Deficiency of B vitamins can cause many diseases. These are skin problems, disorders in the central nervous system, abnormalities in the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Neuromultivit is a modern multivitamin preparation. It is used, first of all, for the treatment of the consequences of a deficiency of vitamins of group B. From this article you will learn about reviews of "Neuromultivit" and analogues. Instructions for use will inform you about possible contraindications, drug compatibility, composition and pharmacokinetics of each component.
Composition and release form
The drug is only available in tablet form.
Each tablet contains three main representatives of the B vitamins, without which normal human life is impossible. These are thiamine (B1), pyridoxine (B6) and cyanocobalamin (B12). Each component is in the form of hydrochloride.
Why are theseComponents? No riboflavin, nicotinic acid, biotin and other B vitamins. The answer is simple: not all vitamins are normally absorbed in high concentrations. For example, riboflavin could interfere with the absorption of pyridoxine, etc. Some manufacturers solve this problem by dividing the daily dosage of vitamins into two or three tablets, which should be taken separately at different times.
The composition of "Neuromultivit" is also due to the fact that the drug is positioned as a remedy for the treatment of the nervous system. And thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin are the components that are most needed by neurons (nerve cells). With a deficiency of these elements, not only the nervous system suffers, but also the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the endocrine system, metabolism is disturbed.
In the human body, everything is interconnected, and the lack of one brick (any of the B vitamins) starts, as if by a domino effect, a chain reaction, as a result of which the functioning of the entire system is disrupted. The composition of "Neuromultivit" is designed to exclude such a process. Let us consider in more detail each component of the drug and the processes that occur with its excess or shortage.

Signs of deficiency and overdose of cyanocobalamin
Cyanocobalamin plays an important role in the process of hematopoiesis, without which he althy immunity and well-being are impossible.
Signs of cyanocobalamin deficiency in the body:
- frequent colds, weakimmunity;
- furunculosis, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne;
- constant lethargy, weakness, low vitality;
- drowsiness and chronic fatigue;
- characteristic changes in the general blood test - a low number of red blood cells;
- stuttering and impaired speech development;
- bad smell from the patient's skin;
- dizziness and headaches, memory problems, irritability;
- male sexual dysfunction.
But also an excess of cyanocobalamin does not bring anything good. Side effects of "Neuromultivit" are largely due to the fact that with regular use of the drug, hypervitaminosis of vitamin B12 occurs.
Characteristic symptoms that a person has an excess of cyanocobalamin in the blood and internal organs:
- thrombosis;
- chills, tremor of limbs;
- ankle, calf, foot cramps;
- sleep problems;
- nausea, flushing;
- dermatitis, urticaria.
The daily requirement for an adult in cyanocobalamin is about 2-3 mcg. In pregnant women, this figure doubles, since cyanocobalamin is required not only for the mother, but also for the fetus.

For pyridoxine deficiency
Pyridoxine hydrochloride - one third of Neuromultivit composition. This is vitamin B6, the main action of which is the effect on the nervous system. With a deficiency of pyridoxine, the following conditions develop:
- anxiety,tearfulness;
- hypochondria (especially common to older people);
- memory disorders;
- regression of cognitive abilities;
- imbalance of sodium and potassium in the body;
- Chronic fatigue and constant feeling of overwork (even after eight hours of sleep).
With a deficiency of pyridoxine, the patient is characterized by aggression and motor overexcitation. This process is caused by the fact that the adrenal glands begin to produce adrenaline more intensively. The reserves of glucose in the body begin to rapidly decrease, and the reserves of sugar, on the contrary, increase. As a result of this condition, various types of depression can develop.
An excess of pyridoxine also does not bring anything good. Side effects of Neuromultivit are largely due to the fact that with regular use of the drug, hypervitaminosis of this substance occurs. Here are the symptoms of increased levels of pyridoxine in tissues:
- numbness of limbs;
- nervous tics;
- allergic rashes, dermatitis and urticaria;
- skin itching;
- indigestion - diarrhea.

