Zinc ointment for burns: application features and effectiveness

Zinc ointment for burns: application features and effectiveness
Zinc ointment for burns: application features and effectiveness

Everyone knows how important it is to help a person in time and correctly if any injury occurs. Just imagine, statistics say that every year 0.5% of Russians get burns of varying severity! An incorrectly chosen medicinal preparation can greatly harm the victim. Our article will discuss whether zinc ointment is effective for burns. Does the drug help relieve pain and speed up healing, and if so, thanks to what properties? Let's try to study the composition of the drug and the features of its use.

Medication description

Before starting to explain how zinc ointment works for burns, I would like to introduce readers to a general description of liniment.

So, zinc ointment is a universal, affordable drug produced by domestic pharmacological enterprises. It is intended exclusively for the external treatment of the damaged layer of the epidermis. This ointment effectively copes even with such a difficult problem as acne.

The drug is also subject to other tasks (treatment of dermatitis, trophic ulcers and bedsores),zinc ointment is also used after burns, because due to its composition it has a valuable ability to regenerate skin cells.

zinc ointment for burns reviews
zinc ointment for burns reviews


Zinc ointment has excellent healing qualities, and all thanks to the main substance on the basis of which it was created. This magical ingredient is zinc oxide. It is he who promotes the rapid regeneration of tissue structures, activates the healing of the upper layers of the skin and serves as a prevention of infectious inflammation.

Additional components included in the zinc ointment are selected in such a way as to maximize the medicinal properties of the drug. So, in addition to zinc oxide, the following components are present in the ointment:

  • Vaseline;
  • mineral extracts;
  • menthol;
  • dimethicone;
  • fish oil.
is it possible to smear burns with zinc ointment
is it possible to smear burns with zinc ointment

Therapeutic properties of the ointment

Is it possible to smear burns with zinc ointment? The answer to this question will be in the affirmative. To understand why, we invite readers to get acquainted with its main healing properties. They can be conditionally divided into 4 parts:

  1. Wound healing action. Thanks to him, epithelial cells are restored with amazing speed.
  2. Anti-inflammatory action. Puffiness is removed, pain sensations are stopped and it works regardless of what exactly caused the pathological process.
  3. Reflection of ultraviolet rays. Due to this property, zinc ointment is used even incosmetology.
  4. Drying action and normalization of the functions of the sebaceous glands.

Thanks to the above, our domestic zinc oxide liniment is the best alternative to the most expensive imported pharmaceutical products.

zinc ointment for burns with boiling water
zinc ointment for burns with boiling water

Issue Forms

An external medicine containing zinc oxide enters pharmacies in two forms: ointment and paste. How is the latter different from the former? The paste has a thicker and greasy consistency and is prescribed in cases where it is required to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect and at the same time minimize the entry of active ingredients into the main bloodstream.

The paste is packaged in dark glass jars of 25, 40 and 50 gr. The ointment is produced in the usual aluminum tubes of 30 g each. When buying, you should pay attention to the concentration of the active ingredient in the preparation. In the paste, the concentration of zinc oxide reaches 25 percent, in the ointment it is much less - no more than 10. What to choose - paste or ointment, it is best to ask the doctor.

The effect of zinc ointment on burns

Healing ointment with zinc oxide effectively acts on the healing of the skin with 1st degree burns. The fact is that this substance carries a powerful antiseptic charge. Plus, zinc oxide also acts as an absorbent, pulling pathogenic microorganisms out of the wound along with inflammatory exudate.

Thanks to the described processes, the focus of inflammation itself is eliminated, microbes are deprived of the nutrient medium so necessary for themlife and unhindered reproduction.

Pharmacological action

Now we will try to describe in detail how zinc ointment works for burns after it has been applied to the damaged area. What happens is this:

  1. As soon as zinc oxide enters the epidermal layer, biochemical processes begin to slow down in the latter.
  2. In damaged structures, the secretion of those chemical compounds that produce and accumulate exudate in tissues is actively stopped. At the same time, the expansion of small vessels, capillaries is suppressed, which prevents the development of puffiness.
  3. A protective film is formed on the surface of the skin due to the reaction of zinc oxide with proteins. This prevents the uncontrolled growth of colonies of harmful microorganisms and the development of infection.

The benefits of zinc liniment appear only with burns related to the 1st degree of damage. It is at this stage that the characteristic reddening of the upper layer of the skin, swelling and a strong burning sensation appear. In the event that there is a more severe skin lesion in which the formation of vesicles, blisters, etc. is already underway, then the treatment must be carried out under the supervision of doctors and possibly even in a hospital.

