Zinc is one of the most important trace elements, without which the normal functioning of the body is impossible. Zinc is of particular importance for the representatives of the stronger sex, since it is involved in the production of testosterone, the main male hormone. The largest quantities of the mineral are found in oysters and seafood, beef liver and fish, meat and nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. A zinc preparation for men, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or ordered online, will help to fill the trace element deficiency.

The role of zinc in the human body
Zinc is an essential trace element that takes an active part in almost all processes occurring in the body. It is present in over 300 enzymes and hormones. The role of the mineral in the body is as follows:
- regulates the functioning of the nervous system: together with B vitamins, it positively affects the functioning of the cerebellum, improves memory, concentration and mood;
- being a powerful immunomodulator, it helps to increaseprotective properties of the body;
- normalizes the work of the gonads: enhances the production of sex hormones, increases the activity of spermatozoa, prevents the development of prostate adenoma;
- essential during pregnancy: helps maintain an optimal balance of hormones and cope with stress;
- ensures normal growth, development and puberty of the body;
- essential for hair, nail and skin growth;
- prevents the development of diabetes;
- increases visual acuity;
- has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect;
- improves digestion and pancreas function;
- acts as an antioxidant;
- takes part in the processes of hematopoiesis.

What Causes Zinc Deficiency
Micronutrient deficiency can be caused by several reasons. Zinc deficiency is based on malnutrition, impaired absorption in the intestines, inadequate or impaired binding of zinc to albumins, poor absorption of the trace element by cells, stress, bad habits, vegetarianism, pancreatic dysfunction, and more.
Why do men need zinc
Lack of zinc during puberty can lead to disruption of the development of the adolescent reproductive system and provoke discord in its work.
Mineral deficiency in men of reproductive age is a common cause of testicular dysfunction: testosterone and sperm production decreases, mobility decreasesspermatozoa. As a result, the chances of fertilization are greatly reduced. That is why zinc is essential for those planning to conceive. If the problem is ignored and the therapy is not carried out in time, using zinc preparations for men, the list of which will be presented below, this can lead to a breakdown in the prostate gland.
Zinc is equally important for the full functioning of the immune system. With its lack, the functioning of the entire immune system is disrupted, the antimicrobial activity of macrophages and neutrophils is inhibited, which leads to a decrease in the synthesis of protective antibodies, which makes a man vulnerable to viruses and bacteria.
Zinc is also necessary for men who are actively involved in sports. The fact is that during intense physical exertion, the trace element is lost along with sweat. For this reason, zinc for men is often prescribed to professional athletes, as well as those whose lifestyle is associated with regular physical activity.

Norm of zinc for men
What is the daily requirement of zinc for the male body? For an ordinary man, the norm of a microelement is 15 mg per day. With moderate physical activity, the body should receive from 20 to 30 mg of zinc per day. With enhanced training, the need for a mineral is 25-30 mg, and during sports competitions - 35-40 mg per day.
Zinc preparations
Preparations containing zinc for men are presented in various dosage forms. These can be coated or uncoated tablets,fast-dissolving effervescent tablets, drops, capsules or chewable lozenges. Moreover, the release form does not affect the degree of absorption of zinc. It is important what form of this microelement is contained in the preparation. Most often, these are zinc s alts (oxide or sulfate). A zinc preparation for men in this form is the cheapest, but it is worth noting that the sulfate form of zinc is absorbed by the body the worst. To date, the optimal form of the mineral is considered to be chelated, which is referred to as “chelate” on the packaging with vitamins. Its effectiveness is confirmed by numerous positive reviews. Forms such as picolinate, citrate, monomethionine, acetate and glycerate also have good bioavailability.
Next, we will consider the most popular and effective zinc preparations for men, the price of which can vary greatly depending on the activity of the form of the constituent elements, the popularity of the brand and the country of origin.

Zincteral is the most commonly prescribed zinc preparation for men. Produced in the form of film-coated tablets. One tablet contains 124 mg of zinc sulfate.
"Zincteral" is prescribed for men as part of the complex treatment of infertility, as well as for impotence. The drug is recommended to prevent the development of prostate neoplasms.
Reception of "Zincteral" helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, stimulates protein and carbohydrate metabolism, increases immunity and improveswell-being.
Take the drug should be 1 hour before eating or 2 hours after. This regimen allows zinc to be better absorbed.
The dosage and duration of therapy is determined by the doctor individually, depending on the type of pathology and its severity.

For the treatment of reproductive problems, doctors prescribe drugs containing zinc and selenium (for men, these 2 trace elements are simply irreplaceable). One of such means is the Seltsink vitamin-mineral complex. Preparations with zinc and selenium for men are good because the combination of these two elements in one preparation is very convenient in the complex therapy of infertility and prostate diseases. Both elements do not interfere with the assimilation of each other. In addition to zinc and selenium, the preparation contains optimal doses of vitamin E, ascorbic acid and beta-carotene.
Due to the fact that "Selzinc" is an effective antioxidant agent, its appointment is advisable for high mental and physical stress, pathologies of the digestive system, infectious diseases.
The recommended dose of the drug is 1 tablet per day. The course of treatment is set by the doctor, but on average lasts a month.
There is only one contraindication to taking Selzinc - individual intolerance to its components.

Zinc Chelate
The advantage of the drug is that it contains zinc inchelated form. Its content in 1 capsule is 22 mg. "Zinc Chelate" is prescribed to increase immunity, improve and restore the functioning of the prostate gland. In addition, taking the drug contributes to the speedy recovery of tissues after injuries and operations and prevents the development of diabetes.
Recommended dosage - 1 capsule per day. The duration of admission is 30 days.
Zinc in multivitamin complexes
The most sought-after zinc multivitamins for men are Duovit for Men, Alphabet for Men and Paritet.
Duovit for Men
It is a complex vitamin preparation that contains the entire range of B vitamins, vitamin A, C, D, E, zinc, iron, magnesium, manganese, iodine and copper. It is recommended to increase the body's defenses, maintain tone, with increased physical and mental stress. Reception "Duovita for men" can reduce the risk of prostate diseases, improve sperm motility.
The daily dose of the drug is 1 tablet. The course of therapy is 30 days.

Alphabet for Men
This vitamin-mineral complex is available in the form of multi-colored tablets. Each color of the tablet has a separate composition and is intended to be taken at a certain time of the day (morning, afternoon and evening). Altogether Alphabet for Men contains 13 vitamins and 9 minerals (including zinc), L-carnitine, L-taurine, and eleutherococcal extract.
Balanced compositionvitamin-mineral complex helps to strengthen the nervous and immune systems, improve the functioning of the male reproductive system, increase energy tone and mental performance.
This vitamin-mineral preparation is manufactured by Evalar from plant components and belongs to dietary supplements. The content of zinc oxide in 1 capsule is 15.6 mg.
First of all, "Parity" is intended for men suffering from erectile dysfunction. Its action is aimed at stimulating the production of testosterone, and, as a result, increasing potency.
The drug is taken 1 capsule a day for 15 days.
Of course, zinc is a very important element for the normal functioning of the body, but before taking zinc tablets for men, it is better to consult a specialist and undergo an appropriate examination. Remember that only a competent approach to treatment will help to avoid disappointment and get the desired result.