Signs of thiamine overdose and deficiency
The drug "Neuromultivit" is one-third composed of thiamine hydrochloride. What is this substance and what threatens a person with its deficiency?
In the intestine, thiamine is synthesized, provided that the microflora is not pathogenic. So in a he althy body there should not be a lack of vitamin B1. If aa person is constantly stressed, irritated, overworked, malnourished - the microflora of the intestinal mucosa is disturbed, and with it the production of thiamine stops.
Vitamin B1 deficiency is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- insomnia and disturbed sleep phases;
- Chronic fatigue and constant feeling of overwork;
- progression of osteochondrosis (if any), which leads to circulatory disorders;
- migraine, headaches due to circulatory disorders of the brain;
- appetite loss, weight loss;
- low physical endurance.
Thiamin is a water-soluble vitamin, which means that its metabolites are constantly excreted from the body. To achieve an overdose of this component in the tissues, we must try. Side effects of Neuromultivit often develop with regular use of the drug, as hypervitaminosis of this substance occurs. Here are the manifestations of this state:
- feeling hot, hot flashes;
- sweating and hyperhidrosis;
- weakness, nausea;
- loss of consciousness.
Thiamin overdose is the least common. In stressful situations, when a person finds himself in unusual conditions, the need for vitamin B1 increases tenfold.

Indications for use
Indications can be summarized from the information given above. Deficiency of cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine, thiamine and the conditions provoked by it - that'sthe main target of the drug.
Based on the indications of "Neuromultivit", neuropathologists prescribe their patients as part of complex therapy or as an independent remedy in the following cases:
- polyneuropathy;
- encephalopathy;
- withdrawal period in addicted patients;
- any;
- sciatica;
- alopecia;
- intercostal neuralgia;
- a period of high physical and psychological stress in a patient's life.
During the bearing of a child in any trimester of pregnancy, taking the drug is not prohibited. However, before you start using it, you should definitely consult with your doctor, notify him of your intention to take it, as in some cases, pregnant women may develop an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

Use of the drug for children and adolescents
At what age is "Neuromultivit" allowed to be taken? Neurologists often prescribe this drug to children from three years of age as part of a complex therapy for delayed psycho-speech development, increased anxiety, phobias, and stuttering.
In some cases, a complex course of nootropics, tranquilizers and "Neuromultivit" is prescribed. A prescription and dosage for a child can only be prescribed by an experienced neurologist or psychiatrist. It is strictly forbidden to "chemize" yourself and give the baby medicines, because instead of the expected benefit, they can provoke a deterioration in the condition.
Teenagers from twelveyears, you can drink a course of Neuromultivit without prior consultation, as a prophylactic during periods of increased physical and mental stress. For example, at sports competitions or before exams.
Contraindications for taking
There are a number of contraindications to taking the drug. "Neuromultivit" refers to those compounds that are usually well tolerated by the patient, but in the presence of at least one disease from the list below, it is strictly forbidden to start taking:
- chronic renal failure;
- acute ascites;
- acute psychosis or delirium;
- presence of benign or malignant neoplasms;
- cirrhosis of the liver.
Pregnancy and lactation are not direct contraindications to taking "Neuromultivit". Moreover, in the first trimesters, the need for thiamine and pyridoxine increases dramatically. But a pre-pregnant woman must notify the attending physician of her intention to take a course of Neuromultivit.
Side effects of "Neuromultivit"
The drug is generally well tolerated. An overdose of B vitamins is extremely rare as they are water soluble and their metabolites are quickly excreted from the body.
List of possible side effects of the drug in the first week of taking it, as well as in case of its overdose:
- thrombosis;
- chills, tremor of limbs;
- ankle, calf, foot cramps;
- sleep problems;
- nausea,hyperemia;
- dermatitis, urticaria.
Side effects of "Neuromultivit" in children are rare. Most often they are manifested in indigestion (diarrhea), rashes on the skin. In some cases, while taking the medication, it becomes difficult to fall asleep, motor anxiety appears. Reduce the dosage used as it is likely to be too high.

