Who are necrophiles? Most comprehensive answer

Who are necrophiles? Most comprehensive answer
Who are necrophiles? Most comprehensive answer
who are necrophiles
who are necrophiles

We all experience attraction. But not all of them are considered he althy and acceptable. And some individuals even go to extremes and cross all boundaries.

In principle, no matter what a person is doing, no one cares until his "hobbies" touch something sacred or frightening. What is everyone afraid of? Judging by the opinion of the founder of psychoanalysis - death.

Today we will talk about necrophilia and its many manifestations.

Who are necrophiles? Society answers

Practically any word from medical terminology that has the ending "-philia" is met by society with a strong wave of indignation and is considered almost the most serious insult. Moreover, the motive in most cases remains unknown: whether it is a herd instinct, or a banal unwillingness to see psychologically unhe althy people next to you, or simply an established tradition of hating people with disabilities.

One way or another, but necrophilia, according to the public, stands next to such severe deviations as drug addiction, homosexuality, pedophilia. And in some cases, necrophiles are even put on a par withfamous serial killers. At its core, such a person is a pervert, from whom it is imperative to get rid of by any means available.

necrophilia photo
necrophilia photo

Who are necrophiles? Psychopathologists answer

Who can best describe such a deviation, if not representatives of the speci alties related to psychology? Psychopathologists and psychoanalysts tend to believe that this pathology was born from simple human doubts related to the very process of being. Often such reflections lead mentally weak people on the path of destruction, which forces them to seek solace in death in all its manifestations.

Sometimes necrophilia is considered by psychologists not only as a love for the dead, but in general for inanimate objects. But this interpretation has not yet become widespread, so it will not be considered here.

The treatment of this disease is complex. Both medical and hypnotic methods are used. All this has been going on for quite some time. As a rule, cured patients cannot "fit" into a normal he althy society and continue to live as hermits.

case of necrophilic doctors
case of necrophilic doctors

Who are necrophiles? Legislators answer

For legislators, necrophilia is not so much a psychological disorder as a manifestation of vandalism. But this is only in the case when there is a fact of illegal opening of graves, for which a lover of the dead can be deprived of liberty for a certain period of time. If this fact did not exist, then the person is simply sent for compulsory treatment in a psychiatric institution.

Sometimes, if society is strongly outraged ("the case of necrophilic doctors"), criminal punishment can overtake those who never went down to the graves. In such cases, the gravity of the crime, as well as the punishment, is determined by a jury.

Who are necrophiles? Answers not to everyone's taste

Necrophilia does not always manifest itself in its "classic" form - sexual contact with dead people. Do you want to know what signs indicate that certain individuals are necrophiles? Photos posted on social networks will dot the i's. If the photographs contain "dead" symbols (skulls, bones, tombstones) - the answer is positive. And if a person enjoys watching news reports, photographs of unidentified corpses, bloody films? The answer here will be positive.
