself, and it is very important to understand all aspects of this dietary supplement, both positive and negative. The truth is that the product is indeed safe. Most of the patients who used it did not notice any negative effects. In addition, the composition can be used along with other drugs to improve potency (but first you still need to consult a doctor). Although there are still negative reviews for the Uretroactive tool.

What other positive aspects are there?

Positive aspects are also over-the-counter and the possibility of buying the drug via the Internet, the absence of an addictive effect in patients, the cost of the product. However, in the matter of price, many sellers are cunning and even openly deceive buyers, since many sites contain information that one package costs one ruble. This is a half-truth, since this is the cost of the second package, while the full amount is paid for the first. It is up to the patient to decide whether to buy a drug from this supplier.

To avoid the cunning of advertising moves and not later blame yourself and the manufacturers for the inefficiency of the product, you should not purchase it yourself, but it is better to consult a doctor and find out what he thinks about this drug.

This article discusses the composition and properties of the drug "Uretroaktiv". Customer Feedback Points toits inefficiency, although most buyers have high hopes for the miraculous properties of the drug.