Before you start treating pharyngitis at home, you should find out what kind of disease it is, what causes it and what are its symptoms. So what is pharyngitis? This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat that occurs after infection or as a complication of another disease, such as sinusitis, tonsillitis, caries, gingivitis or stomatitis.
Main cause of pharyngitis

The root cause is infection. Any fungi and viruses, having fixed themselves on the walls of the throat, begin their vital activity, that is, they multiply and release dangerous substances, which causes unpleasant inflammation. It has been established that most often these are viruses, and then bacteria. There are cases that pharyngitis is provoked by irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa, it can be hot food, alcohol, cigarette smoke, gas, etc. The first in the list of frequently ill are middle-aged and older men who smoke for a long time. If this disease is not treated,it becomes chronic. Also, the risk group may include people living in an area with unfavorable environmental conditions, working at an enterprise with harmful emissions into the atmosphere, often hypothermic, often ill with ARVI, and subjected to constant stress.
Symptoms of pharyngitis

Before you start treating pharyngitis at home, if you can’t go to the doctor, you need to identify its symptoms. Very often, pharyngitis is confused with a sore throat or other respiratory disease, because the symptoms are very similar:
- sore throat, sharp pain when swallowing, itching and burning in the throat, as if something is in the throat and interferes;
- fairly dry cough, rarely with little sputum;
- body temperature is not elevated, or there is a slight deviation from the norm;
- general weakness of the whole organism is felt;
- headache;
- enlarged lymph nodes.
Proper treatment of pharyngitis at home
Treatment of pharyngitis is carried out by conservative methods, comprehensively. Part of the treatment is aimed at eliminating sore throat, reducing swelling of the pharynx, eliminating perspiration. The other part is for the fight against pathogens. Pharyngitis is treated with antibiotics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. During this period, the patient is contraindicated in spicy, s alty, hot, cold food, in general, any that can irritate the pharyngeal mucosa.
If pharyngitissharp

In acute pharyngitis, various sprays, aerosols and tablets for sore throat help to quickly cope with the infection that provoked the disease. Lozenges and lozenges are used at the initial stage of the disease, because they will not cope with severe sore throat. Antiseptics can be used only after the establishment of the causative agent of pharyngitis. In combination with treatment, a course is required to restore the body's immune system.
Chronic pharyngitis
This pharyngitis has a slightly different treatment - it is the sanitation of the oral cavity, which consists in the treatment of all teeth, gums, if there is bleeding, the elimination of all harmful factors due to which the disease develops.
Of course, the treatment of pharyngitis at home is possible, but still it is better to seek help from a doctor. He will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct medication.