As soon as a person notices the first signs of a cold, he is immediately interested in the question of how long he will recover. In the modern world, there is no time to luxuriate in bed. Of course, I want to get rid of this disease as soon as possible and return to my usual way of life. What can we say about cases when children get sick. Every time, parents look at the thermometer with the hope of seeing the cherished numbers 36, 6.
In the doctor's office, there is a constant question about how long a cold lasts and how soon the patient will feel energized again. The answer to this question depends on many factors.
What is a cold?
In the medical directory you will not find such a disease - "cold". Usually, when they say this word, they mean ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection) or ARI (acute respiratory disease).
About 50 percent of human diseases are these two diseases.

ARI is any infectious disease of the respiratory tract. The cause of the disease can be bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. As a rule, such an inscription can be seen on the map when the doctor does not know exactly why the symptoms appeared, but sees all the signs of infection. Most often, the results of the tests are done for a rather long time, and the patient will rather recover on his own than wait for a specific diagnosis. Therefore, doctors prefer to designate the disease with such a vague name and proceed immediately to treatment.
SARS is a more specific diagnosis. An experienced specialist in a number of ways can understand whether bacteria or viruses have caused the disease. A complete blood count can confirm a doctor's diagnosis. It is viral infections that cause epidemics, because they are very easily transmitted by airborne droplets. By the way, the answer to the question of how many days a cold lasts will also depend on the pathogen.
Causes of disease
At the moment, more than 200 types of different viruses are known that can attack human immunity. Depending on where the disease has taken root, a name will be given. If it is the upper respiratory tract, then the disease is called rhinitis, laryngitis, and so on. If the cold has reached the lower respiratory tract, then the name will be bronchitis, pneumonia or tracheitis.
In addition to viruses, fungi and bacteria that can easily spread from person to person can also cause colds. It is enough to be in the same room with the patient, especially if he sneezes or coughs, to get sick. So the question of how many days an adult has a cold should be more specific. Deadlines vary by area.infection, as well as the cause of the disease.
The most common cold occurs when:
- the body was supercooled or overheated;
- immunity was reduced;
- a person has been stressed for a long time;
- the diet was violated;
- patient has chronic diseases of other systems;
- was very overtired.
Symptoms of a cold in an adult
Before answering the question of how long a cold lasts in an adult, you need to determine whether your illness is a cold.

You can tell yourself that you have a cold by the following signs:
- Body temperature rises above 37 degrees. This is a normal reaction of the body to pathogens. As a rule, a change in body temperature includes several stages. Initially, the body is rebuilt to retain heat. The skin may become slightly pale, sweating decreases. The person may feel chills or shiver. In the second period, the temperature reaches its maximum and does not fluctuate. A person feels heat in the whole body, the feeling of chills disappears. At the last stage, the body begins to give off heat, there is a decrease (smooth or sharp) in temperature. The patient may notice increased sweating. Remember that an increase in body temperature over 40 degrees is a reason to call an ambulance. You should also consult a doctor if antipyretics do not help.
- Intoxication. The patient may feel pain in the body, weakness, nausea. You can also notice sleep disturbance andfrequent dizziness.
- Stuffy nose. Quite often, a cold begins with this symptom. Often, swelling of the mucosa can be accompanied by sneezing.
- Sore throat. As a rule, this symptom comes immediately after a runny nose or simultaneously with it. The pain may be barely noticeable, then the patient may feel a slight tickle. In some cases, a person experiences severe pain, the voice disappears and it becomes difficult to swallow.
- Cough. This symptom can be caused by the flow of mucus from the sinuses - such a cough does not pose any danger. But if the cough does not go away for a long time, this is an occasion to consult a doctor. Only he can determine the affected area and understand which organs were affected by the disease.
- Rashes on the body. A rather rare symptom, but in some cases, patients have small pinpoint hemorrhages on the skin and mucous membranes.
How long does a cold last for an adult?
If at the first signs of the disease all measures were taken to eliminate it, then significant improvements will come in 4 days. It should be understood that at this time the patient can infect others. Therefore, during this period it is better to sit at home. After another three days, it is advisable to wear a mask so as not to infect other people.
The question of how long a cold lasts in an adult without a fever is difficult to answer.
For example, a runny nose usually goes away after 7-10 days. But quite often a person has to walk with a stuffy nose for a month. All of these are variants of the norm, and you should not worry ifnasal congestion lingered a little.
Cough can also stay for up to 3 weeks. True, it is this symptom that is best controlled by a doctor, since the cause of coughing can be various complications after the disease.
The main thing is not to stop treatment after the temperature drops. After all, elevated body temperature is only one of the symptoms of the disease, and its disappearance does not mean at all that you have recovered.
On average, a person can catch a cold 2-3 times during the year. Most often, the disease affects the body in winter and spring, when the immune system is weakened and the weather is unpredictable.
Symptoms of a cold in a child
Illness in a child is always a difficult period in the life of parents. Of course, it is difficult to watch when a normally cheerful child becomes lethargic and moody. The main thing in this situation is not to panic and to distinguish the first symptoms of the disease in time.
Signs of a cold in children include:
- Crankiness and apathy. The very first signs of a disease in a child are a change in his behavior. Parents may notice how their child sleeps more, but wakes up still lethargic and broken. From the very morning the child has a bad mood, he can also refuse to eat. This condition usually lasts for as many days as children have a cold.
- Stuffy nose. If treatment is not started on time, then a prolonged runny nose will not keep you waiting. With abundant discharge from the nose, a cough may begin. At this point, it is important to create a humid atmosphere in the baby's room so that it is easier for him to breathe.
- Prettya common symptom of a cold is pain or a sore throat.
- Temperature. In children, it grows much faster than in adults. Parents need to measure it as often as possible. The child's body can easily cope with a small temperature, so with the normal behavior of the child, you should not immediately take medication. But, if you see a temperature above 38 degrees on the thermometer, be sure to bring it down with antipyretics. Try not to let the baby cry for a long period of time: this will usually make the temperature rise even faster.
- Lymph nodes in the armpits and on the neck increase.
- Herpetic eruptions may pop up on the lips and face.
How long does a baby's cold last?
On average, the disease in babies lasts 5-7 days. And some signs of a cold go away faster than others.

