How to treat a throat during pregnancy: safe methods, drugs and recommendations

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How to treat a throat during pregnancy: safe methods, drugs and recommendations
How to treat a throat during pregnancy: safe methods, drugs and recommendations

Video: How to treat a throat during pregnancy: safe methods, drugs and recommendations

Video: How to treat a throat during pregnancy: safe methods, drugs and recommendations
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How to treat a throat during pregnancy? This is a common question. Let's figure it out in this article. A woman in position is thinking about how to cure her throat during pregnancy, as the chemicals that are part of standard drugs can be dangerous to the fetus.

Sore throat and cough are not always a symptom of a cold, but it can also happen in a room with too dry air. In addition to these problems, these symptoms can lead to more serious illnesses.

When a sore throat during pregnancy, how to treat? It is worth seriously considering what to do if the usual treatment does not work, and the cough causes a high fever.

how to treat a throat during pregnancy 2nd trimester
how to treat a throat during pregnancy 2nd trimester

General recommendations

It does not matter how long the unpleasant symptoms appeared, the expectant mother needs to go for a consultation with a therapist and a gynecologist. You should also visit an otolaryngologist, such a specialist will be able to prescribe a treatment that can suppress inflammation oninitial stages. Otherwise, the inflammatory process can go to other respiratory organs, which can be very dangerous for the development of the fetus.

How to treat a sore throat during pregnancy?

Therapy of the disease should be complex:

  • drink plenty of warm water or dried fruit compotes;
  • it is desirable to observe bed or gentle rest;
  • frequent wet cleaning and ventilation of the room;
  • eliminate hard-to-digest food;
  • topical treatment - drugs, sprays, rinses.

During pregnancy, it is forbidden to self-medicate. Any medication should be taken strictly under medical supervision. Alternative methods can be effective and should be included in general therapy.

How to treat a throat during pregnancy, not everyone knows.

how to treat throat during pregnancy
how to treat throat during pregnancy

First trimester treatment

If the throat starts to hurt in the early stages, the doctor will select more gentle methods of treatment. The formation of the organs and main systems of the baby takes place until the second trimester, so it is forbidden to take anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. One of the main methods of treating the throat in the first trimester is gargling, both folk and pharmaceutical solutions are allowed. The doctor will recommend safe remedies that will effectively cope with inflammatory processes.

Various lollipops sold in pharmacies are not a good choice for expectant mothers. They contain a complete setcomponents, and some of them can increase the tone of muscle tissue, causing a miscarriage. When the throat begins to tickle, it is better to dissolve ordinary lollipops - with lemon, eucalyptus, mint. Also, various thermal procedures are not shown in the first trimester. We'll have to forget about warming banks, baths, mustard plasters. Such sudden temperature regimes can lead to termination of pregnancy.

Treatment in the second and third trimesters

How to treat a throat during pregnancy in the second and third trimesters? Dangerous risks to the life of the fetus are reduced. Similar symptoms in the throat can appear with pharyngitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis. During the second trimester, local therapy methods are used, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs are prescribed by a doctor. Only a doctor can determine the appropriate dosage for these periods, and he will also prescribe a treatment regimen.

During the third trimester, you can already take antipyretic and antiseptic drugs, as well as those that contain paracetamol. But still, the main treatment is based on rinsing procedures in a more gentle mode. As well as in the early stages, you can not take warm baths, do various warm-ups - all this can lead to premature birth.

You need to use only those pharmaceuticals that the doctor recommended for the treatment of throat, because some rinses and phytosprays may contain immunostimulant substances that are prohibited for pregnant women.

When a sore throat during pregnancy, what else to treat?

how to treatsore throat during pregnancy 1st trimester
how to treatsore throat during pregnancy 1st trimester


When primary unpleasant symptoms appear, such as pain when swallowing, irritation of the mucosa, it is necessary to start local therapy. Most pregnant women have a question: what can be used to gargle during pregnancy? The frequency of holding and regular use affects the effectiveness of treatment, the symptoms of a cold will pass faster. The main advantage of rinsing is that there is no effect on the fetus, so this method can be used at all stages of pregnancy.

What happens during rinses:

  • stops infectious process;
  • softens the affected mucosa;
  • puffiness is eliminated;
  • breathing normalizes;
  • contacts directly with the focus of inflammation.

Use only freshly prepared solutions. It is forbidden to gargle with hot solutions, its temperature must be suitable for the mucosa. After rinsing, you can not eat, drink, talk a lot for an hour.

How to treat a throat during pregnancy, it is better to check with a doctor.


