In the article, we will consider how Ovesol works.
To restore he alth, patients take various drugs, but it is preferable if they are plant-based. Natural medicines are very popular, for example, Ovesol, which is a dietary supplement designed to cleanse the liver of various toxins. This drug protects the liver from the effects of harmful drugs and their components. Next, read the instructions for its use.

Ovesol reviews abound.
Description of this drug
According to the instructions, it is a biologically active food supplement, this tool serves as a source of emodin and flavonoids. Its functions are to cleanse and improve the functional he alth of the liver. The complex of active ingredients in this drughas a detoxifying effect, the medicine restores the drainage function of the biliary tract, eliminating bile stasis.
"Ovesol" for the liver is available in three formats, namely in the form of tablets, solution and tea.
Pharmacodynamics and composition of the drug
The medicine "Ovesol" has anti-inflammatory, choleretic and antispasmodic properties. This dietary supplement can eliminate bile stasis by dissolving and removing stones from the biliary tract. This effect of this drug is due to its active ingredients:
- Sowed oats are rich in amino acids as well as enzymes, stigmasterol, flavonoids, macronutrients, minerals and steroidal saponins.
- Ingredient turmeric contains essential oils and curcumin, which relieve inflammation and accelerate the outflow of bile. In addition, this substance removes toxins.
- Volodushka is an anti-inflammatory plant containing flavonoids along with essential oils, carotene, tannins, saponins and vitamin C. The composition of "Ovesol" in the instructions is described in great detail.
- An ingredient such as immortelle, due to the content of essential oils, greatly enhances the secretion of bile, reducing its stagnation. This component has an antispasmodic effect.
- Peppermint leaves are rich in terpenoids, carotene and betaine. Due to this, it reduces the tone of the intestinal muscles.

Indications for use
According to the instructions, Ovesol tablets can be taken withthe presence of problems with the process of formation of bile and its excretion from the body. Indications for the use of this drug are primarily diseases of the digestive system of acute and chronic course. Thus, it is advisable to use this remedy for liver cirrhosis, against the background of pancreatitis, colic, hepatosis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, dyskinesia, cholangitis and bile duct stones.
Ovesol's indications must be strictly observed.
How should I take the drug?
Each pack of the drug contains instructions for its use, which includes information on how to take it, depending on the form of release. Each format has its own use case. The existing dosage forms of "Ovesol" are united by the fact that they are all intended for oral use. Doctors set the dosage in each case individually.
Using pills
The presented drug in tablet format is taken with meals, one pill twice a day and washed down with water. Instructions for use do not recommend chewing or crushing them. The course of therapy in this mode is usually twenty days or three weeks. For the full functioning of the liver, it is required to repeat the cleansing course up to four times a year, but immediately after consulting a doctor.

Using mortar
Ovesol solution based on extracts of medicinal plants is also taken orally with meals. Twenty drops of medicinecorresponds to half a teaspoon, diluted with water and taken twice as a course for thirty days. This dosage is the same for the treatment of diseases and for the prevention of ailments as well. You can repeat the treatment course three times a year, but only after receiving the permission of the doctor.
Using Ovesol tea
Sachets with dry herbs are brewed like regular tea, that is, only one bag is used per glass of boiling water. For the reception, you need to drink 200 milliliters of the resulting drink, which should be infused for fifteen minutes. For therapy, you should take this tea twice a day. In order to improve the taste quality of the liquid, the instructions for use allow you to add a little honey, lemon and sugar to the preparation. The course of therapy lasts two to three weeks, it can be repeated up to three times a year.
Special Instructions
For the treatment of children, the instructions recommend a daily dosage of one tablet, twenty drops of a solution or one filter bag in the form of tea. Independent use of the described drug is prohibited. Thus, immediately before use, you need to get permission from a doctor.
The described drug is prescribed with caution in the presence of cholelithiasis. In this regard, before treatment with Ovesol, the patient must undergo an ultrasound examination for the absence of large stones in the bile ducts.

When Pregnant
The plant base of the described drug is soft and gentle, in this regard, "Ovesol"can be used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system in pregnant and lactating women. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor. During therapy, do not increase the dosage to avoid possible exceeding the allowable amount of this drug.
Drug Interactions
There is no information as such about the pharmacokinetics of the drug, so it should be used with caution in combination with other drugs, after consulting a doctor. The only prohibition on the use of this medication is its combination with alcohol. The fact is that alcoholic beverages reduce the effect of this medicine to a minimum. Ethanol significantly destroys liver cells, which increases the load on this organ.
Side effects
According to the instructions and reviews, "Ovesol" can rarely cause adverse reactions. In medical practice, there are isolated cases in which the described tablets or drops negatively affected the general well-being of patients. However, some side effects are still possible, for example:
- Skin allergies may develop. As a rule, this happens in the form of a rash, hives, itching, redness, and so on.
- Occurrence of nausea or vomiting.
- Bloating.
- The occurrence of pain in the abdomen.
Contraindications and side effects of "Ovesol" everyone should know.

Drug overdose
According to research data, to date, not a single case of an overdose of "Ovesol" has been recorded. This is largely due primarily to the fact that the presented drug contains herbal ingredients that gently affect the body, which are removed from it without harm. In the event that the patient notices symptoms of an overdose in the form of worsening side effects, he will need to urgently consult a doctor for advice.
Contraindications to the use of medication
Caution in the use of this drug should be shown in patients who have a bend of the gallbladder along with gallstone disease. In addition, with great care, "Ovesol" is taken during pregnancy and lactation. Contraindications according to the instructions are the following factors:
- The patient has hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the formulation.
- Presence of individual intolerance to plant extracts.
Terms of sale and storage
According to the instructions, the presented biological supplement is sold without a medical prescription, it is stored at a temperature of up to twenty-five degrees for two years from the date of manufacture. The tea of this preparation must be stored in a place that is protected from high humidity.
Analogues of "Ovesol"
For therapy and restoration of the liver, the use of other natural supplements or specialized hepatoprotectors is also allowed. Analogs arethe following medicines:

- The drug called "Hepatrin" is a combination of the hepatoprotective effects of milk thistle and choleretic artichoke, as well as essential phospholipids.
- Artisonik medicine is also a dietary supplement to improve liver function. This analogue of "Ovesol" contains turmeric, knotweed and artichoke as the main components.
- The medicine "Betusil" is another analogue based on milk thistle, birch bark and dandelion. It is used for treatment, and, in addition, for the prevention of pathologies of the digestive system.
- Essentiale is a natural hepatoprotector containing phospholipids and regenerating liver cells.
Ovesol cost
You can buy this drug online or at a pharmacy. The cost of the medicine directly depends on the format of release and the size of the trade margin. For example, a package of forty Ovesol tablets will cost about two hundred rubles. For a bottle of solution will have to pay three hundred rubles. And for twenty bags of medicinal tea you have to pay one hundred and eighty rubles.

Ovesol Reviews
Many people who leave reviews about this medicine write that they are extremely glad that they switched to using this natural remedy. Patients admit that when they are going to be treated with antibiotics, they always buy this particular drug and drink it to protect the liver. Additionally in reviews of "Ovesol"it is reported about the guaranteed therapeutic effect and that the product never fails.
More consumers say about this medication that it is well tolerated and, as a rule, does not cause any side effects. People who use this natural supplement report that their stomach works better thanks to its use, and there are no digestive problems at all, and the tests show quite good results.