The temperature lasts for the first 3 days, not counting the incubation period, when, apart from lethargy and drowsiness, the child does not complain about anything. The cough may continue for a week, provided that no complications are found. Severe nasal congestion usually resolves by day 4, but a mild runny nose may continue for another 3 weeks.
How long can a cold last without a fever in a child? If we are talking about the full recovery of the body and the disappearance of all symptoms, then the process may take 2-3 weeks.

How to tell the flu from a cold
Before clarifying how long a cold lasts without fever orwith it, make sure the illness is not the flu. This is very important, since the flu is more difficult to carry than the usual SARS.
As a rule, the disease begins suddenly with a sharp rise in temperature to 38-39 degrees. There is a headache, fatigue, body aches. Diarrhea may begin, as well as nausea. The person feels pain in the limbs and loss of appetite.
After a common illness, which a person often endures on his feet, the body quickly recovers. Influenza consumes a lot of body resources, so the patient may feel tired and lethargic for another month.
Symptoms indicating complications
It happens that the body is not able to overcome the infection itself, and it penetrates further, thereby complicating the course of the disease.

Main symptoms:
- long, persistent dry cough;
- pain in the region of the heart;
- severe pain in the ears;
- joint aches;
- severe shortness of breath;
- Cold doesn't go away in 2 weeks
Even without the above symptoms, it is better if the disease proceeds under the supervision of a doctor.
Of course, everyone gets sick sooner or later. But you can protect your body as much as possible and suffer from this disease much less often. It is enough just to follow simple rules.
- It's good to wash your hands after being outside.
- When sneezing and coughing, cover your face with a handkerchief or hand.
- Touch your mouth, nose or eyes as little as possible(especially unwashed).
- Eat immune-boosting vitamins.
- Give up bad habits.
- Follow your diet, avoid junk food and fast food restaurants.
- Don't overwork.
- Choose clothing that suits the weather outside.
- Take outdoor walks as often as possible.

Follow these rules and you won't have to worry about how long a cold lasts.
Summarizing, it can be noted that the common cold passes without complications within a week. Some symptoms may linger, such as a slight nasal congestion or cough.

Of course, people have different immunity. Someone is able to endure a cold on their feet, and someone needs bed rest. There is nothing to worry about if the disease is a little delayed. But do not neglect your he alth: it is better to seek help from a doctor who will help you get rid of all the symptoms and return to your usual rhythm of life!