Manicurists never cease to amaze their customers with new products. These are new technologies, and more modern and perfect materials. Today we will talk about one of these new products - gel polish, or rather, about its effect on a woman's body. Many ladies find it an excellent solution for long-term preservation of the attractive appearance of their nails. This is their brightness, and resistance to household chemicals. But is it really that safe? Is it possible to be allergic to gel polish? We will try to answer your questions in this article.

Why do allergies occur?
Have you ever wondered why exactly the named nail coating stays on the nails for so long? This is due to the fact that this type of manicure involves the use of several means. Pre-nail plates are prepared by removing the top layer with a nail file, degreased and a base base is applied. Onlythis is followed by a base coat that gives them a matte or gloss finish.
Another prerequisite for this type of manicure is drying nails under a UV lamp to create a perfectly flat surface. Drying quickly cures all layers of this complex coating.

Strong allergens
Undoubtedly, all the products used have chemical components, so an allergic reaction can be provoked:
- toluene, which is part of solvents;
- isobornyl methacrylate;
- formaldehyde (derivatives);
- rosin (base for color coating).
Most of these components are included in all coatings of this group, so an allergy to gel polishes can appear on the products of any company. Even the one that is positioned as hypoallergenic. It does not protect against allergic reactions.
Moreover, in addition to the coating itself, ultraviolet radiation can cause unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, if earlier you noticed unusual reactions to it (for example, an allergy to the sun), then allergic rashes are quite possible after using this innovation.

Many dermatologists believe that in certain cases, they occur due to the sticky layer that is applied on top of the coating. With poor-quality manicure, a small amount of this substance gets on the skin and causes irritation.
The reasons for the onset of the disease should also include inappropriate instructionscosmetic storage. Direct sunlight, freezing and other violations of storage conditions lead to a change in the chemical formula of the varnish, so it is difficult to assume the reaction of the body to the new composition.
When do symptoms first appear?
You need to know that an allergy to gel polishes rarely appears after the first use. Usually, the first irritation of a woman is noticed after a few months of constant use of this coating. And often, even timely and successfully carried out treatment does not always help them avoid irritation in the future after applying gel polish.
Types of allergic reactions
Since during a manicure carried out according to this technique, not only the nail plate, but also the skin surrounding it, is exposed to chemical components, it is quite natural that it is in this place that an allergy to gel polish develops. The symptoms of the disease can vary, but are always pronounced and uncomfortable.
In this case, an allergic reaction is called a contact - it never spreads to other parts of the body, but significantly worsens a person's well-being. This type of pathology appears precisely in clients who are manicured using this technique.

Types of allergic reactions may be different. Cases have been recorded when they manifest themselves in the salon masters in the form of respiratory disorders. They are provoked by the smells of the products used during work. There is an allergy to gel polishes with nasal congestion,eye swelling, tearing, sneezing. Moreover, the more often the master is faced with working with this coating, the faster his he alth deteriorates.
Allergy symptoms
Many readers who have never encountered this insidious disease are interested in what an allergy looks like after gel polish. You can answer briefly - extremely unsightly, and sometimes even intimidating.
In fact, it is not difficult to understand that you are developing this disease, the characteristic and vivid symptoms will not allow you to doubt that irritation is caused by contact with this cosmetic. Nevertheless, in order not to think about what an allergy looks like, and whether it is, it is necessary to visit a dermatologist, since in the initial stage damage to the nail plate can also be caused by a fungal infection. Therefore, the sooner you go to the doctor, the sooner he alth and beauty will return to your hands.
And now, let's introduce you to the main signs of pathology that you should pay attention to:
- allergic rashes;
- unbearable itching;
- swelling and redness of the periungual fold and fingertips.
The rashes are sometimes small pimples, but more often they are blisters filled with fluid. Severe itching leads to their combing, the skin bursts, and weeping erosions form under it. At this stage, the risk of developing a secondary infection increases significantly, which complicates the course of the disease.