Pregnant women can gargle with Furacilin. This drug has pronounced antiseptic, antimicrobial effects, is used for sore throat, inflammation of the tonsils, is used only in the form of tablets for the preparation of a solution: 5 tablets are dissolved in hot water (1 l). The procedure should be repeated about 10 times a day.

They will also gargle with Chlorhexidine, thisa very safe drug that is widely used to treat diseases of the respiratory system. The drug has an effect on pathogenic pathogens, destroys the cellular structure of microbes. Its use does not affect the development of the fetus, so it can be used to gargle in early pregnancy.

how to treat throat during pregnancy
how to treat throat during pregnancy

Expectant mothers can use Rotokan. This product contains plant extracts that are known for their antiseptic effect (chamomile, calendula, yarrow). In a glass of warm water, 5 ml of the solution is stirred, you need to gargle four times a day. Contraindications - allergic reactions. How else to treat a throat during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester?

Other local therapies

In addition to rinsing, special heating and inhalation can be safe and effective during pregnancy. You need to use compresses several times a day; for its preparation, use s alt or pharmacy chamomile. Soak a towel with a decoction of medicinal herbs, put on the throat and wrap.

Try heating the s alt, place it in a cloth bag, hold it on the inflamed area. Only you can’t use too hot compositions, you need to keep the thermal effect with a shawl or scarf wrapped around your neck.

Inhalations can have a quick effect on sore throats. Warm steam has many valuable elements that have antimicrobial effects. This procedure will help remove swelling, inflammation of the mucous membranes, eliminate painfulfeeling when swallowing. It is permissible to use solutions from chamomile, mineral water. Of pharmaceuticals, Miramistin is used.

sore throat during pregnancy how to treat
sore throat during pregnancy how to treat

If the mucous membrane turns red, plaque forms, it is recommended to smear the throat with Lugol. It is a topical antiseptic widely used in pediatrics. Its main composition is molecular iodine, which causes the death of pathogenic microbes. The treatment regimen and dosage is determined by the doctor.

How to treat a throat during pregnancy in the 1st trimester? What drugs are allowed?


It is important to remember that pregnant women should not take medicines without a doctor's prescription.

Most people with sore throats go to the pharmacy and get the usual cough drops there, but they are contraindicated for pregnant women. If you do not know what you can replace them with, buy Lizobakt tablets. They are excellent at killing germs, eliminating pain when swallowing, and are safe for pregnant women.

So, how can you treat a throat during pregnancy?

There are other drugs that are allowed to be used during pregnancy:

  • Givalex;
  • Faryngosept;
  • Furacilin solution;
  • Ingalipt;
  • "Kameton";
  • Gexoral.

But even taking these drugs should be discussed with your doctor, because the safest drugs for pregnant women can be dangerous. Do not self-medicate.

Now you know how to treat a throat during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester.

how to treat sore throat during pregnancy
how to treat sore throat during pregnancy

What is prohibited for pregnant women with a sore throat

It is already known that pregnant women should not undergo thermal procedures, but it is necessary to recall some important rules once again. So, pregnant women during throat treatment are prohibited:

  • float legs;
  • put mustard plasters;
  • take a hot bath.

If the disease is already running and the voice is lost, then you should not try to cope with it yourself. Immediately go to an appointment with an otolaryngologist, because it will no longer be possible to overcome the disease on your own. How to treat a throat during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester?

Important recommendations

A sore throat should not be relieved by conventional methods during pregnancy, many drugs are prohibited during this period. Therefore, you need to update your first aid kit.

  • do not self-medicate, if you suspect the development of the disease, you should consult a doctor who will advise you on the desired course of therapy;
  • you can not treat red throat with antibiotics, as there is a high chance of developing fetal pathology or the birth of a child with genetic abnormalities;
  • do not bring down the temperature yourself, using "Aspirin" and "Ibuprofen";
  • recommended to refrain from antipyretic drugs;
  • before taking any medicine, you need to carefully study the instructions and contraindications;
  • most cough syrups contain alcohol substances that can increase the load on the circulatory system of both an adult andbaby;
  • various dietary supplements and other dietary supplements that are not intended for pregnant women can cause damage to the body;
  • in case of throat diseases in the early stages, it is highly undesirable to use tablet preparations, since during this period the fetus develops very actively.

We told in detail how to treat a sore throat during pregnancy. But it's better to figure out how to prevent it.

how to treat a throat during pregnancy 3rd trimester
how to treat a throat during pregnancy 3rd trimester


To prevent disease, follow these simple rules:

  • take frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • choose clothes according to the season and weather;
  • harden the body;
  • strengthen immunity by taking prenatal vitamins;
  • in the midst of viral infections, before leaving the house, lubricate the sinuses with oxolin ointment.

Timely prevention is better than treating a sore throat during pregnancy.