Drug interactions and special instructions
The total duration of Neuromultivit therapy should not exceed four to five weeks. If this period is exceeded, hypervitaminosis of B vitamins and negative neurological symptoms will most likely develop.
With the simultaneous use of the drug with alcoholic beverages, coffee and black tea, the absorption of vitamins is reduced by at least half. Some wines contain sulfites - under their influence, the degradation of thiamine is accelerated.
Patients suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastric and duodenal ulcers), as well as those with impaired kidney and liver function, should be wary of starting Neuromultivit. Reviews of doctors about side effects on the digestive organs indicate that the drug in rare cases can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases in remission.
Patients suffering from funicular myelosis or pernicious anemia (cobalamin anemia) during treatment"Neuromultivit" should take into account that blood tests can give distorted indicators. The number of erythrocytes and leukocytes may erroneously increase or decrease, cyanocobalamin levels jump.
If a patient has recently been diagnosed or has a history of a neoplasm of a benign or malignant nature, therapy with Neuromultivit should not be started. It is permissible to take the drug only after consulting a doctor.
"Neuromultivit" is used with caution in patients with angina pectoris, with forms of decompensated heart failure.
Substitutes and analogues
How to replace "Neuromultivit"? There are many forms and varieties of preparations that can restore the reference values of B vitamins in the patient's body.

Both thiamine, and cyanocobalamin, and pyridoxine (in the form of hydrochloride, as in Neuromultivit) are sold in liquid form, in ampoules for intramuscular injection. Often, neuropathologists are recommended to use injectable drugs, since it is in this form that 100% of the drug is absorbed. When the tablet passes through the gastrointestinal tract, the components are often not fully absorbed.
Taking vitamin-mineral complexes is not always able to overcome the deficiency of cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine and thiamine, as there are too many components in multivitamins. They often antagonize with each other, preventing the effective absorption of any of the substances. As a result, the benefits of taking multivitamins are reduced to zero.
Analogues of "Neuromultivit" for children: "Nagipol", "Pentovit". These are safe preparations containing vitamins of group "B", with a minimum of side effects.
How to replace Neuromultivit with adults? List of effective drugs:
- "Milgamma";
- "Pentovit" (a cheap analogue produced by a domestic pharmaceutical company);
- "Angiovit" (structural analogue of "Neuromultivit");
- "Beviplex";
- brewer's yeast "Nagipol".
All these drugs have a similar effect on the body and have an almost completely similar composition with Neuromultivit.
"Milgamma" or "Neuromultivit" - which is better?
"Milgamma" is exactly the same preparation of B vitamins. It is produced in the form of ampoules with a solution for injection and in the form of tablets for oral administration. The use of ampoules is more effective, since with the injection form of administration, the components are absorbed by almost one hundred percent. When taken orally, vitamins may not be fully absorbed.
"Milgamma" or "Neuromultivit" - what to choose for a patient who has not yet tried any of these drugs? The composition of "Neuromultivit" is almost completely identical to the composition of "Milgamma". They are also about the same price,packaging of both those and other tablets will cost about eight hundred rubles. It remains to rely on the prescription of the attending neuropathologist - the drug that was prescribed will be more effective in each individual case.

Reviews about taking the drug
The drug has established itself in the pharmacological market as high-quality, reliable and effective. Meanwhile, among the reviews of ordinary consumers there are many dissatisfied and even frankly disappointed responses.
First of all, dissatisfaction is caused by the high price of the drug. Ordinary consumers are surprised why each of the vitamins separately can be bought for 50-70 rubles, and a mixture of three of these vitamins costs almost a thousand rubles. The form of vitamins that are part of Neuromultivit is hydrochloride. You can buy vitamins in the same release form at any pharmacy for a penny - 30-50 rubles.
There are, of course, a lot of positive feedback about the action of "Neuromultivit". Patients note that the nervous system recovered after a few days from the start of taking the medicine: irritability and anxiety disappeared, sleep returned to normal. Skin condition improved, hair loss stopped.