According to available statistics, every fifth of our compatriots have symptoms of an allergy to animal hair. Moreover, this common disease affects not only adults, but also children. In today's article you will find detailed information about this disease.
Stages of disease progression
The allergen that enters the human body is immediately attacked by the immune system. After that, the cells absorb into themselves some part of the molecules of the destroyed foreign agent. Thanks to this, they produce an antigen and, with the help of circulating blood, spread information about the allergen to all systems and organs.

In case of repeated contact with the agent, the cells of the body immediately begin to fight it. In the area of contact with the allergen, the blood vessels expand, due to which the lymphocytes gather to the dangerous area. The more of them there are at the point of contact, the more pronounced the symptoms of an allergy to animal hair will be.
At the stageclinical manifestations, the respiratory and sometimes the digestive system is affected. Redness and irritation may occur on human skin. The reaction rate directly depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Usually, the first symptoms of an allergy to animal hair begin to appear within an hour and a half from the moment of contact.
How this disease manifests itself
The main symptoms of this disease are in many ways similar to those that are characteristic of pollen allergy. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by watery eyes, sneezing, nasal congestion and even asthma attacks.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, the symptoms may appear in the period from several hours to six months. It is important that during this entire period the patient is under the supervision of specialists. A person prone to allergies to animal hair may develop eczema, urticaria and neuroderma. In most cases, these patients experience severe itching, swelling of the eyelids, shortness of breath and asthma attacks.
Cat Allergy: Symptoms in Adults
The cause of the development of this disease is usually not the animals themselves, but the secret that is secreted by their skin. Representatives of the cat family carefully monitor the cleanliness of their bodies, so they constantly lick themselves. As a result of these actions, the allergenic protein gets not only on their coat, but also where they sit or sleep.

Males have been proven to produce more of thissubstances than females. Symptoms of cat allergy in adults are manifested in the form of congestion and itching in the nose. Also, patients experience increased tearing, swelling of the face and frequent dry cough. Often, such patients complain of a sore throat, urticaria, hoarseness, and shortness of breath. In especially severe cases, it comes to an asthmatic attack and Quincke's edema.
Allergy to dogs
The skin of these pets secrete Can F1. High concentrations of this allergen are observed in representatives of short-haired breeds. It is present on the body of furry dogs, but not in such quantities. Even with careful care of the animal, its skin will not stop producing a substance that causes a negative reaction of the human body. This allergen accumulates on furniture, carpets, curtains and toys. Moreover, its viability is maintained for a rather long period.

The most common allergy to dogs manifests itself in the form of a dry cough, redness of the eyes, swelling of the nasopharynx and increased tearing. Often, patients experience severe itching and hoarseness. These symptoms are especially acute for people suffering from bronchial asthma. These patients may experience choking and angioedema.
Diagnostic Methods
Having figured out how an allergy to animal hair manifests itself, we need to say a few words about what tests and studies are prescribed to identify the problem. In most cases, patients are advised to takescarification skin tests. This analysis is performed using a special tool that makes a notch on the inside of the forearm.

Also, patients are prescribed prick testing. The technique of its implementation is similar to the scarification test. But in this case, a needle with a limiter is used as a tool.
Intradermal tests are considered a good method for identifying an allergen. In this case, the reagent is administered using an insulin syringe. The presence of an allergy is judged by the size of the blisters that have appeared.
One of the most accurate and effective diagnostic methods is Voll's computer technique.
To obtain reliable results, a few days before visiting the treatment room, you need to stop taking antihistamines. Contraindications for testing are: tuberculosis, pregnancy and infectious processes. Such tests cannot be performed during an exacerbation of chronic diseases.
Principles of Therapy
Those who want to figure out how to cure an allergy to animal hair, you need to remember that when the first symptoms of this disease occur, you need to contact a specialist. Only in this way can you completely eliminate the he alth problem and prevent the development of serious complications.
As for treatment, doctors distinguish three main stages, including:
- Antiallergic therapy. It consists in the use of antihistamines.
- Symptomatic therapy,involving the use of anti-asthma drugs, eye drops and nasal sprays.
- Immunotherapy, which consists in the subcutaneous injection of small amounts of antigen.

The most effective pills for allergies to animal hair include drugs such as Suprastin, Loratadin, Claritin, Nasonex, Astelin, Cirtec, Zirtec and Flonaz.
How dangerous is this disease?
Allergy to wool is considered one of the most common he alth problems. It is not characterized by seasonality, and it can manifest itself at any age. This disease is dangerous not only for adults, but also for children.
If the treatment is incorrect or delayed, an allergy to pet hair is fraught with serious consequences. At best, it will cause constant stress, irritability, fatigue, headaches and reduced immunity.
In especially neglected situations, it leads to the development of chronic bronchitis, laryngitis, rhinitis or asthma. Theoretically, anaphylactic shock, ending in laryngeal edema and death of the patient, is not ruled out.
General recommendations
So that the symptoms of an allergy to animal hair do not return to your life, you need to follow a few simple rules. First of all, you need to avoid all contact with our smaller brothers. If you already have a furry pet, it is advisable to re-arrange it in good hands.
If you plan to visit friends who have dogs or cats, start taking antihistamines shortly before your intended visit. Also, ask your host to keep your pets out of your designated area.

Make wet cleaning more often, paying special attention to corners and hard-to-reach places where the allergen can accumulate. Try not to use a vacuum cleaner, as this device raises tiny dust particles that can linger in the air for a long time. Instead of thick curtains, hang light curtains on the windows. Ventilate your living quarters more often and, if possible, get an ionizer, a powerful ventilation system or an air conditioner equipped with an air purification function.
Allergy free animals
As a rule, it is very difficult for people suffering from this disease to find a pet. Therefore, many of them are interested in which animal to get if they are allergic to wool. In such cases, experts recommend keeping aquarium fish, hairless guinea pigs or chinchillas at home.
Also, the list of allowed animals includes exotic specimens, such as Madagascar cockroaches, snakes, lizards, frogs and turtles. However, all these animals, frankly, are a big fan. After all, not everyone will agree that a reptile will exist next to him.
Cats and dogs for allergy sufferers
If you, in spite of everything, still decided to get a dog, then pay attention toMexican hairless breed. There is absolutely no hair on the body of these animals. But this does not mean that they cannot cause allergies. To minimize the risk of an exacerbation of the disease, wash your animal regularly and make sure that particles of his saliva do not get into your nose.
Hypoallergenic breeds also include Yorkshire Terriers, Poodles, Shorthair Schnauzers, Miniature Spitz, Papillons, Chinese Crested, Shih Tzu, Samoyeds, Bichons and M altese.
As for cats, you will have to choose between Devon Rex, Javanese, Cornish Rex, Don and Canadian Sphynx. In addition, representatives of the Siberian, Russian Blue, Oriental and Balinese breeds can be attributed to hypoallergenic animals. Many of them have a very specific appearance and almost no undercoat, and some representatives are completely bald.
Before you get a four-legged friend, be sure to consult with your doctor. But even in this case, you are not immune from the appearance of symptoms of the disease. Therefore, when you get a dog or a cat from the above list, do not forget about the precautions. Bathe your pet regularly with special shampoos, trim and comb out the coat. Try to make sure that the animal does not enter the room in which you sleep. Systematically do wet cleaning in the house and periodically ventilate the rooms.