Yellow vomiting: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, medical supervision and treatment

Yellow vomiting: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, medical supervision and treatment
Yellow vomiting: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, medical supervision and treatment

Recently, patients often complain of yellow vomit. The presence of diseases in the body leads to disruption of the natural functioning of all organs. Increases internal pressure in the intestines. As a result, bile enters the stomach. A person experiences unpleasant discomfort and a feeling of bitterness in the oral cavity. You need to try to figure out why diarrhea and yellow vomiting occur, what are the factors for the development of such a pathology and whether treatment of this disease is possible.

The main cause is gallbladder spasms, which are caused by various types of diseases. To eliminate negative consequences, you should find reasons that will help remove bile from the stomach.

vomiting yellow foam
vomiting yellow foam


Unhe althy diet, eating fatty and s alty foods lead to the release of bile into the stomach. This reaction provokes the appearance of yellow vomiting. Irritant foods cause a sudden reaction in the liver. She instantly begins to throw out a huge amount of bile, which eventually enters the stomach. The reason is also an excess of food in the stomach. The body is not inable to process so many products. The use of antibiotics, the abuse of bad habits, physical activity after eating cause an active release of bile into the stomach.

This condition is mainly observed in pregnant girls or people who are obese. In a he althy person, bile is normal. Diseases of the stomach have a negative effect. The mucous membrane has signs of severe inflammation. Bile in combination with hydrochloric acid has a negative effect on the lining of the stomach. As a result, there is a huge release of bile into the digestive organs.

It is more dangerous if the baby has yellow vomit. Parents should immediately contact specialists to identify possible diseases.

yellow vomit and diarrhea
yellow vomit and diarrhea


Sharp stabbing pains in the stomach indicate the presence of a huge amount of bile in it. It has a certain structure, and is not suitable for the gastric mucosa. The very first signs are the appearance of heartburn. It can occur on an empty stomach or immediately after eating food. The main symptoms of the release of bile into the stomach include: a taste of bitterness in the mouth, vomiting with yellow foam. There is a yellow coating on the tongue with an unpleasant aftertaste in the oral cavity. Pain can be intense or moderate. Wrongly chosen foods, regular physical activity and stressful situations are especially irritating to the substance.

yellow vomit
yellow vomit

Main signs

Inflammatory processes are also accompanied by purulent complications. The main symptoms include:

  • sharp pain under ribs;
  • vomit;
  • appetite disorder;
  • pressure reduction;
  • palpitations

Heartburn appears regularly, the tongue acquires a light coating, the abdominal cavity is constantly in tension. There is an instant bloating, which is characterized by a violation of the digestive system. The skin is constantly changing color. In the initial stage, the skin becomes pale and may have a yellow tint in the acute form of the disease.


Diagnosis should be carried out in the early stages of the disease. The study will help eliminate the development of a severe form of the disease. The specialist examines the skin, assesses the state of dry skin, examines the oral cavity. After the examination, a laboratory analysis is scheduled. First of all, the patient must pass a biochemical blood test. Diagnosis allows you to establish a change in the body and identify the form of the disease. Elevated blood levels indicate the presence of inflammatory processes in the pancreas.

yellow vomit in a child
yellow vomit in a child

Status normalization

To eliminate the negative consequences, medical treatment should be carried out. Medicines should be taken in a certain sequence. First of all, you should take drugs that cannormalize the gastric mucosa and eliminate vomiting. These include: Motilak, Cerucal, Raglan. "Gaviscon", "Gelusil", "Maalox" - effectively normalize the acidic environment in the body. You should take medications that create normal acid production. These include:

  • "Pantoprazole";
  • "Omez";
  • "Lasnoprazole".

Treat the liver

For treatment, drugs are needed that restore liver cells. The most effective are: "Ursosan", "Urosliv" and "Ursofalk". They will help restore the gastric mucosa: De-nol, Venter, Rebamipide. All drugs really eliminate the problem with bile and disturbed mucous membranes. However, other drugs that are not related to the organs of the digestive system can be used. The doctor may prescribe psychotropic drugs that eliminate emotional stress, relax muscles and eliminate spasms on the walls of the stomach.

yellow vomit
yellow vomit

Treatment is prescribed depending on the severity of the disease. It is carried out exclusively in a specialized hospital. First, you will need to exclude food intake for several days. Specialists will regularly monitor the diet and prescribe a special medication.

Medication includes taking pain medication. Antibiotics will help eliminatedevelopment of purulent inflammatory processes in the body. In case of exacerbation, surgery will be required.


To eliminate the disease, first of all, it is necessary to normalize the work of the intestines. It is imperative to prevent the formation of bile sludge. The diet should contain only he althy foods. These include:

  • pears;
  • honey;
  • dried apricots;
  • prune;
  • watermelons;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • zucchini.
yellow diarrhea and vomiting
yellow diarrhea and vomiting

It should be included in the menu of cereals from whole grain cereals, dairy products, jelly, butter. It is these products that restore the intestinal microflora and eliminate inflammation of the gastric mucosa. As a result, bile will not throw all its contents into the digestive organs.

It should be clarified that the release of bile into the stomach is not a disease. First of all, it is necessary to find the reasons for its occurrence. To do this, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis of the body. In some cases, specialists use complex therapy. The individual program contributes to the restoration of all vital functions. The correct approach of a specialist and the appointment of systematic treatment contribute to the recovery of the patient in a matter of time.