Zinc ointment for burns - instructions for use

It is important to use the drug correctly! To do this, you must strictly follow the instructions. Zinc ointment for burns with boiling water is very carefully and carefully applied to damaged areas 2-3 times a day. There are cases when the number of processing proceduresproblem areas should be increased up to six times a day. But this must be approved by a doctor.

The total duration of treatment will directly depend on the degree of damage and the size of the area that has undergone a burn. The larger the painful area, the longer it takes to heal. It usually takes 5 to 20 days for the tissues to fully heal.

zinc ointment after a burn
zinc ointment after a burn

Removing ointment residues

Tar soap is well suited for this purpose, but it is not recommended to use the usual detergents, because. they can cause additional irritation to skin that has recently received a thermal burn. Soap with glycerin is suitable for hygienic treatment of dry and severely flaky skin.

Use for sunburn

The instruction suggests using zinc ointment not for the treatment of sunburn, but primarily for their prevention. Zinc oxide is able to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays. So, before heading to the beach, it makes sense to resort to applying a thin layer of zinc liniment to the body.

The above does not mean at all that you can not use the ointment if the burn has already been received. Zinc ointment for sunburn helps as effectively as any other. It's just that usually skin lesions resulting from prolonged exposure to the sun are characterized by a large area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion and severe pain.

In this case, zinc ointment alone is not enough. You will probably need to take some other antipyretic and pain medication.agent ("Ibuprofen", "Paracetamol", etc.). If it is possible to purchase an external remedy specifically designed to treat sunburn, then it is better to do it.

zinc ointment for sunburn
zinc ointment for sunburn

Use for chemical burns

In these cases, it is allowed to use zinc ointment, if only the size of the lesion is small, and always after careful removal of the chemical reagent (kerosene, phosphorus, bitumen, gasoline, etc.) from the surface of the skin (kerosene, phosphorus, bitumen, gasoline, etc.).

For chemical burns, it is recommended to consult a traumatologist or dermatologist for immediate assistance, which is usually complex.

Side effects

Zinc liniment has many advantages, including the fact that the drug is well tolerated by the vast majority of patients and its use does not bring them any additional pain. But in very rare cases, some allergic reactions may occur (in people prone to such). It could be:

  • rash;
  • slight itching;
  • reddening of the area treated with ointment;
  • burning.

Is it possible to smear burns with zinc ointment if any of the above has appeared in the places where the remedy was applied? In the event of an allergy to the drug, it is necessary to abandon its further use and replace it with a drug similar to it in terms of pharmacological action.

is it possible to use zinc ointment for burns
is it possible to use zinc ointment for burns


In pharmacies you can find good and complete substitutes for zinc ointment. Here is a list of analogues:

  • "Panthenol" ("Bepanten") is a remedy that has proven itself in the treatment of burns.
  • "Tsindol". This drug is not available in the form of an ointment, but in the form of a suspension, but the main active substance in it is also zinc oxide.
  • Desitin is an excellent combination drug that is often recommended for the treatment of children.

In the event that zinc ointment was prescribed by a doctor, then he must also select a replacement. Otherwise, treatment may not be effective.

Special Instructions

Reading the instructions for various medications, you will notice that many of them prohibit the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation. Zinc ointment is a happy exception to this rule. Moms-to-be and women who are breastfeeding their babies can use the drug we talk about if necessary.

Now let's answer an important question: "Can zinc ointment be applied to the skin of children for burns?". For younger children (up to 5 years old), it is safer and more useful to use special external agents, and the appointment must be given by a pediatrician. Zinc ointment is allowed for use by children from 5 years of age. Before reaching the age of twelve, zinc ointment therapy should only be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

One more little note: when treating facial burns, the ointment must be appliedonly on previously cleansed skin.

zinc ointment helps with burns
zinc ointment helps with burns

Storage conditions

Zinc ointment retains its healing properties for a long time (up to 4 years), but only if it is properly stored. It is recommended to do this at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees, while the refrigerator is not suitable for storing liniment, because. low temperatures adversely affect zinc oxide.

Reviews about the drug

Does zinc burn ointment work well? Feedback from doctors and their patients is mostly positive. This drug was used by our grandmothers, so we can consider it a tool whose benefits and effectiveness have been proven by entire generations of consumers.

Many have zinc ointment in their home first aid kit, so to speak, in reserve. People love that this medication can help with a range of problems and is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Zinc ointment saves not only from burns, but also from acne, skin irritations, herpes that has spilled out on the lips, and many other troubles.

But of course this is not a panacea. And there are bad reviews. Most often from those who used the drug for other purposes or in violation of the instructions.


It's time to take stock. So, we found out: zinc ointment helps with burns, but only if they are mild. Not suitable for 2nd and 3rd degree burns. Well, best of all, always be careful and avoid accidents, then the ointment is not needed. Stay he althy, take care of yourself!
