Nasal congestion is a problem that can catch everyone at the most inopportune moment. It doesn't matter if it's winter or summer outside. Most people firmly believe that a runny nose is not a serious problem or even a disease. A few days - and everything will pass. Unfortunately, this is not quite the right attitude to the problem. After all, a long runny nose can develop into sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis. If nasal congestion interferes with fruitful work and general well-being, then treatment with folk remedies will always come to the rescue as a lifeline. There are a sufficient number of methods for treating the common cold without "chemical" interventions. The causes and treatment of nasal congestion with folk remedies are interconnected, the means of therapy depend on the primary source of the disease.
Causes of congestion (no runny nose)
Nasal congestion is not always accompanied by a runny nose, the causes of this condition maybe:
- hypothermia;
- allergies, including exposure to dust, chemicals, aerosols;
- injuries of the nose, as well as the specific anatomical structure of the nose;
- hormonal, neurovegetative disorders;
- mucosal hypertrophy;
- environmental impact, including weather changes.
Factors of stuffy nose with runny nose
Often a runny nose appears only if a virus and bacteria enter the body, other causes may be as follows:
- body hypothermia;
- viruses, infections, bacteria;
- allergy.
In addition to various factors of the disease, there are the following types of rhinitis: acute and chronic. Nasal congestion can manifest itself as an independent disease, and as a separate symptom. The most common causes of a runny nose are a virus and hypothermia. To relieve nasal congestion, treatment with folk remedies is necessary, as with other mild colds.
As practice shows, traditional medicine offers a wide variety of comfortable remedies for the treatment of the common cold, which, in addition to treatment, significantly strengthen the body and are an excellent prevention from other diseases.

How to determine the source of a runny nose?
The primary source of nasal congestion with a runny nose can be identified by the color of the discharge. A clear liquid indicates that the cause of the disease is an allergy or a virus. A yellowish liquid with a green tint is a bacterial infection. If red dots are present in the secreted fluid, the reason for this is weakness and fragility of the vessels, which can be caused by influenza, hypertension and other viral infections.
Stages of runny nose
The first stage is accompanied by sneezing, dryness in the nasopharynx and nasal congestion. The next stage is accompanied by abundant secretions, the perception of smells weakens. The last stage is accompanied by thick greenish discharge, swelling decreases.
Traditional medicine will help to cope with a runny nose. The main thing is not to postpone treatment until later, because the sooner the procedures begin, the better.

To relieve symptoms, and in the future to completely get rid of nasal congestion, you should follow the advice that traditional medicine has tested for decades. Even qualified doctors are not opposed to these methods.
Bed rest
Many people do not attach importance to a runny nose, mild colds and do not make any effort to alleviate their condition. However, the load on a weakened body entails even greater complications. The worst option is that a runny nose can develop into a chronic form. Therefore, at the first symptoms, it is better to refrain from going outside and spend the day at home. This will enable the body to defeat the common cold and protect the body from complications. Home regimen should be accompanied by parallel treatment with folk remedies.

Clean your nose with homemade decoctions
You can clean the nose from secretions with both nasal drops and specially prepared decoctions. It is worth paying attention to plants that differ in anti-inflammatory action. Treatment of folk remedies for a runny nose and nasal congestion is as follows:
- The most easily accessible flower is the chamomile. And the benefits of the plant are unprecedented. The infusion is prepared as follows: cool the decoction of the plant and rinse the nose 3-4 times a day. The procedure is not pleasant, but it is worth it. It is necessary to close one nostril with a finger, and with the other to draw a decoction of chamomile into the nasal passages, the manipulation should be repeated at least two times for each nostril. Treatment of allergic nasal congestion with folk remedies, such as chamomile decoction, is the safest option. There are no contraindications to the use of chamomile decoction, with the exception of hypersensitivity to the plant.
- Onion juice will be a real salvation from a cold. Since ancient times, the benefits of onions were considered incredible, they were treated for many diseases and used as a preventive measure. To treat a runny nose, you should use this method: dilute onion juice with warm water so as not to damage the mucous membrane, rinse the nasal passages. Treatment of nasal congestion with folk remedies at home is much easier than it might seem at first glance.
- Beetroot juice instantly relieves a runny nose. The method of preparing folk drops is as follows: you need to grate the beets, squeeze the juice out of the mass and gently drip into the nose.
- Medicines can be grown right on the windowsill. Even our ancestors always kept a pot of aloe in the house, the juice of which is the best remedy for the treatment of nasal congestion, strengthening immunity and general he alth.
- S alt is the enemy of losing weight and the main assistant in the treatment of nasal congestion. S alt solution is a fairly effective and most affordable remedy of traditional medicine. Treatment of nasal congestion with folk remedies in adults is safer than in children, because the wrong concentration of saline can only harm the body.
- The most difficult recipe is oil tincture. To prepare the tincture, mix 100 ml of olive oil and 15 ml of valerian root tincture, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. The resulting mixture should be left to infuse in a tightly closed container for 10-13 days. The resulting nasal infusion should be instilled into each nostril 2 drops using a pipette.