During treatment, small cracks appear on the fingertips, whichheal for a long time. In especially severe cases, detachment of the nail develops. Such changes are provoked by the fact that when applying gel polish, the top layer of the nail plate is removed, and chemicals easily penetrate into its deeper layers.
Psycho-emotional stress, weakened immunity, sometimes provoke not only damage to the fingers, but also an allergic reaction on the wrists and palms. In this case, blisters appear that resemble hives. After healing, they may leave dark spots.
The listed signs are also characteristic of fungal infections, and therefore we recommend that you undergo laboratory diagnostics. The thing is that nail fungus and allergies require the use of different groups of drugs. Methacrylate, which is part of almost all gel polishes, can cause both angioedema and suffocation.
Allergy to gel polish: what to do?
The appearance of the first symptoms of irritation on the hands is a good reason to visit a dermatologist. If the disease has affected only the skin, you should contact the salon to remove the coating from the nails in order to exclude contact with the allergen. Symptoms of Quincke's edema require urgent medical attention. It is expressed in intravenous or intramuscular administration of antishock and antihistamines. Such drugs stop the release of histamine and prevent allergies from developing.
After removing the gel polish from the nails, you need to contact a specialist to find out the cause of the changes. Based on the results of the tests, the dermatologist will select the necessary treatment. If ait will be confirmed that itching, irritation, rash is an allergy to gel polish, only the doctor will decide how to treat this disease.

Antihistamines can be given as ointments or tablets. If you are confident in your diagnosis, then before visiting a doctor, you can take Tavegil, Diazolin or Suprastin. They are faster than others to stop skin symptoms. However, they are not used for a long time due to the presence of side effects.
It is better to use preparations containing corticosteroids. They will quickly remove the symptoms of allergies. These include ointments - Hydrocortisone, Advantan, Afloderm. If the allergy to gel polish does not appear very strongly, then you can use Fenistil-gel, but if a secondary infection joins the disease, then you will need funds - Levosin or Levomikol.
Gyoksizon ointment contains an antibiotic and a glucocorticosteroid. And during the healing of the skin, ointments with regenerating properties should be used - Radevit, Panthenol, Solcoseryl.

The complex therapy of allergies also includes a group of drugs to help the body remove accumulated toxins from the intestines and internal organs. But they not only get rid of toxins, but also improve the intestinal microflora, increase immunity. This is important in the treatment of allergic reactions. These drugs include: Lacto-filtrum, Enteros-gel, Polysorb.
For the complete restoration of the skin and nail plates, you need vitamins that your doctor will prescribe. Their choice depends on the type of rashes on the skin, the presence of chronic diseases in the patient and the time of the course of the disease. Only an experienced and qualified specialist can take into account all these subtleties.

Traditional medicine
Many believe that traditional methods of treatment can defeat this disease. But we believe that they can only be part of complex therapy. It can be a decoction of motherwort or valerian roots at night.
Ease the pain of baths and lotions for hands using a decoction of calendula, oak bark, chamomile. These plants are famous for their anti-inflammatory properties, they soothe, help the skin recover faster.
In the treatment of allergies, a decoction of string, eggshell and mummy have proven themselves. Such remedies should be remembered by girls who have allergies from time to time.
When the disease has entered an acute phase, it is necessary to limit contact with water. After applying ointments, when doing any household work, you should protect your hands with rubber gloves. In addition, during treatment it is necessary to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet. Alcohol, citrus fruits, chocolate are completely excluded from the diet. This has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the skin.
How to avoid allergies?
The described reactions to a permanent coating often appear even in women who have neverdid not experience other manifestations of allergies. It only says that no one is immune from this type of irritation. However, the risk of developing the disease can be reduced.

Cosmetologists advise
In order for the next trip to the beauty salon not to have sad consequences, we recommend that you listen to the opinion of experts.
- Use only quality compounds. Polishes made in China are cheaper, but this product has the most complaints from buyers.
- Choose your salon and master carefully. A significant role in the development of allergies is played by the technique of performing a manicure. It is very important that when processing the nail, the adjacent skin is not injured. A professional master will try to prevent any of the products used from getting on the periungual roller or fingers.
- Minimizes the development of allergies by choosing a protective coating that is applied to the skin before the procedure. With the right choice, allergies to gel polishes and ultraviolet occur less frequently.
- Women with dry hands need to prepare them before the procedure. To do this, various emollient creams are applied to the hands for several days.
- It is necessary to give the nails a rest for several weeks by replacing the gel polish with a regular coating. Such a simple technique will help remove chemical elements from the cells of nails, skin and the body as a whole.
This cover is not recommended for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.
Alternative options
Many people are noticing, and we are alreadyit was said that even after successful treatment, with the subsequent use of gel polish, the allergy again makes itself felt. And sometimes the second reaction is even stronger.
To prevent this, you will either have to completely abandon such a manicure, or use high-quality, expensive products with the lowest content of toxic components. For example, Cind Vinyiux. This is a regular coating, but it lasts about seven days on the nails.

Cnd Shellac is a non-allergic gel polish. It is better to purchase such a varnish (in order to avoid fakes) from an authorized dealer. Another gel polish is Red Carpet. It is easy to apply. Allergies to this coating are extremely rare. Therefore, we recommend that you use it.