Warm your feet
Scientists have long proven that the legs are a reflexogenic zone, so hot water baths and foot compresses will help to successfully cope with a runny nose and nasal congestion. Do not neglect such a procedure as steaming your legs. To heighten the effect, add chamomile to the bath, the usefulness of which has already been written a lot, raspberry leaves and sea s alt. Rapid treatment of nasal congestion with folk remedies occurs precisely due to the effect on the reflexogenic zones.
Chinese tea traditions
Tea therapy is a method of treatment that appeared in ancient China. At the first sign of a runny nose and nasal congestion, drink hot tea, but not tea bags, but real leaf tea. After all, the power of tea treatment is in the herbs and plants of which it is composed. Preparations can be made independently. In the summer, take a walk through the forest, collect raspberry, cherry, lemongrass or linden leaves. Do not forget to cook wild berry jam. In winter, these blanks are very useful in the treatment of not only the common cold, but also colds. Treatment of nasal congestion without snot with folk remedies, such as tea, is the most effective method.
Doctors strongly recommend not to forget about such a method of treatment and prevention of the common cold as self-massage. It is recommended to massage the paranasal sinuses. If you follow the correct massage technique, there should be an impact on the right points, after which a natural blood flow begins. This procedure warms the massaged areas, removes stagnant formations of fluids. Treatment of nasal congestion without a runny nose with folk remedies is often more effective than medical intervention.

Therapies for children
Treatment of nasal congestion in children with folk remedies is an urgent matter. Without timely intervention, common rhinitis with clear discharge can lead to the release of a green thick liquid with a specific odor, which will be the first call to the development of sinusitis. If a runny nose is accompanied by a child's complaints of pain in the eyes or ears, as well as fever, it should be mandatoryorder to visit the doctor. Causes of nasal congestion may be related to allergies, deviated septum and various infections.
Rhinitis in infants is recommended to be treated primarily not with strong drugs, but with traditional medicine. The first method that deserves attention is a saline solution, but it is better to wait a little with onion juice or aloe juice. A strong concentration of these juices can only harm.
In order to definitely determine the source of the disease and choose the right course of treatment, you should immediately consult a doctor, as for babies, even a runny nose can pose a serious threat.

Morning stuffy nose
Every second person has problems with morning nasal congestion, and most of them do not pay attention to this misfortune, because by dinner all the discomfort passes. But what can cause nasal congestion in the morning? These could be:
- ENT diseases;
- septal curvature (to find out if this is the main reason for morning nasal congestion, it is recommended to take an x-ray);
- dry air in the bedroom.
The solution to the problem will be an examination, after which the doctor will prescribe the necessary procedures. Treatment of nasal congestion without a runny nose with folk remedies can be as follows: dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water and rinse the nasal passage with a solution. If the problem of nasal congestion lies in the dryness of the air, then it is recommended to purchase a humidifier and do not forget about ventilation.
Prevention of nasal congestion
Rhinitis and nasal congestion is a scourge that brings discomfort to everyday life for both adults and children. So even such a seemingly insignificant symptom, like a runny nose, is better to prevent than to treat it for a long time and hard. Doctors recommend adhering to the following rules throughout life, and especially in the autumn-winter period:
- Regular washing of the nasal passages with saline solutions actively cleanse the nasal mucosa from unwanted guests in the form of bacteria that provoke nasal congestion, and the solution also strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Before using a saline solution, you should learn the technique of its use, since the ingress of s alt into the ear canals can lead to a serious disease - otitis media. Less effective, but easy to use, are such drugs: Aqualor, Aquamaris, Aquamaster. The action of these drugs is less intense, unlike the solution, but they are perfect for the prevention of nasal diseases. An important advantage is that these preparations can be used even for children. Of course, they will not rid the mucous membrane of foreign bodies, but they will moisturize it well, which will temporarily relieve the symptoms of a cold in the form of nasal congestion.
- Remember to breathe fresh air. The role of walking and airing the premises is underestimated in the fight for a he althy nose. However, only regular walks and fresh air will help strengthen the immune system, problems with which cause a runny nose and nasal congestion. With regards to ventilation, the benefits areprocedure is obvious. Scientists have long proven that indoor air pollution can be many times higher than outdoor pollution. This means that regular ventilation will help reduce the infectious burden on the body of adults and babies.
- Sport is the head of everything. Gymnastics, swimming, aerobics, dancing, and even the most common running and walking will help you not only lose weight, but will also be an excellent prevention of colds and nasal congestion. To avoid these diseases, it is not at all necessary to lock yourself at home with seven locks, it is better to spend an hour a day walking in the fresh air.

No matter how small a ailment like nasal congestion may seem, treatment should not be neglected. Doctors advise not to postpone the prevention of colds and follow the above rules on a regular basis.